This is the talk (formerly called the Green Rollo) that sets to rest speculation by the new cursillistas about how the weekends happen and how they may contribute to Cursillo. The Rector/a appoints an appropriate person (i.e. head cook, an assistant rector/a or Palanca person) to give the talk before lunch on Sunday of the Cursillo weekend. It should be serious, informative, short (5-10 minutes), and have no distracting theatrics. In lieu of this talk, the How Does This Happen letter can be passed out as Sunday morning palanca.
The person giving this talk should emphasize that the weekend is a gift (palanca) to the new cursillistas. Make clear they cannot pay for their own weekend, even if they wanted to. The money for the expenses of the weekend is palanca from the Cursillo community, and is already in the bank. This talk should include the following points and may include a brief personal witness by the speaker.
Introduction: This talk is intended to set to rest your speculation about how the weekends happen and how you may contribute to the Cursillo Movement.
I. Several things must occur for a Cursillo weekend to take place:
A.It starts with prayer. Prayer about everything (from who should be rector/a to sponsoring candidates).
B.Leadership is chosen; then teams are chosen and team meetings held.
C.To allow the team to focus on the spiritual details of the weekend, logistical details are taken care of by the Diocesan Cursillo Secretariat and Servant Community: camp reserved; food, Bibles and supplies purchased; etc.
D.Candidates are sponsored after much prayer by members of the Cursillo community.
E.The new cursillista’s sponsors, members of the Cursillo community, and team members provide the financial resources for Cursillo weekends. YOU CANNOT PAY FOR YOUR OWN WEEKEND.
II. A short history of the San Diego Cursillo community.
A.The first set of weekends for San Diego Episcopal Cursillo held at Palomar Community College in 1976 were paid for before they were held. The San Diego Roman Catholic Cursillo community contributed $1000. An Episcopal couple contributed another $1000. The Los Angeles Episcopal Cursillo community paid for the rest of the expenses. Team members came from both communities.
B.Our Cursillo community then passed on the blessing given us by helping the Walk To Emmaus (the Methodist version of Cursillo) get started in San Diego.
C.Our Cursillo community has also financially helped Happening (the high school version of Cursillo), Vocare (the young adult version), and New Beginnings (the middle school version).
III.Team members not only give of their time, but also contribute financially as they are able to offset their expenses for the weekend, on a volunteer basis. (Don't leave the impression that you have to pay to work).
IV. If a new cursillista would like to help Cursillo continue and see others are given the chance to attend, Palanca in the form of financial contributions can be given in a number of ways:
A.The cost for a candidate to attend is $______• (Talk to the current treasurer and find out how much it costs per person to attend a weekend) . Actually mention that figure!!
B.Many people give right after they attend, others give when they work or sponsor a candidate, some give a set amount monthly.
- Some Cursillistas who feel called to support the Cursillo movement on an ongoing basis palanca $5.00 per month. Some give an annual gift of $1000. Most of us who feel Cursillo is where part of our tithe should be directed fall between the two amounts. (Do mention the amount of $1000 because people need to hear that large amounts are welcome from those who can afford them).
At St. Tim’s we also have a fund to pay the cost of sponsoring people to attend Cursillo weekends. This means that the sponsor doesn’t have to be able to afford the $85 per person or $170 per couple in order to sponsor. It is something I highly recommend for Cursillistas from all churches to consider.
D.ONLY the Cursillo treasurer keeps a record of giving. NO ONE ELSE knows who gives what. No report by name is ever given or published.
- All gifts should be palanca, and should be given only after prayer. Ask the Lord what He would have you give. He may even direct your finances elsewhere!
F. I have envelopes with the Cursillo mailing address.