Honors Geometry Course Outline
King, 2015-2016
Welcome to Honors Geometry! I am looking forward to getting to know you this year and challenging you to explore Geometry through a variety of mathematically rich tasks. You will be thinking hard, making conjectures, justifying your mathematical thoughts, critiquing and debating the work of fellow classmates, and growing in your ability to reason and think. I know it will be a fun and exciting year and I can’t wait to watch you grow as a mathematician!
This year we will be working from the Mathematics Vision Project (MVP). Here are the modules we will be covering in this class:
- Year1, Mod 6: Leaping Lizards
- Year1, Mod 7: Connecting Algebra and Geometry
- Year2, Mod5: Geometric Figures
- Year2, Mod6: Similarity and Right Triangle Trigonometry
- Year3, Mod 5: Modeling with Geometry
- Year2, Mod7: Circles a Geometric Perspective
- Year2, Mod8: Circles and Other Conic Sections
- Year2, Mod9: Probability
Grades will be determined by the following:
- Formative Assessments (10%): assignments, in class tasks, contributions to in class discussions, notebooks.
- Summative Assessments (90%): tests, quizzes, and/or projects
A 93 –100%
A- 90 – 92.99%
B+ 87 – 89.99%
B 83 – 86.99% / B- 80 – 82.99%
C+ 77 – 79.99%
C 73 – 76.99%
C- 70 – 72.99% / D+ 67 – 69.99%
D 60 – 66.99%
F 0 – 59.99%
Each assignment set is divided into three parts: Ready –skills that will prepare you for an upcoming lesson; Set –skills that reinforce the mathematics task covered in class that day; and Go –skills that review topics previously covered in the course. If you have forgotten how to do anything, there is a “topic” listed at the start of the section. Googling this will bring up YouTube videos that will review how to do the skill in that section. Assignments are due at the beginning of the period the next day, unless otherwise stated. Answers will be posted online and/or in the classroom. You are expected to have completed and corrected your work prior to the start of class. A time for questions will be given at the end of the period. No credit will be given for assignments that do not have work shown to support your answers. Work that is done incorrectly will be expected to be done correctly before credit will be given.
Make-up work: It is critical that you are present. It will be difficult to make up the material covered in class if you are gone. If absent, you can find you what you missed by looking at the board, asking a neighbor, or looking on my website. If the absence is excused, you will have the same number of days that you are absent to make up any work that you missed. For unexcused absences, missing work will be considered late and the late work policy will apply.
Late Work: Assignments not received at the beginning of the period on the day they are due are late. The maximum score a late assignment may receive is 3/4, unless it is turned in with a late work pass, then it will receive full credit. Only COMPLETED work will be accepted late. Late work will be accepted until the first day of the week (usually Monday) after it was assigned. No score will be given after that date. You are not doing your best if you have missing work, so students who have missing work will be assigned to PACK to make up that work.
Retake Policy:
You will have multiple opportunities to show that you have learned the material covered in this course. Quiz scores may be replaced by unit test scores, provided you have completed all of the assignments PRIOR to taking the test and have completed and attached the replacement form to your unit test.
You will be given a PRE-TAKE prior to each unit test. The answers and work to each problem will be posted online and/or in the classroom. It is your responsibility to correct your PRE-TAKE and make sense of any problems you may have missed. You will be given time the next day in class to ask questions, provided you took the time to correct and make sense of your errors. There will be NO retakes of unit tests.
Class Expectations:
- Please be on time with your necessary supplies.
- Cell phones are silenced and put away during class.
- No food, but drinks with lids are allowed.
- Please remain in your seat during class, unless otherwise instructed.
- Make smart decisions.
- Make your dear teacher happy.
Group Expectations:
Students will…
- use private reasoning time (PRT) to collect and record their thoughts.
- respecttheir groups’ time and right to learn.
- stay on task and persevere as needed.
- sharetheir ideas with their group.
- ensure that all members’ voices are heard and respected.
- listen to understand their fellow group members and their ideas.
- disagree respectfully and use mathematical reasoning to justify their position.
- seek help from and offer help to their group.
Contacting me:
- the best way to contact me is via email:
- if you need to call, my number is 360-709-7876.
I have read and understand the course outline for Ms. King’s Honors Geometry class.
Student Name (Print) Student Signature Parent Name (Print) Parent Signature