Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children, Christiana Care Health System, West Chester University College of Health Sciences, Wilmington University College of Health Professions,
and the University of Delaware School of Nursing
12th Annual Research Conference
Advancing Nursing: Developing Excellence in EBP and Research
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
John H. Ammon Medical Education Center
Christiana Hospital Campus, Newark, DE
Information for Submission of Podium and Poster Presentations
Deadline: Podium and Poster Presentation Abstracts must be received on or before July 15th, 2017. Please submit completed form to Margie Cox . All presenters will be notified by August 21st, 2017
PRESENTER #1 INFORMATIONFirst name, middle initial, last name:
Title, credentials:
Name of institution or organization:
Address (check if preferred address is work or home) / Work___
City, State, Zip, Country:
PRESENTER #2 INFORMATION—Podium submission can accommodate only 3 presenters/team
First name, middle initial, last name:
Title, credentials:
Name of institution or organization:
Address (check if preferred address is work or home) / Work ___
Home ___
City, State, Zip, Country:
Deadline: Podium and Poster Presentation Abstracts must be received on or before July 15th, 2017
PRESENTER #3 INFORMATIONFirst name, middle initial, last name:
Title, credentials:
Name of institution or organization:
Address (check if preferred address is work or home) / Work___
City, State, Zip, Country:
Deadline: Podium and Poster Presentation Abstracts must be received on or before July 15th, 2017
ABSTRACTPreferred Method
of Presentation: / Please type an X into the box next to the type of presentation you would like to give
(Please note that if selected as podium, we can accommodate no more than 3 presenters for 60 minute podium, 2 presenters for 30 minutes shared podium and 1 presenter for 15-20 minutes shared podium):
60 minute oral podium presentation
30 minute shared oral podium presentation
15-20 minute shared oral podium presentation
Either Podium or Poster
Presentation Topic: / Please type an X into the box that best describes your submission:
Completed Original Study / Completed Performance Improvement Project
Completed Evidence-based Practice Project / Review of Literature
Preference for Presentation Display (if poster selected) / Table top poster (NOTE: If selected, your poster should be 30” x 40”, printed in landscape format and unmounted. This is important for space limitations! / NOTE: Push pins and 30” x 40” foam board with table top easel will be supplied by planning committee. Your assignment will sit table top. Assignment of display location will be provided in your acceptance letter.
Organization(s): / Student: Yes No
Abstract text: 300 words maximum (excluding title, objectives, funding source) section headings using 10-pt font, Calibri, single-spaced, within the box below.)
Objectives (of project and/or presentation):
Introduction OR Rationale:
Results OR Practice Implications:
Funding Source:
Every Presenter must complete the Biographical and the Education planning form and submit to Margie Cox () in order have a complete abstract submission.