Biology 10 Lecture
Chapter 11 - Human Organization
I. Overview
A. Types of Tissues
B. Body Cavities
C. Organ Systems
D. Integumentary System
E. Homeostasis
II. Types of Tissues
A. Recall the basic levels of biological organization:
_____ → tissues → organs → organ systems → organism
B. A ______ is composed of similar cells that perform a common function in the body. The 4 basic body tissue types are:
1. ______– covers body surfaces and lines internal body cavities
2. ______(CT) – binds tissues together, supports and protects body organs. Forms a basement membrane under epithelial tissue
3. ______– moves the body and its parts; usually covered by CT
4. ______– receives stimuli and transmits nerve impulses from one area of the body to another
C. ______ are classified according to the type of tissue in which they begin
1. ______– begin in epithelial tissue
2. ______– originate in muscle or connective tissue
3. ______– are cancers of the blood
4. ______ – begin in lymphatic tissue
D. ______tissues are classified according to their shape and number of layers
1. ______E. – flat, tile like cells specialized for ______and filtration. Forms air sacs in the lungs and lines blood vessels.
2. ______E. – cube like cells specialized for secretion and absorption. Lines body ______and kidney tubules. Glands may be endocrine or exocrine
a. ______glands secrete their products into ducts
b. ______glands secrete their products into the bloodstream
3. ______E. – rectangular, column like cells, also specialized for secretion and absorption. Lines most of the ___ tract.
a. Some cells lining the GI tract have ______extensions that increase their absorptive surface area
b. Cells lining the respiratory tract have ______extensions that sweep pollutants out of the lungs
4. ______E. – may look squamous, cuboidal, or columnar, depending on the state of the organ. Lines the urinary ______.
5. ______E. consists of only one layer of cells. Found in areas where diffusion or filtration is needed
6. ______E. contains two or more layers of cells. Protective, usually found in areas subject to ______and tear, such as the skin surface
7. ______stratified E. – looks stratified, but is ______columnar E. in which all cells are attached to the underlying CT basement membrane, but not all cells reach the apical surface.
E. ______Between Cells include tight, gap, and adhesion junctions
1. ______junctions form fluid tight seals between cells; found between epithelial cells in the ____ tract and kidney tubules
2. ______junctions are protein ______between cells that allow materials to move from cell to cell; found in the heart and some smooth muscle cells
3. ______junctions(Desmosomes) are like spot rivets between cells; found in tissues subject to stretching, (i.e., skin and heart)
F. ______Tissue
1. Features include
a. _____ other tissues together, provides support and protection
b. Consists of different ____ types scattered in a ______of noncellular material with protein fibers made by ______
1) ______fibers provide strength and flexibility
2) ______fibers are thin collagen fibers that form delicate support networks
3) ______fibers contain elastin, which is like rubber bands
2. ______tissues include loose and dense fibrous, adipose, reticular, cartilage, bone, and blood
3. ______fibrous CT supports ______and forms protective capsules around many internal organs
4. ______fibrous CT contains densely packed collagen fibers; composes ______ that attach muscles to bone and ______ that connect bones
5. ______tissueis composed of fat cells that function in energy reserve, insulation and protection; found under the skin and around many organs
6. ______tissue forms a support network for white ____ cells; found in lymphatic organs (lymph nodes, spleen, bone marrow)
7. ______has cells in lacunae spaces in a semi-solid matrix with collagen fibers. Three type of cartilage are
a. ______C. – most abundant type; found on ends of _____, nose, rings of respiratory passages, embryonic skeleton
b. ______C. – more flexible; forms the outer ____
c. ______cartilage – most resistant to compression; found in pads between vertebrae and in ______joints
8. ______ has a solid matrix of hard ______-phosphate salts and flexible ______fibers. Two types of bone are
a. ______bone composes the shafts of long bones and consists of cylindrical units called ______composed of
1) A central ______surrounded by solid rings
2) Bone cells in ______spaces between the rings
3) ______vessels in the central canal carry nutrients to the bone cells
b. ______bone is porous and found in the ends of long bones; pores contain bone ______in which blood cells are formed
9. ______has a liquid matrix (______) with red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), and platelets
a. ______is composed of water, gases,proteins, nutrients, ions, wastes, and hormones; transports these materials to and from body cells
b. Erythrocytes (______) are anucleate, biconcave discs that contain hemoglobin, and oxygen carrying protein; transports ______to body cells
c. Leukocytes (_____) have nuclei and fight infection
1) Some are ______, engulfing pathogens
2) Others produce ______against the pathogens
d. ______are fragments of WBCs that function in blood ______
G. ______tissue is composed of long, thin cells called muscle ______, which contain actin and myosin filamentous proteins that allow muscle to contract. Three types of muscle tissue are:
1. ______(voluntary) muscle – attached by tendons to the skeleton; long fibers have ______(alternating light and dark bands), and are ______nucleate
2. Cardiac (______) muscle fibers also have ______, but are ____nucleate and have intercalated disks containing _____ junctions between cells; ___voluntary muscle tissue
3. ______(visceral) muscle_voluntary fibers are spindle shaped, ____nucleate, and lack striations; found in the walls of ______organs, such as blood vessels, GI, respiratory, and urogenital tracts; wavelike contractions move materials through tubes
H. ______Tissue contains nerve cells (neurons) and neuroglial cells
1. ______ of the nervous system include
a. ______input to the central NS via ______neurons of the peripheral NS
b. ______ of data via the spinal cord and brain in the central NS; when sensory input comes in, the ____ decides what to do about it and sends out a response via
c. ______output via ______neurons of the peripheral NS, which cause ______to contract and glands to secrete
2. ______are specialized cells with three parts: dendrites, cell body, and axon
a. ______are extensions from the cell body that ______incoming nerve impulses and relay them to the cell body
b. The ______ contains most of the cytoplasm and the nucleus
c. One ______extends out from the cell body and conducts the nerve impulse away from the cell. May be covered by a fatty tissue called the ______sheath
3. ______cells surround, nourish, and protect neurons. Three types in the brain are microglia, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes
a. ______phagocytize invading pathogens
b. ______provide nutrients to neurons
c. ______produce the myelin sheath around axons
III. Body Cavities & Body Membranes
A. The two major body ______are the dorsal and ventral cavities
1. ______body cavity includes the
a. ______cavity, which contains the brain, and
b.______canal, in which the spinal cord is housed
c. ______are 3 CT membranes that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord within the cavities. ______is an infection of these membranes
2. ______body cavity is divided into the thoracic (chest) and abdominal cavities by the muscular ______
a. ______cavity contains the heart and lungs and is surrounded by the rib cage. Below this cavity is the
b. ______cavity - contains most of the body’s internal organs (stomach, liver, spleen, intestines, bladder, and some reproductive organs)
B. Body ______line the body cavities and tubes and cover the organs in them
1. ______membranes line the tubes of the digestive, respiratory, and urogenital tracts. Epithelial tissue contains ______cells that secrete ______to moisten protect the underlying layers
2. ______membranes secrete ______fluid, line the body cavities and cover the organs within them. The 3 serous membranes are:
a. ______– lines the thoracic cavity and covers the lungs
b. ______– lines the pericardial cavity between the lungs and covers the heart
c. ______– lines the abdominal cavity and covers the organs therein
3. ______membranes line movable joint cavities and secrete lubricating ______fluid to assist joint movement
IV. Organ Systems
A. Two or more tissues join together to form ______, and organs join to form organ ______that perform related functions
B. The eleven organ ______of the body and their functions include:
1. Integumentary (_____)- external support and protection of the body; vit. D synthesis; has sense receptors, sweat, & oil glands
2. ______- internal support and flexible framework for body movement; blood cell production; stores minerals
3. ______ - body movement; heat production
4. ______(brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves) - control and regulation of all other systems of the body; activates muscles & glands
5. ______(glands) - secretion of hormones for chemical regulation of growth, metabolism, fluid and pH balance, reproduction, etc.
6. ______(heart & blood vessels) - transports oxygen, nutrients, hormones to body cells; removes metabolic wastes & CO2 from cells
7. ______(lymphatic vessels, nodes and organs) - body immunity; absorption of fats; returns tissue fluid to the blood
8. ______(lungs and tubes) - supplies oxygen to blood; removes carbon dioxide from blood
9. ______(GI tract, liver, pancreas) - breakdown and absorption of food materials; undigested matter eliminated as feces
10. ______(kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra) - eliminates nitrogenous wastes from the body; regulates water, electrolyte, & acid-base balance
11. Reproductive
a. Female - production of eggs in ______; receptacle for sperm from male (______); site for fertilization of ovum (______); implantation, and development of embryo and fetus (______); delivery of fetus
b. Male - production of sperm in ______; transfer of sperm to female reproductive system (via the ______and accessory organs)
V. Integumentary System consists of _____ and its accessory organs(hair, nails, sweat and sebaceous glands)
A. Skin is the largest ______of the body. Its functions include:
1. ______underlying tissues from physical trauma, bacterial invasion, and water loss
2. Helps to regulate body ______
3. ______ chemicals, such as vitamin D
4. Contains ______ that allow us to be aware of our surroundings
B. Major ______of skin are the epidermis and dermis. Beneath the dermis is the subcutaneous layer
1. ______is composed of stratified squamous epithelium.
a. Cell division in ______layer produces new cells to replenish those sloughed off
b. Surface cells are ______and filled with ______, a tough waterproof protein
c. Specialized cells produce ______, a brownish protective pigment, when exposed to UV radiation
d. Basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and malignant ______are types of skin ______that can occur with too much exposure to UV radiation
2. ______– thicker region under the epidermis, composed of fibrous CT, which contains:
a. ______ fibers that are flexible yet strong, and ______fibers that allow the skin to stretch
b. ______vessels that provide nutrients to skin cells
c. ______receptors for pain, pressure, heat, cold, and touch
d. Hair ______ that contain hair shafts
e. ______glands associated with the hair follicles secrete sebum (____) to keep hair and skin soft
f. Sweat glands that secrete ______onto the skin surface to cool the skin when body temperature rises
3. ______layer below the dermis is composed of loose CT and ______tissue that stores fat, which insulates and protects the body
VI. ______ – the relative constancy of the body’s internal environment
A. Most body conditions, (body temp., blood pH, blood sugar) fluctuate within a narrow range around a _____ point
B. ______feedbackmechanisms sense a change in the internal environment and activate systems to ______the change. This works like a thermostat to maintain homeostasis
1. A ______is set to a particular temperature.
a. When the temperature ______above the ____ point, the thermostat turns the AC on to ______the temp.
b. When the temp. _____ below the _____ point, the thermostat turns on the heater to ______the temp.
2. In our bodies, the thermostat is the ______, a brain structure.
a. If body temp. begins to drop, the hypothalamus sends out nerve impulses to the muscles, ______occurs, which raises body temp.
b. When body temp. rises, the hypothalamus causes blood vessels to the skin to ______and ______glands to secrete sweat, which cools the blood under the skin, and lowers body temp.
3. Negative feedback is also used to maintain homeostasis of blood conditions such as ______levels, ____, blood pressure, electrolyte balance, to name a few.
C. ______feedback mechanisms bring about changes in the _____ direction as the initial change in the body. An example is childbirth
1. As muscles of the uterus are ______by the unborn child, the mother’s hypothalamus releases oxytocin into the blood stream
2. ______ initiates the uterine contractions of labor
3. Uterine contractions cause more ______to be released, which causes more intense ______until the child is pushed out of the uterus