Meeting Date / 28th February 2018 / Report Number
Report Author: / Donna Finch, Community Development and Safeguarding Manager
Presented By / Dave Bill, Director of Prevention, Protection & Response
Subject / Safeguarding Update - January
Type of Report: / Information
Members of the board are asked to note the following contents of the report for information.
Safeguarding updates are submitted to the Essex Fire and Rescue Performance & Resources BoardMeeting on a monthly basis.
Options and Analysis
Adult Safeguarding referrals January 2018
Crews North West / 1Crews North East / 3
Crews South West / 2
Crews South East / 2
HFS Technicians / 14
Community Builders / 9
Technical Fire Safety / 2
Community Safety Officers / 2
Internal referrals / 1
Children’s Safeguarding referrals January 2018
Education Officers / 3Crews / 2
Community Builder / 1
JFS / 1
Internal / 1
Community Builder Engagements January 2018
North East / 8North West / 2
South East / 8
South West / 3
Comparison Trends for the previous 12 months
Total number of outstanding/open referrals
The number of outstanding referrals currently being case managed stands at 111.
Essex Safeguarding Board were contacted to ascertain if they can reduce the amount of time and the numerous requests made before an update is received. Karen Soanes forwarded a detailed list of outstanding cases including November 2017, which was then distributed within social care to the appropriate areas. Some responses have been received but many still outstanding. Following a conversation with the Safeguarding lead at Essex Police they may be able to assist with this and will contact Karen Soanes in due course. With referrals received daily this will be an ongoing issue unless suitable practices are put in place and is currently being reviewed.
Any trends/ areas attracting most referrals
The majority of referrals are regarding concerns for older people and their welfare, including hoarding.
Update on resources:
Community Builders:
With a vacancy still in the South East the Community Builders are still covering the engagements in this area with regard to visits and this is not only increasing their work load, with lengthy travel times, effecting other commitments, but we are also losing important partnership connections in the area which were made with previous Community Builders.
Rural Builders.
The two Rural Builders have made great progress in the rural communities and have evidenced good working practices. They have ensured they have a good overview of potential risks and attended training and information sessions to assist them in addressing these when necessary.
Benefits and Risk Implications
The Data Protection Audit highlighted urgent action around the seating for the Community Development and Safeguarding Team. Currently FF09 has been allocated to the Safeguarding team.
Financial Implications
There are no financial implications associated with this paper.
Equality and Diversity Implications
There are no equality and diversity implications associated with this paper.
Workforce Engagement
The Service is currently progressing a DBS policy with the representative bodies, please see adiitional paper for further information.
Legal Implications
There are no legal impliactions associated with this paper.
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