Cornell notes – grading rubric
4- exemplary / 3 – above average / 2 – proficient / 1 – below average / 0 – no evidenceName, date, period and subject/ objective / Paper has been properly labeled with all four requirements.
4 points / Paper has been properly labeled with three of the four requirements.
3 points / Paper has been properly labeled with two of the four requirements.
2 points / Paper has been properly labeled with one of the four requirements.
1 point / None of the requirements were met.
0 points
Key points / All of the correct key points are emphasized within the notes
4 points / Most of the correct key points are emphasized within the notes
3 points / Some of the correct key points are emphasized within the notes
2 points / Effort was made to find and emphasize the correct key points within the notes
1 point / No notes taken
0 points
Citations / Source is cited in APA or MLA format with no errors
4 points / Source is cited in APA or MLA format with one error
3 points / Source is cited in APA or MLA format with two errors
2 points / Source is cited, but citation needs improvement
1 point / No citation included
0 points
Questions / At least FOUR questions were created using the notes taken, including at least ONE level-three question
4 points / At least FOUR questions were created using the notes taken, including at least TWO level-two questions, but no level-three questions
3 points / At least FOUR questions were created using the notes taken, including at least ONE level-two question, but no level-three questions
2 points / Less than four questions were created or all questions were basic level-one questions
1 point / No questions or attempted questions need great improvement.
0 points
Summary / A detailed 3-4 sentence summary is presented, which includes all key points and attempts to answer the essential question
4 points / A 3-4 sentence summary is presented, which includes most key points and attempts to answer the essential question
3 points / A 1-2 sentence summary is presented, which includes some of the key points
2 points / Summary can use a lot of improvement; lacking most key points
1 point / No summary presented
0 points
FINAL GRADE – No student should be expected to be exemplary in every category; therefore, a 70% (14 out of 20) with no grade lower than “proficient” will be considered passing. Any assignment not reaching a passing grade may be improved and resubmitted.