Curriculum Committee
Meeting Minutes
May 12, 2015
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Voting:Teri Didway,James Entz,Kailani Knutson, Teresa Minter-Procter,James Thompson,Robert Simpkins, Ann Marie Wagstaff,Miles Vega (Kailani has proxy vote when he is out of room)
Advisory:Sam Aunai, Bill Henry, Jeff Keele
Guest:Terry Crewse, Joel Wiens, Teri Bady, Mary Jo Jordan, Elmer Aguilar, Miguel Ruelas, Stewart Hathaway
Voting:Rob Haynes, Giovani Ruiz (ASPC student rep)
Advisory:Lorie Barker, Erin Cruz, Susie Lala-Bell
Call To Order:
The May 12, 2015 meetingwas called to orderat2:36 pm.
Approval of Agenda:
Motion:To approve theMay 12, 2015 agenda.
Approval of Minutes:
Motion:To approve theApril 28, 2015minutes.
Consent Items:
Old Business:
- NURS P122
Two-year course review and added CSU transfer. Update SLOs, text and topical outline.
Motion:To approve NURS P122 (Summer 2015)
- NURS P124
Two-year course review and added CSU transfer. Update SLOs, text and topical outline.
Motion:To approve NURS P124(Summer 2015)
- NURS P128
Two-year course review and added CSU transfer. Update SLOs, text and topical outline.
Motion:To approve NURSE P128(Summer 2015)
- PSYT P020C
Two-year course review. Removed pass/no pass grading and updated SLOs, text and topical outline.
Motion:To approve PSYT P020C (Summer 2015)
- MUSC P118
The Music B.A. at Sacramento State requires students take choir eight times. The course will meet the lower division requirement and can remain repeatable. Reduce hours from 72 to 54. There were minor changes to SLOs and topical outline.
Motion:To approve MUSC P118 (Summer 2016)
- MUSC P110
Course review cycle and added level 2 English prerequisite. Update the program applicability and text.
Motion:To approve MUSC P110(Summer 2016)
- MATH P101
Reduce the units from 5 to 4 units. Changes made to the catalog description, SLOs, topical outline and text. The Chair asked permission to make minor changes to COR if needed before he moves them through to the next queue. The department agreed. He will email the department with any changes that he makes. Stewart said that an SLO needed to be tweaked (requested by Teresa) and Miguel said the topical outline formatting was off.
Motion:To approve MATH P101 (Summer 2016)
- MATH P102
Reduce the units from 5 to 4 units. Changes made to the catalog description, SLOs, topical outline and text. The Chair asked permission to make minor changes to COR if needed before he moves them through to the next queue. The department agreed. He will email the department with any changes that he makes. Stewart said that an SLO needed to be tweaked (requested by Teresa) and Miguel said the topical outline formatting was off.
Motion:To approve MATH P102 (Summer 2016)
New Business:
- ENGL P102
Course review, update text and topical outline.
Motion:To approve ENGL P102 (Summer 2015)
- ENGL P113
Add a prerequisite, update topical outline and text.
Motion:To approve ENGL P113 (Summer 2016)
- ENGL P115
Course review, update core mission, program applicability and topical outline.
Motion:To approve ENGL P115 (Summer 2015)
- ENGL P116
Course review, update core mission, program applicability, text, SLO and topical outline.
Motion:To approve ENGL P116 (Summer 2015)
- ENGL P117
Course review, update core mission, program applicability, and text.
Motion:To approve ENGL P117(Summer 2015)
- ENGL P119
Course review, update core mission, program applicability, and text.
Motion:To approve ENGL P119(Summer 2015)
- ENGL P141
Add a prerequisite, expand catalog description, SLOs, update topical outline and text.
Motion:To approve ENGL P141(Summer 2016)
- EL2 P070A
The course is due for curriculum review. The division is in the process of hiring a new ESL instructor who will begin in the fall. At that time the entire program will begin to be reviewed and restructured to integrate Spanish, ESL and Basic Skills.The division has discussed the program for the past two years. This is an ongoing process and the department is committed to the restructure of EL2 for our students. The program will include both non-credit and credit courses.The non-credit program will lead to credit courses. Possibly including accelerated courses. Documentation attached is the Achieving the Dream, Equity Plan and the Program Review. EL2 P070A, P070B, P080A and P080B will remain at 5 units, with a sunset clause of 3 years.
Motion:To approve EL2 P070A with a 3 year sunset clause. Due to the fact of a major program overhaul; documented with a completed program review and lack of full time faculty in discipline area (Summer 2015)
- EL2 P070B
See EL2 P070A comments above.
Motion:To approve EL2 P070Bwith a 3 year sunset clause. Due to the fact of a major program overhaul; documented with a completed program review and lack of full time faculty in discipline area (Summer 2015)
- EL2 P079
Course review and update text and topical outline.
Motion: To approve EL2 P079 (Summer 2015)
- EL2 P080A
See EL2 P070A comments above.
Motion:To approve EL2 P080Awith a 3 year sunset clause. Due to the fact of a major program overhaul; documented with a completed program review and lack of full time faculty in discipline area (Summer 2015)
- EL2 P080B
See EL2 P070A comments above.
Motion:To approve EL2 P080Bwith a 3 year sunset clause. Due to the fact of a major program overhaul; documented with a completed program review and lack of full time faculty in discipline area (Summer 2015)
- CHDV P117
Course review and update text.
Motion:To approve CHDV P117 (Summer 2015)
- CHDV P119-Table
The correct equivalent courses from the listed UC schools need to be added to the course.
Motion:To approve CHDV P119 (Summer 2015)
Motion:Motion to resend approval of CHDV P119 (Summer 2015)
- CHDV P122
Include on the checklist that the course meets the PC GE checklist in Social/Behavioral.Course review and update text.
Motion: To approve CHDV P122 (Summer 2015)
- CHDV P142-Table
- CHDV P143
The course was approved conditionally for CID. The date expired summer 2014 and should be resubmitted. Text updated.
Motion:To approve CHDV P143 (Summer 2015)
- CHDV P144-Table
- CHDV P239-Table
- AGRI P055-Table
- AGRI P104-Table
Not Added-Incomplete or other reason:
Awaiting Originator Modifications:
1.Unit Rational Requirement
The committee discussed the unit rational form for any course that is considered normal units. Members discussed what is normal or who would determine normal. The unit rational will continue to be required of all courses.
2.Program Course Volunteer for English Prerequisite Research
Curriculum representatives will email James Thompson courses to forward to the researcher to build a report showing success rates for courses that have added a prerequisite.
3.Curriculum Handbook
James will be forwarding a draft copy to the committee for recommendations and corrections. Please have the changes before fall flex day to discuss. Add a sunset clause to the handbook.
Next Meeting: Flex Day, August 20th (Time TBA)
Adjournment: 5:05 pm
"In accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and SB 751, minutes of the PC Curriculum committee record the votes of all committee members as follows. (1) Members recorded as absent are presumed not to have voted; (2) the names of members voting in the minority or abstaining are recorded; (3) all other members are presumed to have voted in the majority."