Atlanta Public Schools
benjamin e. mays high school
Social Studies Department Course Syllabus
Student’s Name______Date Received______
Last First M.I.
Name of Course: Sociology
Course Number: 45.03100
Number of Carnegie Units: ½
Class Location:
Telephone: 404-802-5100
The mission of Benjamin E. Mays High School is to provide a secure and nurturing environment that fosters students’ success, to develop interpersonal skills through real-world experiences, to promote the exchange of ideas through multiple mediums, and to engage communities near and afar.
The vision of Benjamin E. Mays High School is to challenge its students to earn a high school diploma that prepares them for a college or professional career, to become globally competitive, technologically literate citizens, and to be committed to infinite learning.
Course Description
This course is an introductory study in sociology, the study of social behavior and the organization of human society. Students will learn about the historical development of the field of sociology and the procedures for conducting research in sociology. Students will also learn the importance and role of culture, social structure, socialization, and social change in today’s society.
Foundations and Research
SSSocFR1: Students will explain the origins of sociology and the sociological perspective, and how sociology relates to the other social sciences.
a. Explain sociology, sociological perspective, and the sociological imagination.
b. Describe the origins of sociology as a social science and the significance of its historical framework.
c. Explain the relationship of sociology to the other social sciences.
d. Identify careers where sociological knowledge is applicable.
SSSocFR2: Students will explain the research methodologies used in sociology.
a. Identify the major research methods used in sociology.
b. Explain how various methods are used to conduct research in sociology.
c. Evaluate the strengths and weakness of the methods of sociology research
d. Explain the importance and influence of ethics in guiding research and data collection in sociology.
SSSocFR3: Students will explain the major theoretical perspectives in sociology.
a. Explain and apply the theoretical perspectives of Structural Functionalism, Symbolic Interaction, and Conflict Theory.
b. Compare and evaluate the theoretical perspectives of Structural Functionalism, Symbolic Interaction, and Conflict Theory.
Culture and Social Structure SSSocC1: Students will explain the development and importance of culture.
a. Describe how culture is a social construction.
b. Identify the basic characteristics of culture.
c. Explain the importance of culture as an organizing tool in society.
d. Describe the components of culture to include language, symbols, norms, and values.
SSSocC2: Students will evaluate how cultures develop and evolve.
a. Explain cultural change and diversity include ethnocentrism, cultural relevance, folk culture, pop culture, counterculture, subculture, and culture shock.
b. Compare material and non-material culture.
c. Analyze the impact of globalization on US and other world cultures.
SSSocC3: Students will analyze social structure and interaction within society.
a. Explain the components of social structure; include status, role and social institutions.
b. Describe and compare various types of societies.
c. Categorize groups within a society by comparing primary and secondary groups, in and out groups, reference groups, and social networks.
d. Analyze the components, varieties, and functions of group dynamics; include such factors as group size, leadership and authority, and such processes as bystander effect and groupthink.
e. Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of formal organizations and bureaucracies.
Socialization and Social Control
SSSocSC1: Students will explain the process of socialization.
a. Identify and describes the roles and responsibilities of an individual in society.
b. Analyze the individual development theories of Cooley and Mead.
c. Identify and evaluate the stages of socialization; include childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and death/dying.
d. Evaluate the factors that socialize the individual; include family, peers, education, media, and religion.
e. Analyze how individuals are socialized by gender and race/ethnicity.
SSSocSC2: Students will analyze deviance in society.
a. Explain the socially constructed nature of deviance.
b. Explain the relationship of social control and power in society.
c. Analyze the causes of deviant behavior.
d. Explain the impact of deviance on society.
SSSocSC3: Students will analyze the impact of social control on deviance in society.
a. Explain theories of social control; include control and labeling theories.
b. Explain conformity in relationship to deviance and social control.
c. Describe adaptation, cooperation, accommodation, and competition in the context of social control.
SSSocSC4: Students will analyze the function of social institutions as agents of social control across differing societies and times.
a. Analyze the function of social institutions in society; include family, education, religion, economy, government/politics, health care, and media.
b. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of various social institutions.
c. Evaluate other possible social institutions such as sports and science.
d. Analyze the functions and inequalities of the criminal justice system in relationship to a society’s construct of crime and punishment.
e. Explain the role of total institutions.
f. Analyze the re-socialization process.
Social Inequalities and Change
SSSocIC1: Students will analyze forms of social inequality.
a. Explain how unequal distribution of power and resources affects the life chances of individuals in that society.
b. Analyze the sources and effects of stratification on the basis of social class; race and ethnicity; gender; age; and emotional, mental, and physical disabilities.
c. Analyze the sources of global stratification and inequality.
d. Evaluate the impact of global stratification and inequality on global relations.
SSSocIC2: Students will analyze social change processes in a society.
a. Describe the various forms of collective behavior.
b. Explain the impact of globalization on social change.
c. Evaluate the impact of technology on social change.
d. Analyze the impact of demographic changes and changes in settlement patterns on a society.
Written expression is involved in the entire school curriculum including this class. There will be lots of writing in this course. All written assignments must be typed and double-spaced. Always use 12-point Times New Roman Font and white lineless paper 8 ½ x 11. The teacher may require additional writing assignments.
(List your specific requirements below. Keep #3.)
Each student must bring to class on a daily basis:
1. Several No. 2 pencils
2. Several black and blue pens
3. One USB 2.0 GB Flash Drive
4. College ruled paper (8 ½ x 11)
5. One 2” binder with the following tabbed sections:
a. Section one—Syllabus
b. Section two—Vocabulary
c. Section three—Reading Notes
d. Section four—Lecture Notes
e. Section five—Handouts
f. Section six—Cases/Evidence
g. Section seven—Tests/quizzes/other graded assignments
h. Section eight—Researched Materials
Your grade for the course will be awarded based on the scale below.
Regular Classes
1. Class Participation 10%
2. Class Work 15%
3. Homework 15%
4. Notebook 10%
5. Quizzes 15%
6. Special Projects 15%
7. Tests 20%
The Atlanta Public School System grading scale is outlined below.
90 – 100 A Excellent
80 - 89 B Above Average
70 - 79 C Average
0 - 69 F Failure
S Satisfactory
U Unsatisfactory
Sociology and You. 2003. Glencoe. $61.50.
Every student is required to do a Social Studies project, individually or in a group. A group shall consist of at least three and not more than five students. Below are two websites that will assist you in topic selection and project preparation. The Social Studies Fair information is listed below.
1. Georgia Council for the Social Studies:
2. Social Studies Project Manual:
It is the student’s responsibility to request academic make-up work within two (2) school days after an excused absence. All assignments must be picked up before or after school. The student is responsible for requesting and completing make-up work within the timeframe set by the teacher. Failure to do so will result in “0” for academic work missed.
The purposes of a parent-teacher conference are
1. To give parents and teachers a better understanding of the child’s academic and social performances.
2. To promote close cooperation between the home and school in fostering the growth of the whole child,
3. To give a more accurate picture of the child’s school growth as shown by achievement, and
4. To promote a better understanding of the objectives of the school.
Parent-Teacher conferences are held every Wednesday in the Cafeteria beginning at 3:30 P.M. and ending at 4:30 P.M.
The Principal is the designated leader of the school and, with the staff, is responsible for its orderly operation. In case of discipline violations, or illegal activities not covered by prescribed dispositions in the Atlanta Public Schools Student Discipline Handbook and the Benjamin E. Mays High School Students and Parents Handbook (issued to every student at the beginning of the school year or upon enrollment), the Principal may enact corrective measures that he or she feels are in the best interest of the school and student(s) involved. The teacher is responsible for the orderly operation of the classroom. With that said, the following rules are highlighted.
1. Come to class on time. Standing outside the door and rushing in after the bell has begun to ring will constitute a tardy.
2. Begin the start up activity immediately.
3. Attend to personal needs before coming to class.
4. Remain in your assigned seat unless you have permission to get up.
5. Do not eat or drink in the classroom.
6. Bring your textbook and other required materials every day.
7. Talk only when permitted.
8. Use polite speech and body language.
9. Follow the School’s honor code.
10. Always follow the teacher's directions.
11. Cell phones and other electronic devices must be out of sight and turned off during the official school day and the lunch break.
12. No student shall photograph, videotape, record or reproduce, via any audio or video means, another student or staff member while on school system premises without the expressed prior permission of the student or staff member.
13. The classroom computers are for academic work only. Personal use of the computers is prohibited.
14. Bring your Students-Parents Handbook to class daily.
The teacher will take the following corrective action if a student decides not to follow the above rules.
1. Teacher Warning
2. Teacher & Student Conference
3. Teacher Contacts Parent
4. Teacher, Parent, and Student Conference
5. Administration Conference with Teacher, Parent, & Student
Please keep this syllabus in your notebook at all times.
Your signature is required below to acknowledge receipt of a course syllabus for Sociology. Please return this syllabus for your teacher’s signature after you and a parent or legal guardian has signed below.
Student’s Name______Class Period______
Teacher______Room Number______
Student’s Signature______Date______
Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______
Teacher’s Signature______Date Returned______
Sociology Course Syllabus