- Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point -

Practical HACCP for the Dairy and Food Industries

Sponsored by the Western Association of Sanitarians, a NYSAFP Affiliate

Program Outline


This course is designed to provide a broad-based, practical approach to developing Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) systems for dairy and food operations. It is intended for those who are new to or have limited background in HACCP programs, but should serve as a detailed refresher and a source of new ideas for those who have past training and/or experience. The course will cover the core HACCP concepts as outlined in the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Principles and Application Guidelines developed by the National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods (NACMCF- adopted August 14, 1997) and spelled out in other guidance documents. Throughout the course, specific examples will be provided and the participants will conduct practical team exercises designed to provide experience in the specific steps required to develop a HACCP plan and supporting programs. The goal is that, through active participation, attendees will gain the knowledge and tools needed to be able to take part in and enhance HACCP program development, implementation and maintenance in their dairy and food operations. The complete program for the two and a half day course follows.


Dr. Robert Gravani, Professor

Department of Food Science, Cornell University

Bob Gravani is a professor of Food Science at Cornell University. He has been an active proponent of the HACCP concept since its inception and has taught the HACCP principles since the early 1980s. He has served on the National Advisory Committee for Microbiological Criteria for Foods (NACMCF) for seven years and was involved in the development of the last two versions of the NACMCF HACCP document. He is an International HACCP Alliance lead instructor and has taught numerous HACCP, prerequisite programs and GMP workshops to all segments of the food industry.

Allen R. Sayler, Vice President

International Dairy Foods Association

Allen R. Sayler is Vice President of Regulatory Affairs and International Standards for the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA), an organization that represents approximately 85% of the U.S. dairy processors as well as dairy industry suppliers. He has been serving on the NCIMS HACCP Implementation Committee since 1997 and coordinates the IDFA Dairy & Juice HACCP Task Forces. He is the editor and a contributor to the IDFA Dairy & Juice HACCP manuals, and has been the lead instructor for the IDFA Advanced Dairy & Juice HACCP Workshop since 1998. His exposure to HACCP began while working at the US Food & Drug Administration, where he attended HACCP training and was a national trainer for the Retail Food Code. He also completed the first draft of a model HACCP program for use by USDA’s Dairy Grading Branch.

Steven C. Murphy, Sr. Extension Associate

Department of Food Science, Cornell University

Steve Murphy has an active training role in the Department’s Milk Quality Improvement Program. He is directly involved in planning, organizing and implementing educational programs designed for all segments of the dairy industry and in developing written informational materials and per-reviewed publications. Areas of expertise include dairy microbiology & safety, fluid milk quality and shelf-life, processing plant GMP and HACCP procedures & regulatory testing methods under the NCIMS laboratory program.

Practical HACCP for the Dairy and Food Industries


Tuesday, March 11, 2008 / Instructors
8:00 am / Registration
8:30 am / Welcome and Introductions / Host & Staff
8:45 am / HACCP Overview & Background
- HACCP Defined; a Food Safety System
* The NACMCF Document
- HACCP from an Industry Perspective
- Key Steps and Definitions / R. Gravani
9:30 am / HACCP in Regulatory Systems
- NCIMS Dairy HACCP – PMO Appendix K
- FDA Juice HACCP – 21 CFR Part 120
- Retail Food Code – FDA/CDC/USDA / A. Sayler
R. Gravani
10:15 am / Break
10:30 am / HACCP Program – Preliminary Steps
- Assemble Your Team
- Describe Each Product, Its Use & Consumer Base
- Create and Verifying a Flow Diagram / S. Murphy
11:00 am / Team Exercise – Product Description & Flow / Staff
11:30 am / Team Presentations – Product Description & Flow / Participants & Staff
12:15 pm / Lunch
1:15 pm / Prerequisites to HACCP – Supporting Programs
- Prerequisite Programs (PP)
- Sanitary Standard Operating Procedures (SSOP)
- Good Manufacturing Procedures (cGMP)
- Monitoring PP/SSOP’s and Records
- Education and Training / R. Gravani
2:30 pm / Team Exercise – Documentation of PP/SSOP’s
(Break as Permitted) / Staff
3:15 pm / Team Presentations – Documentation of PP/SSOP’s / Participants & Staff
4:00 pm / Finding & Preventing Weaknesses in PP/SSOP’s / A. Sayler
4:30 pm / Questions & Answers / Staff
5:00 pm / Adjourn

Practical HACCP for the Dairy and Food Industries



Wednesday, March 12, 2008 / Instructor
8:30 am / Day 1 Overview; Questions & Answers / Staff
8:45 am / Hazards in Dairy & Foods and Their Control
- Microbiological, Chemical & Physical
- Sources of Information & Updates / R. Gravani
S. Murphy
9:30 am / Hazard Analyses (HA) & Critical Control Points (CCP)
- HA at Each Step of the Flow Diagram (Step 1)
- Determining CCP’s; CCP Decision Making (Step 2)
- Dairy & Food Hazard Analysis Models / S. Murphy
10:15 am / Team Exercise – HA & CCP Determinations
(Break as Permitted) / Staff
11:30 am / Team Presentation – HA & CCP Determinations / Participants & Staff
12:15 pm / Lunch
1:15 pm / Critical Control Points – the “HACCP Plan Summary”
- Establishing Critical Limits (CL) & Validation (Step 3)
- Establishing Monitoring Procedures for CCP’s (Step 4) / R. Gravani
2:00 pm / Critical Control Points – the “HACCP Plan Summary”
- Corrective Actions for CL Deviations (Step 5)
- Record Keeping (Step 7)
- Dairy & Food HACCP Plan Models / A. Sayler
2:45 pm / Team Exercise – the “HACCP Plan Summary” Worksheet
- CCP’s, CL’s and Monitoring Procedures
- Corrective Actions for CL Deviations
- Record Keeping
Break as Permitted / Staff
3:30 pm / Team Presentations – “HACCP Plan Summary” Worksheet / Participants & Staff
4:30 pm / Review of Written HACCP Programs/Instructor Comments:
- those provided by participants prior to the program / Participants & Staff
5:00 pm / Adjourn

Practical HACCP for the Dairy and Food Industries



Thursday, March 13, 2008 / Instructor
8:30 am / Review Day 1-2; Questions & Answers / Staff
9:00 am / Verification & Validation (Step 6)
- Comparisons of Terminology & Practice
- Verification & Validation Schedules / A. Sayler
9:45 am / Team Exercise – Verification Plans / Staff
10:15 am / Team Presentations – Verification Plans / Participants & Staff
10:45 am / Implementing HACCP; Organization & Maintenance
- Assigned HACCP Responsibilities & Schedules
- HACCP Schedules – Daily, Weekly, Monthly & Yearly
- Records; Organization and Maintenance
* Centralized List of Program Records
- Back-Up and Transitional Procedures / S. Murphy
11:15 am / HACCP Auditing
- Internal and External Audits
- Regulatory Audits / R. Gravani
11:45 am / Questions & Answers / Staff
12:30 pm / Certificate Distribution & Adjourn / Staff


Dr. Robert Gravani, Professor

Steven Murphy, Sr. Extension Associate

Department of Food Sceince, Stocking Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853 / Allen Sayler, Vice President

International Dairy Foods Association
1250 H St. NW, Suite 900
Washington, DC 20005

Sponsored by the Western Association of Sanitarians, a NYSAFP Affiliate