Secured file Downloading system
Detecting insider attacks continues to prove tobe one of the most difficult challenges in securing sensitivedata. Decoy information and documents represent a promisingapproach to detecting malicious masqueraders; however, falsepositives can interfere with legitimate work and take up
user time. We propose generating foreign language decoydocuments that are sprinkled with untranslatable enticingproper nouns such as company names, hot topics, or apparentlogin information. Our goal is for this type of decoy to servethree main purposes. First, using a language that is not used innormal business practice gives real users a clear signal that thedocument is fake, so they waste less time examining it. Second,an attacker, if enticed, will need to exfiltrate the document’scontents in order to translate it, providing a cleaner signal ofmalicious activity. Third, we consume significant adversarialresources as they must still read the document and decide ifit contains valuable information, which is made more difficultas it will be somewhat scrambled through translation. In thispaper, we expand upon the rationale behind using foreignlanguage decoys. We present a preliminary evaluation whichshows how they significantly increase the cost to attackers interms of the amount of time that it takes to determine if adocument is real and potentially contains valuable informationor is entirely bogus, confounding their goal of exfiltratingimportant sensitive information.
Trap based decoy documents are a particularly promisingtechnique for detecting masqueraders . This approachexploits a knowledge gap that exists between legitimateand unauthorized individuals. Normal users will be familiarwith the documents that are present in their system and aretherefore capable of differentiating decoys from real files.Masqueraders and even traitors who are less familiar withthe particular data sets that are in use, on the other hand,should be more likely to access decoy material due to itsbelievability.
Duplicate Users will come and download the file.
The Secret data of company files are easily spreaded with unauthorized persons.
Our goal is for this type of decoy to servethree main purposes. First, using a language that is not used innormal business practice gives real users a clear signal that thedocument is fake, so they waste less time examining it. Second,an attacker, if enticed, will need to exfiltrate the ocument’scontents in order to translate it, providing a cleaner signal ofmalicious activity. Third, we consume significant adversarialresources as they must still read the document and decide ifit contains valuable information, which is made more difficultas it will be somewhat scrambled through translation. In thispaper, we expand upon the rationale behind using foreignlanguage decoys.
When the user want to download a document he/she need to give particular keyword he given during the registration time.
This process contains a chat like application also, it is used for communicate with all the employees.
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In this paper we present a novel method of craftingdecoys using automated language translation, with the aimof addressing a number of the aforementioned challenges tothe use of decoy documents in combating insider threats.We recommend seeding a user’s file system with decoydocuments that are written in a language that is differentthan the ones that are typically employed.
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In essence, our method expands the knowledge gap betweenreal users and adversaries by utilizing informationregarding the languages that are employed by these parties.We intend to leverage this information to increase theaccuracy of decoys while raising the bar for adversarial
effort. In this work, we conduct a preliminary study of theamount of effort that an attacker must expend in order todecipher a translated decoy.
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Despite this progress in the development of decoy filesthat can effectively detect insider threats, there remain avariety of dimensions in which decoy documents can beimproved. Although techniques for minimizing false positivedecoy document accesses during the deployment phase were developed in , decoy accesses by benign users are stilllikely to occur to some degree in practice.
System Requirements:
Hardware Requirements:
System : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.
Hard Disk : 40 GB.
Floppy Drive: 1.44 Mb.
Monitor: 15 VGA Colour.
Mouse: Logitech.
Ram: 512 Mb.
Software Requirements:
Operating system : Windows XP/07.
Server: WampServer/XampServer.
Coding Language: PHP
Data Base: My-SQL