Susan L. Eastman
University of Tennessee
615 McCallie Ave
Dept 2703
Chattanooga TN 37407
2010 Ph.D. English
University of Tennessee, Knoxville American Literature Concentration
2003 M.A. English
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
1999 B.A. English
Berea College, Berea Kentucky
Academic Positions
2013-Present Lecturer
University of Tennessee, Chattanooga (UTC)
2011-2013 Assistant Professor
Potomac State College of West Virginia University (PSC)
2010-2011 Post-Doctoral Lecturer
University of Tennessee (UTK)
2009-2010 Adjunct Instructor
Pellissippi State Community College (PSCC)
2008-2009 Instructor, Project GRAD Summer Institute
University of Tennessee (UTK)
2003-2009 Graduate Teaching Associate
University of Tennessee (UTK)
2014-2015 Chattanooga Community Foundation Grant
Sword and Pen, Military Veterans’ Writing Group ($2000)
2014 Conference on College Composition and Communication Professional Equity Project Grant for Contingent
Faculty ($475)
2015 Competitive, University-Wide Faculty Grant to Present Research at the 2016 MLA ($1,200)
2015 Competitive, College of Arts and Sciences Executive Committee Grant to Present Research at the 2016 MLA ($500)
2015 Competitive, Brock Honors College Research Assistant Book Project: Memorializing the War on Terror ($1000)
2011 Competitive, Faculty Development Grant. Archival research at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Collection at the National Parks Service Museum Resource Center in Landover, MD ($600)
Honors and Awards
2015 Outstanding Lecturer. Dept. of English (UTC) 2014-2015 Exceeds Expectations for Rank (UTC)
2013 Finalist, Outstanding Professor Award (PSC) 2012 Finalist, Outstanding Professor Award (PSC) 2008 John B. Emperor Dissertation Fellowship (UTK)
2017 The American War in Vietnam: Cultural Memory at the Turn of the Century Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press. Under contract. Forthcoming, 2017. Print.
Chapters in Edited Collections
2013 “Randall Wallace’s We Were Soldiers: Forgetting the American War in Viet Nam” The Martial Imagination: Essays on the Cultural History of American Warfare. Ed. Jimmy L. Bryan Jr. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2013. 201-218. Print. (9,000 words)
2009 “Aesthetic Limbo: Memory Making at the Vietnam Women’s Memorial.” Ed. Mark Heberle. Thirty Years After: New Essays on Vietnam War Literature, Film, and Art. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2009. 342-353. Print. (4,000 words)
Encyclopedia Entries
2013 “Posttraumatic Stress.” Encyclopedia of Military Science. Ed. G. Kurt Piehler.
New York: SAGE, 2013. Print. (2,100 words)
2013 “War Literature.” Encyclopedia of Military Science. Ed. G. Kurt Piehler. New York: SAGE, 2013. Print. (3,900 words)
Works in Progress
“Hopeless Material for War: Mark Twain, Masculinity, and the American Civil War.” To be submitted to The Mark Twain Journal, spring 2016. (5,000 words)
“When Bootstraps Break: On Being and No Longer Being Working Class in the Humanities.” Drafting stage.
Selected Conferences and Invited Presentations
2016 "The Evolution of the Veterans' Writing Group at UTC" AfterWars Research Seminar Series. Center for the Study of War and Society. University of Tennessee, Knoxville. February 25.
2015 Radio Interview. “Sword and Pen Provides Creative Outlet for Veterans.” WUTC. Around and About Chattanooga. Rabbit Zieke. 16 Sept. 2015.
2013 Featured Speaker. “Women and War.” Women’s History Month Event hosted by Potomac State College Social Justice Committee.
2012 “The Battle for the Vietnam Women’s Memorial.” Kiwanis Club of Keyser, WV
2016 “'The War Prayer' in Contemporary Film and Social Media." Mark Twain Circle, “(Re)-Presenting Twain.”
MLA Convention. Austin
2011 “We Were Soldiers: Forgetting the American War in Vietnam.” Society for Military History Annual Conference. Lisle, IL
2011 “Past Presence: The Living Dead in North Vietnamese Fictional War Memoirs.”
MLA Convention. Los Angeles
2011 “Prosthetic Memory in Poetic Responses to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.”
MLA Convention. Los Angeles
2005 “Back in the World: Trauma and Survival in Larry Heinemann’s Paco’s Story.” Thirty Years After: Literature and Film of the Vietnam War.
University of Hawai'i, Honolulu.
2013 “This is Not ‘My Class,’ but ‘Our Class’: Empowering Students as Co- Creators of their Learning Experience.”
West Virginia Association of College English Teachers Conference. Potomac State College. Keyser, WV
2007 “Mark Twain: Hopeless Material for War.” SAMLA. Atlanta
2004 “Materialization of Memory at the Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial.” The Event of War. Emory University Annual Comparative Literature Conference. Atlanta.
Courses Taught
Values in 20th Century American Literature Introduction to Literature
Western Humanities II
Multiethnic Literature
Honors, African American Literature since 1865
Survey in American Literature 1865-Present
Topics in Women’s Literature: Women’s War Literature (Online)
Composition and Rhetoric I and II
Summer Bridge Composition and Rhetoric I
Writing for the Social Sciences (Online)
Inquiry and Research Composition Topics Courses: Women in American Wars
Remembering the Vietnam War The Art of Modern War
2015 NCTE Annual Convention proposal reviewer, College Section 2011-Present Volunteer, Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (VVMF)
University of Tennessee, Chattanooga
2014-Present Facilitator, Sword and Pen, Military Veterans’ Writing Group
2016-Present University of Tennessee Advocacy Network
2015-Present Advisory Committee. Advises Department Head
2015-Present Elected, Contingent Faculty Committee
2015-Present VALOR University-Wide Veteran Center Taskforce 2014-2015 Departmental Curriculum Committee
2013-Present Mentoring and Training Graduate Teaching Assistants
2014-Present Judge for the Young Southern Student Writer’s Competition
Potomac State College of WVU
2012-2013 College Representative, Partners in Education, Keyser WV 2012-2013 Co-Advisor, Sigma Phi Omega Honor Society
2011-2013 Honors Program Council 2011-2013 Learning Assessment Council
2011-2013 Conference Coordinating Committee. WV College English 2011-2012 Advisor, General Studies students
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
2003-2011 Mentoring and training Graduate Teaching Assistants 2003-2005 Writing Assessor and Presentation Judge, McNair Scholars