CPM 2009/24
Fourth Session
Rome, 30 March – 3 April 2009
Trust Fund for the IPPC: Financial Report 2008
Agenda Item 13.6.2 of the Provisional Agenda
I.Provision of funds and expenditure over 2008
1.In 2008, New Zealand, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Unions made contributions to the Trust Fund for the IPPC (the Trust Fund). Other voluntary contributions for purposes similar to those that fall within the scope of the Trust Fund for the IPPC were made outside the Trust Fund.
2.Details of revenue and expenditure for 2008 of the Trust Fund are provided in Tables 1, 2 and 3.
3.Expenditure from the Trust Fund for the IPPC in 2008 was only USD 78,557 compared to USD243, 938 in 2007. This reflects the lack of staff resources in the Secretariat needed to undertake IPPC activities. The estimated carryover of funds into 2009 is USD 493,867.
4.The proposed 2009 budget for the Trust Fund for the IPPC and possible changes in the financial guidelines for the expenditure of trust funds are dealt with under a separate agenda items but it should be noted that a significant proportion of the carryover is already committed to funding two project posts.
5.In 2008 funding was provided to assist developing countries’attendance at CPM-3and at a regional workshop on draft ISPMs in Accra andfor travel to an information exchange workshop in Suva.
6.In the light of the limited resources available to the IPPC for the implementation of the work programme for 2009, members are encouraged to provide substantial contributions to the Trust Fund to enable the goals of the CPM Business Plan to be realized.
7.The CPM is invited to:
1. Note the contributions to the Trust Fund for the IPPC as submitted in Table 1.
2. Accept the expenditures against the Trust Fund for the IPPC provided in Table 2.
3. Thank the Government of the United States, the Government of New Zealand and the Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Unions for their contributions to the Trust Fund for the IPPC in 2008.
4. Encourage contracting parties to contribute to the Trust Fund for the IPPC for the year 2009.
Table 1: Revenue of the Trust Fund for the IPPC 2003-2008 (USD)
Year / Contributor / Revenue / Total for each year2003 / Contribution from New Zealand / 30,413 / 30,413
2004 / Contribution from Canada / 148,706
Contribution from New Zealand / 30,990 / 179,696
2005 / Contribution from New Zealand / 49,361
Contribution from Canada / 163,586 / 212.947
2006 / Contribution from New Zealand / 43,797
Contribution from Canada / 236,165
Contribution from USDA / 136,750 / 416,712
2007 / Contribution from New Zealand / 37,534
Contribution from Canada / 2,914
Contribution from SACAU / 16,850
Contribution from USDA / 125,000 / 182,298
2008 / Contribution from USDA / 210,000
Contribution from New Zealand / 69,413
Contribution from SACAU / 5,726 / 285,139
Interest earned / as at 22/1/09 / 34,955 / 34,955
Total / 1,342,160
Table 2. Total expenditure from the Trust Fund for the IPPC 2003-2008 (USD)
Year / Total expenditure2004 / 22,323
2005 / 168,411
2006 / 335,064
2007 / 243,938
2008 / 78,557
Total / 848,293
Table 3. Details of expenditure from the Trust Fund for the IPPC 2008 (USD)
Activity / ExpenditureAttendance at CPM-3 / 7,174
Regional workshop on draft ISPMs, Accra (English speaking) / 59,606
Information exchange workshop, Suva / 11,777
Total (including 6% overhead costs) / 78,557