Performance Management Committee Meeting
Minutes 18 January 2013
Present: / Meena Kishinani, Divisional Director Strategic Commissioning and Safeguarding (Chair)Rose Regan, Specialist Nurse Advisor – Rep for Keri Clay
Liz Winnett, BDSCB Business Manager (Minutes)
Damien Cole, ISA Team Manager
Maura Cardy, Quality Assurance Manager - Interim
Greg Vaughan, Children Missing Education Manager
Vikki Rix, LBBD
Dr M Akindele, Designated Doctor
Natasha Clingan,
Pat Oparah, Named Nurse BHRUHT
DI Kevin Jeffrey, CAIT
Sue Newton, Designated Nurse NELCs
Tessa McNally, Children’s Workforce Development officer
Apologies: / Keri Clay, NELC
Anne Baldock, Housing
Karen Wheeler, LBBD
Dr K Jayawardana, Named Doctor
Chris Martin, LBBD
David Horne, NELFT
Avraamis Avraam, LBBD
Agenda Item: / Recommendation / Action / Deadline
1. Welcome and Introductions / The group made their introductions.
Serious Case Review Discussion
2. Partnership Improvement Plan (PIP) / AAv has forwarded his apologies, so this item was deferred. / Full Report next meeting / 5.4.13
Performance Management Committee Discussion
3. Presentation: Changes to CRB / Natasha Clingan presented CRB changes to the group as it moves to the Disclosure Barring Service (DBS). Papers were circulated to all prior to the meeting.
MK sought assurances that all agencies are aware of these changes and who will now require checks. The DBS will still charge agencies for checks that are not required.
All agencies confirmed awareness.
Natasha to provide individual HR agencies with support, if required.
A number of risks with this new process were discussed. MK agreed that this should be included within the BDSCB Risk Register and raised with the BDSCB.
NC to ensure that the Whistle Blowing policy is fully communicated in light of these DBS changes / All to note
MK to action
NC to action
4. Minutes and Matters arising 5.10.12 / Due to limited time, this item will be ratified at the next meeting / Next meeting / 5.4.13
5. Practitioner Forum – Update / TMc provided an update on the Practitioner Forums (PF). Three PF have occurred since last PMC.
The group have looked at examples of Neglect Tools used by Brent and one circulated from London Councils. PMC agreed that this should be taken forward.
In light of the financial climate and welfare reform, money and resource issues will rise and commissioning response will need to change in the future also.
TMc/MC to ensure that PF members link with their strategic leads and feed information back to the Board member.
MK advised that the BDSCB Independent Chair, Associate Director of Safeguarding NELFT, Divisional Director Social Care and herself attended the PF. They were greatly impressed by this forum and found the feedback from the group very informative.
6. Performance Issues / VR presented Q2 performance data to the group. Q3 will be presented in April 2013.
Presentation and datasets were circulated prior to the meeting.
VR highlighted various levels of performance:
- Concerns raised around Hospital admissions. VR agreed that more work needs to be undertaken to improve this. VR to meet with SN and PO to ensure that data received by PCT is accurate.
- More work being undertaken around CP 6 weekly visit by Social Worker. Believe that this is a recording issue. Should be at 100%.
- Under 18 conceptions remains constant. This is no longer monitored by Government.
- Concerns around increased number of families living in Temporary accommodation. Anne Baldock to attend next PMC to update on figures.
MK advised group on recently attended MACIE training and how important Strategy meetings are in collecting information on case from all agencies. MC has been tasked with exploring this further.
All agencies to check that they are being invited to Strategy meetings as Assessment team have been asked to increase the numbers initiated.
GP attendance at Case Conferences was also raised as a concern. It is understood that GPs are busy however the importance of receiving reports if they are unable to attend is essential.
Council are looking at Video and/or Call Conferencing being put in place to ease attendance.
RR raised issues with invitations to conference. MK and RR to meet to discuss. / VR to action
VR to action
MC to action
All to check
RR/MK to action / 5.4.13
7. CAF update / DC provided the attached report to the group:
DC meeting to discuss E-CAF IT system next week.
Roycraft House is being designed to accommodate the MASH suite. Renovation commences in February 2013. Information sharing document has been drawn up for MASH partners to agree. MASH training has been implemented.
Initial meetings were held to amend the tri borough MARF however this has ceased in the interim. DC is chasing group. DC to escalate to MK if needed. /
8. CQC/Ofsted Action plan / The action plan will be monitored by this group going forward.
Copies of the action plan were shared. All agencies to report back comments and performance updates to mitigate actions.
9. New Inspection Framework Briefings / This item was deferred.
10. Quality Assurance: / BDSCB QA Strategy
MC provided an update. Draft document has been circulated prior to meeting.
All to provide comment to MC by 20/2/13
All to provide MC with lead agency member.
Multi Agency Audits
MC updated on the attached presentation.
MC will provide a final report on MA Audits to PMC in April.
A discussion around peer reviews of MA Audits occurred and whether the Practitioner Forum could be used for this.
Section 11
This item was deferred. / All to action
All to action
MC to action
/ 20.2.13
11. Learning from SUIs / Due to the IT system being unavailable, PO presentation is attached and any discussion will be raised at next meeting. /
12. PMC Dates 2013 / All to note
13. Any Other Business / None.
Date of next meeting / 5 April 2013, 9.30am Room 2, Barking Town Hall
PMC committee Minutes 18.1.13