(updated Jan 2014)
DrVijayaraghavan M Chariar
Design for Sustainability, Ecological Sanitation, Sustainable Habitat
Traditional Knowledge Systems
Value Education, Wisdom-based Leadership /

Details of current research areas

  • Design and Development of innovative products and systems for promoting conservation, improving ecology, enhancing inclusion and livelihoods
  • Design and Development of Closed-loop Ecological Sanitation Systems, Waterless Urinals, Source Separation Toilets and Nutrient Recovery Reactors
  • Disseminating the model of Wisdom-based Leadership & Wisdom-anchored Value

Education for students, professionals and institutions

  • Assessment, Validation and Innovation of Traditional Knowledge in sectors including

Artisanal Technologies, Traditional Medicine and Traditional Building Materials

  • Developing citizen centric models of Rural Governance incorporating vernacular wisdom

and local and indigenous knowledge systems

Name (as in passport) / Nationality
ChariarVijayaraghavanMadhavan / Indian
Date of Birth / Place of Birth / Marital Status / Category
1 / 6 / 0 / 8 / 1 / 9 / 6 / 9 / Chennai / Tamil Nadu / Married / General
Mailing Address
Centre for Rural Development & Technology
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
HauzKhas, New Delhi-110016
India / Communication
T. +91 11-26596358 (O) 26591592 (R)
Mobile : +91 9811646358
E : ,
Skype ID : chariarv
Degree / Institution / Year /


/ Performance
Ph.D. / IIT Delhi / 1999 / Physics / N.A.
M.Tech. / IIT Delhi / 1993 / Solid State Materials / CGPA 7.62 on 10.00
M.Sc. / IIT Bombay / 1991 / Physics / CPI 6.17 on 10.00
B.Sc. / University of Bombay / 1989 / Physics / 63.87 %
  • PEER Science Awardee, National Academy of Sciences & USAID, 2013
  • Fulbright Visiting Professor, Arizona State University, USA, 2012
  • Teaching Excellence Award, IIT Delhi, 2011
  • Member, Empowered Committee on Rural Housing, 2011
  • Member, Sectoral Innovation Council, Min of Drinking Water & Sanitation, GoI, 2010
  • KVIC Golden Jubilee Award for Rural Industrialization Innovations, 2007
  • Research Associate CSIR, Govt of India, 1998
  • Young Scientist Award, Forum of Scientists for Peace & Development, 1997
  • Senior Research Fellow CSIR, Govt of India, 1993

University / Organisation / Designation / From / To / Total
Period / Nature of Experience
Ekam Eco Solutions, TBIU, IITD / Chairman / Jan 2013 / Ongoing / 1 yr + / Entrepreneurship
Centre for Rural Development and Technology,
IIT Delhi
Joint appointment in Values Centre, IIT Delhi / Associate Professor / Dec 2010 / Ongoing / 3Yrs + / Teaching and Research
(Sustainable Development)
Teaching and Research
(Wisdom based Leadership)
Centre for Rural Development and Technology,
IIT Delhi
Joint appointment in Values Centre, IIT Delhi / Assistant Professor / Jan 2005 / Dec 2010 / 5 Yrs11 M / Teaching and Research
(Sustainable Development)
Teaching and Research
(Wisdom based Leadership)
Dept of Humanities & Social Sciences,
IIT, Kharagpur / Assistant Professor / Dec 2003 / Jan 2005 / 1 Yr + / Teaching and Research
(Science, Technology and Society)
Dept of Humanities & Social Sciences,
IIT, Kharagpur / Visiting Faculty / Dec 2002 / Dec 2003 / 1 Yr / Teaching and Research
(Science, Technology and Society)
Physics Group,
BITS, Pilani / Lecturer / Nov 2000 / Dec 2002 / 2Yrs 1 M / Teaching and Research (Physics, (Science, Technology and Society)
New Delhi / Research Associate / Apr 1999 / Nov 2000 / 1Yr 7 M / Research in History of Science and Technology
Post Graduate
  • Technology Alternatives for Rural Development (IITD)
  • Rural India and Planning for Development (IITD)
  • Traditional Knowledge and Values (IITD)
  • Professional Ethics & Social Responsibility (IITD)
  • Business Ethics (IIT KGP)
  • Society, Science and Technology (IIT KGP)
  • History of Science and Technology (IIT KGP)


  • Design for the Developing World (Arizona State University)
  • Science and Humanism (IITD & IIT KGP)
  • Indian Traditions of Science & Technology (BITS Pilani)
  • Structure & Properties of Materials (BITS Pilani)
  • Thermodynamics (BITS Pilani))
  • Physics-I (BITS Pilani)
  • Instrumental Methods of Analysis (BITS Pilani)
  • Measurement Techniques-I (BITS Pilani))

Category / Published / Under Review
a. Publications in Referred journals / 18 / 10
b. Publications in Conferences / 27 / 05
c. Books and Monographs / 07 / 02
d. Chapters in Books / Monographs / 02 / 03
d. Patent/copyright obtained/filed / 02 / 03
Level of Guidance / Completed / Ongoing
  1. Doctoral Level
/ 04 / 08
  1. Masters Level
/ 05 / 05
  1. Bachelor’s Level
/ 02 / 02
Prof M R Ravi / Indian Institute of Technology Delhi /
YogeshAndlay / School of Inspired Leadership, Gurgaon /
Dr Sheila Desai / USAID /
Prof Mark Henderson / Arizona State University, Tempe /

Journal Publications

  1. Values: Theoretical underpinnings and application to sustainable product design, SutapaPati, Vijayaraghavan M Chariar, Lalit Kumar Das [Under Review]
  2. Designing products as carriers of values: a review of literature, SutapaPati, Vijayaraghavan M Chariar, Lalit Kumar Das [Under Review]
  3. Optimizing Hydrolysis of Urea from Human Urine and Comparing Efficacy of Different Experimental Designs,MdAzizurRahman,Vijayaraghavan M Chariar, Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination, January 2014, [Under Review]
  4. Fire behaviour of Dendrocalamusstrictus - a natural green composite,Naresh Kr Sharma,Vijayaraghavan M Chariar, European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, Springer, December 2013. [Under Review]
  5. Techno-Economic Assessment of Nutrient Recovery Processes from Human Urine,MdAzizurRahman, Ramesh Sakthivel,V M Chariar, Journal of Current Science, October 2013. [Under Review]
  6. Comparative Study of Mechanical Properties of Bamboo Laminae and their Laminates with Woods and Wood based Composites.C S Verma, Naresh Kr Sharma,V M Chariar, S Maheshwari, M K Hada. Journal of Composites Part: B, Accepted December 2013. [In Press]
  7. Eco-friendly Flame Retardant Treatments for Cellulosic Green Building Materials,Naresh Kr Sharma, C S Verma,V M Chariarand Rajendra Prasad, Journal of Indoor and Built Environment, Accepted 19 November 2013. [In Press]
  8. Stiffness and strength analysis of four layered laminate bamboo composite at macroscopic scale,C S Verma,V M Chariar, Composites: Part B, July 2012.
  9. Study of some mechanical properties of bamboo laminae,C S Verma,V M Chariar, International Journal of Metallurgical & Material Science and Engineering, Vol. 2, Issue 2, 20-37, June 2012.
  10. Macro mechanical analysis of bamboo lamina,C S Verma,V M Chariar, R Purohit, International Journal of Chemical and Petrochemical Technology, Vol. 2, Issue 2, pp 1-11, June 2012.
  11. Development of layered laminate bamboo composite and their mechanical properties,C S Verma,V M Chariar, Composites Part B: Volume 43, Issue 3, p.1063-1069, April 2012.
  12. Tensile Strength Analysis of bamboo and Layered Laminate Bamboo composites,C S Verma,V M Chariar, R Purohit, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, Vol. 2, Issue 2, pp.1253-1264, Mar-Apr 2012.
  13. Cleavage analysis of Bamboo : A natural composite, C S Verma,V M Chariar, R Purohit, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, Vol. 2, Issue 2, pp.1265-1268, Mar-Apr 2012.
  14. User Centred Design Model (G2C2G) for Rural e-Governance Projects,CharruMalhotra,Vijayaraghavan M. Chariar, Lalit K. Das, International Journal of Electronic Governance, Vol 2, Number 4, p. 378-401, 2009.
  15. TikamgarhkeTalaab,Krishna Gandhi, SunandaKirtane,V M Chariar, Jignasa, IIT Delhi, Vol 19, p. 61 to 65, 2005.
  16. Structural and electrical characterization of sol-gel processed PLZT thin films,VijayaraghavanChariar, T.C. Goel& R.G. Mendiratta, IEEE Trans. on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 6, p. 65, 1999.
  17. Characterization of transparent polyimide: PLZT composites prepared by a modified sol-gel method,VijayaraghavanChariar, A.K. Tripathi, T.C. Goel, R.G. Mendiratta, P.K.C. Pillai& K. Dutta, Ferroelectrics, Vol. 185, p. 117, 1996.
  18. Effect of addition of Zn on the electronic conduction properties of semiconducting Se80-x Te20 Znx glasses,R.S. Kundu, K.L. Bhatia, N. Kishore, P. Singh &VijayaraghavanChariar, Phil. Mag. B, Vol. 72, 5, p. 513, 1995.
  19. Preparation and characterization of spray pyrolysed BaTiO3 thin films,A.K. Tripathi,VijayaraghavanChariar, T.C. Goel& P.K.C. Pillai, Materials Science and Engineering B, Vol. 25, p. 34, 1994.
  20. Dielectric and pyroelectric properties of Gadolinium doped PZT,H.D. Sharma, A. K. Tripathi,VijayaraghavanChariar, T.C. Goel& P.K.C. Pillai, Materials Science and Engineering B, Vol. 25, p. 29, 1994.


  1. Patent entitled “Novel Toilet Design for separation of urine from faeces”V M Chariarand S Ramesh Sakthivel(2012), (Indian Patent Application under process).
  2. Patent entitled “An odour prevention device”V M Chariarand S Ramesh Sakthivel(2010), Indian Patent Application No. 60/Del/2010.

Conference Publications

  1. बांस (Dendrocalamusstrictus) के थर्मल एवं अग्निरोधी गुणों की जाँच,नरेश कुमार शर्मा,वी एम चारियार, राजेन्द्र प्रसाद, विश्व की प्रगति में विज्ञान तथा प्रौद्योगिकी का योगदान, अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सयुक्त राजभाषा वैज्ञानिकतकनीकी संगोष्ठी, DRDO and IIT Delhi, New Delhi, December 5-7, 2013.
  2. Plotting against vulnerability - Reflections on the state provision of homestead sites for rural poor in India,Mona ChhabraAnand andV M Chariar, The Human Security : Humanitarian Perspectives and Responses Conference, Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey, 24-27 October 2013.
  3. Standardisation of Design and Maintenance of DEWATS Plants in India,S R Sakthivel, A Seshadri, MdAzizurRahman,V M Chariar. IWA Conference on Decentralised Wastewater Management (DEWATS) in Asia, Nagpur, India, 20-22 November 2012.
  4. Eliciting Citizens’ Participation for Incorporating Contextual Factors in Rural e-Governance Initiative,CharruMalhotra,V M Chariar, L K Das and GirijaKrishnaswamy. ACIS 2011 Proceedings, Paper 23, 2011.
  5. Cost effective urinals for schools, institutions and public places,S Ramesh Sakthivel, MdAzizurRahman andV M Chariar, Summit on Sustainable Habitat - Incorporating 3rd International Conference on Modern Bamboo Structures, New Delhi, December 9 – 11, 2011.
  6. Decision support in available urine harvesting technologies: technical and economical analysis,MdAzizurRahman, S Ramesh Sakthivel andV M Chariar, Summit on Sustainable Habitat - Incorporating 3rd International Conference on Modern Bamboo Structures, New Delhi, December 9 – 11, 2011.
  7. Halogen Free treatment procedure for imparting fire retardant to Bamboo,Naresh Kr Sharma, Sanjay Kumar andV M Chariar, Summit on Sustainable Habitat - Incorporating 3rd International Conference on Modern Bamboo Structures, New Delhi, December 9 – 11, 2011.
  8. Engineered Bamboo Structural Elements for Housing,Sanjay Kumar, Naresh Kr Sharma andV M Chariar, Summit on Sustainable Habitat - Incorporating 3rd International Conference on Modern Bamboo Structures, New Delhi, December 9 – 11, 2011.
  9. Waterless urinals for sustainable resource and environmental management,V M Chariarand S Ramesh Sakthivel, International conference on Water Harvesting, Storage and Conservation, IIT Kanpur, November 23rd – 25th, 2009.
  10. Performance Comparison of Odour Traps used in Waterless Urinals,V M Chariarand S Ramesh Sakthivel, National Workshop on Solid and Liquid Waste Management, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, July 31 - August 1, 2009.
  11. In vitro studies on efficacy of ethnoveterinaryanthelmintics on Haemonchuscontortus larvae,R Gopinath,V M Chariar, S Satya, International Summit on Advancing Veterinary Medical care : Challenges and Strategies, TANUVAS, Chennai, February 19 - 21, 2009.
  12. In vitro effects of aqueous extract of neem leaves (Azadirachtaindica) on the larval motility of Haemonchuscontortus,R Gopinath,V M Chariar, S Satya, L N Mathuram, S Ramesh, S Gomathinayagam, International Summit on Advancing Veterinary Medical care : Challenges and Strategies, TANUVAS, Chennai, February 19 - 21, 2009.
  13. Leveraging Technologies for Rural Development : A Case Study of Nemmadi Centres in the villages of Karnataka,CharruMalhotra,V M Chariar, L K Das, 12th National Conference on e-Governance, Goa, February 12-13, 2009.
  14. A need for validating ethnoveterinary medicines,R Gopinath,V M Chariar, S Satya, National Seminar on Rural India Developmental Alternatives : Sectoral Convergence for Livelihood Security, CIRG, Mathura, January 16 - 19, 2009.
  15. Fabrication and testing of various configurations of Engineered Bamboo Structural Elements for deployment as columns and beams,Sanjay Kumar, S Ramesh Sakthivel,V M Chariarand P Sudhakar, 6th International Engineering and Construction Conference (IECC6), organised by American Society of Civil Engineers, Cairo, Egypt, June 28-30, 2010.
  16. ICT as a Tool for Social & Economic Empowerment of Rural Communities, CharruMalhotra,V M Chariar, L K Das, ICONECS-2007 in panel titled “Livelihood, Rural Development & Governance” organised by Digital Empowerment Foundation, New Delhi on 22 September, 2007.
  17. Participatory Approach in design of e-Governance for Rural Development in India,CharruMalhotra,V M Chariar, L K Das, Asian Regional Training Seminar on e-Government, Organised by Nationale’ d’Administration (ENA), Paris and Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA), New Delhi, March 14 - 16, 2007.
  18. An Evaluatory Framework For ICT Interventions In the Rural Areas: Review of Literature on E-Governance For Rural Development In The Indian Context, International Conference on Electronic Governance (ICEG2007) in December 2007,CharruMalhotra,V M Chariar, L K Das, and P V IlavarasanRepublished in the book titled “Adopting e-Governance” edited by G P Sahu, GIFT Publishing, New Delhi, p. 216-226, 2007.
  19. Revitalisation of indigenous iron industry,in Recommendations for Rural Technologies-A Report prepared for CAPART, Ed VijayaraghavanChariar, Publication of 3rd Congress on Traditional Sciences and Technologies of India, Varanasi, Published by PPST Foundation, p. 54, 2000.
  20. Ferroelectric thin films: Ceramics and Composites,VijayaraghavanChariar, A.K. Tripathi, T.C. Goel and R.G. Mendiratta, International Conference on Smart Materials, Structures and Systems (in conjunction with the 9th National Seminar on Aerospace Structures) at IISc Bangalore pp. 65-72, July 7 - 10, 1999.
  21. Traditional Technologies and their potential for wealth generation,D. Narasimha Reddy andVijayaraghavanChariar, Book of Abstracts, 1st Regional Congress on Traditional Sciences and Technologies of AP, Chirala, AP, June 2 - 4, 1999.
  22. Electrical and structural characterization of thin films of La-modified PZT prepared by a sol-gel technique,VijayaraghavanChariar, P.K.C. Pillai, T.C. Goel and R.G. Mendiratta, SPIE symposium on Smart Materials, Structures and MEMS held at IISc Bangalore, December 11 - 13, 1996.
  23. Structural and electrical characterization of films of La-modified Pb (ZrxTi1-x) O3 Prepared by a sol-gel method,VijayaraghavanChariar, T.C. Goel, P.K.C. Pillai and R.G. Mendiratta, 9th International Symposium on Electrets (ISE-9) held at Shanghai, September 1996.
  24. Characterization of transparent polyimide: PLZT composites prepared by a modified sol-gel method,VijayaraghavanChariar, A.K. Tripathi, T.C. Goel, R.G. Mendiratta, P.K.C. Pillai and K. Dutta, 8th European Meeting on Ferroelectricity (EMF-8) held at University of Nijmegen, Netherlands, July 4 - 8 1995.
  25. Thermally stimulated discharge current studies in a polymethyl methacrylate- polystyrene blend,A. Verma, A.K. Tripathi,VijayaraghavanChariar, T.C. Goel and P.K.C. Pillai, 8th International Symposium on Electrets (ISE-8) held at Paris, September 7 - 9, 1994.
  26. Preparation of BaTiO3 electroceramics by wet chemical methods,VijayaraghavanChariar, A.K. Tripathi, A. Verma, T.C. Goel, R.G. Mendiratta and P.K.C. Pillai, National Seminar on Materials for Marine applications held at Naval Chemical and Metallurgical Laboratory, Bombay, March 3 - 4, 1994.
  27. Pyroelectric studies on spray-pyrolysed PVC-BaTiO3 composites,VijayaraghavanChariar, A.K. Tripathi, T.C. Goel and P.K.C. Pillai, Seventh National Symposium on Ferroelectrics and Dielectrics, HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar, October 3 - 5, 1992.

Technology Transfers

  1. Technology of Waterless Urinal Odour Prevention trap has been licensed to M/s Ekam Eco Solutions Pvt Ltd, New Delhi through FITT, IIT Delhi (November 2013).
  2. Technology of Waterless Urinal Odour Prevention trap has been licensed to M/s Moneyplant Real Estates Pvt Ltd, Bangalore through FITT, IIT Delhi (April 2010).
  3. Technology of Waterless Urinal Odour Prevention trap has been licensed to M/s Environmental Goodyield Technologies Pvt Ltd, Kolkata through FITT, IIT Delhi (Feb 2010).

Books / Monographs

1.Traditional Knowledge Systems, Ed. VijayaraghavanChariar, In Press, VasudhaivaKutumbakam, New Delhi (2014).

2.Ecological Sanitation : Practitioner’s Handbook, S Ramesh Sakthivel andV M Chariar, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, 2011.

3.Waterless Urinals : A Resource Book,V M Chariarand S Ramesh Sakthivel, IIT Delhi, 2010.

4.Discourses on Aging and Dying, Eds S C Chatterjee, P Patnaik andV M Chariar, Sage Publishers, New Delhi, 2008.

5.Book of Abstracts and e-Proceedings of the National Conference on Traditional Knowledge Systems of India, IIT Kharagpur, Eds.Vijayaraghavan M Chariar, V N Giri, P Patnaik, 2004.

6.Recommendations for Rural Technologies, Eds.Navjyoti Singh andVijayaraghavanChariar, A report prepared for CAPART, PPST Foundation, 2000.

7.Book of Abstracts of the 2nd Regional Congress on Traditional Sciences and Technologies of Bundelkhand, Orchha, PPST Foundation, (November 1999) Eds. Navjyoti Singh, Arun Kumar and VijayaraghavanChariar

8.Book of Abstracts of the 1st Regional Congress on Traditional Sciences and Technologies of AP, Chirala, PPST Foundation (June 1999) Eds. VijayaraghavanChariar and D. NarasimhaReddy

9.Summing Up Report of the 3rd Congress of Traditional Sciences and Technologies of India, Varanasi, PPST Foundation, (1998) Eds. VijayaraghavanChariar and Parmita

10.Book of Abstracts of the 3rd Congress of Traditional Sciences and Technologies of India, Varanasi, PPST Foundation, (1998) Eds. VijayaraghavanChariar, Tenzin Rigzin and Navjyoti Singh

Chapters in Books / Monographs

  1. Making ICT more Meaningful for Governance in the Rural Areas: Role of the Community Knowledge Systems,CharruMalhotra,V M Chariar, L K DasIn "E-Government Development and Diffusion: Inhibitors and Facilitators of Digital Democracy" Eds.Ganesh P. Sahu, Yogesh K. DwivediandVishanthWeerakkody, 2009 (IGI Global, NY).
  2. Rejuvenating Traditional Knowledge Systems of India,V M Chariarin “Science, Religion and Development – Advancing the Discourse” Eds Amitabh Kundu and Mariam Tai, Institute for Global Studies in Prosperity, 2006.


Ongoing Projects
Project Title / Sponsor, Period / Investigators
Fecal Sludge and Urine Reuse in Agriculture – Opportunities for addressing Phosphorus needs in India (PEER Science Project) / NSF-USAID
Sep 2013 to Sep 2016
/ PI Vijayaraghavan M Chariar, IIT Delhi
with partnersPay Drechsel, IWMI Colombo & James Elser, ASU
Co-Creating WatSanCourses and providing collaborative learning opportunities for ASU IIT Delhi Students / National Collegiate Inventors Innovators Alliance, USA
Mar 2013 to Aug 2015 / PI Vijayaraghavan M Chariar, IIT Delhi with partner Mark Henderson, ASU
Setting up a Knowledge Network on Rural Housing / MoRD, Govt of India, New Delhi
May 2011 to May 2014 / PI Vijayaraghavan M Chariarwith Co PI Jyoti Kumar, IDDC, IIT Delhi
Involving Students & Youth and Creation of Knowledge Sharing Platforms for the Campaign Take Poo to the Loo / UNICEF India Office, New Delhi
Nov 2013 to Feb 2014
/ PI Vijayaraghavan M Chariar
Completed Projects
Development of Comprehensive Handbook for Ecosanitation Systems / UNICEF, New Delhi
Aug 2010 - Aug 2011 / PI Vijayaraghavan M Chariar
Design of Innovative Closed-Loop Ecological Sanitation Solutions and their Techno-economic Evaluation / UNICEF, New Delhi
Mar 2010- Sep 2011
/ PI Vijayaraghavan M Chariarwith Co-PI Prof L K Das (IDDC)
Mahatma Gandhi Institute for Rural Industrialisation Technical Interface with IITD / KVIC Mumbai
July 2009 - July 2012
/ Co PI Vijayaraghavan M ChariarwithPIProf M R Ravi (ME) and others
Development of a Technology Package to Facilitate Production of Bamboo Based Laminates and Value-added Multi Craft Product in the Rural Sector (Thrust Area) / IIT Delhi
2006 - 2008 / Co PI Vijayaraghavan M ChariarwithPIProf R R Gaur (ME) and others
Developing MDI : Bamboo Composite Laminates / NMBA
Mar 2010 – May 2011 / PI Vijayaraghavan M Chariar withCo PI Dr P Sudhakar and Mr Vipin Sharma
Development of Novel Concept of Engineered Bamboo Structural Elements with Limited Weldability Features / DST
Apr 2008 – May 2011 / PI Vijayaraghavan M Chariar withCo PI Dr P Sudhakar and Dr NareshBhatnagar
Design, Development and Pilot Testing and Documentation of Waterless Urinal Prototypes / UNICEF
Oct 2008 – Mar 2010 / PI Vijayaraghavan M Chariar with Co PI Dr L K Das
Market Survey of Artisanal Products and Craft Items for CAPART at its Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan (CP) Outlet in New Delhi / CAPART
Jul 2008 – Sep 2008 / PI Vijayaraghavan M Chariar
Documentation of the indigenous technology of iron smelting practised by the Agarias of Central India / ISIRD, IIT Kharagpur
Jan 2003 - Jan 2004 / PI Vijayaraghavan M Chariar
Sponsored Projects Involvement (as Research Fellow)
Project Title / Sponsor, Period / Investigators
Studies on organic and inorganic thin films : Self-assembled monolayer templates for metal oxide thin film processing / 1996-98 / Prof T C Goel
Advanced Ceramics Mission at IIT Delhi
/ 1995-98 / Prof T C Goel
Development of Ultrastructure non-linear composites by sol-technique for use in photonics / 1993-95 / Prof P K C Pillai and Prof T C Goel
Design and Development of Superior Piezo-ceramic composites for use in underwater transducers / 1993-98 / Prof P K C Pillai and Prof T C Goel
Polymer:ceramic composites for their use in transducers / 1991-93 / Prof P K C Pillai and Prof T C Goel