puls appendix
This appendix is used when submitting funding applications to the Nordic Culture Fund’s music initiative puls. The deadline for applications is 16th April 201823:59 Danish time (UTC+1).
You are welcome to fill in the appendix now but it can only be uploaded when you complete your online pulsapplication after 15 February 2018. The appendix must be uploaded in PDF format.
The following should also be attached to the application:
-Detailed project budget
-Applicant(s)’ most recent annual report(s)
-Applicant(s)’ programme(s) for 2018
The online application form is available at
What is puls funding for?
In 2018, Concert promoters based in Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Åland Islands can apply to become two-year puls promoters. Funding is allocated for specific programmes for one year at a time.
Applicants based in Sweden, Norway and Ålandmust plan a programme of between five and eight concerts. Applicants based in Greenland and Iceland must have a plan for 3-5 concerts.
The concertsneed to take place in the period from 1st August 2018 to 31 July 2019.
Where an application is made for a collaboration involving multiple promoters, funding may be provided for a larger number of concerts – up to a maximum of eight per promoter.
Read the criteria and conditions:
- Describe your project’s potential and your artistic ambitions as a puls promoter for the three-year period (max. 500 words)
- pulsprogramme August 2018–July 2019
(Artists have to be based in at least two different Nordic countries which are not the same country where the concert promoter is based in)
- Describe your puls audience(max. 100 words in each cell)
Describe your target audience and what you seek to achieve by mobilising them
What methods willyou use to reach your audience?
What benchmarks will you use for the success of your audience-development work?
- Describe your PR strategy (max.100 words in each cell)
What is the objective of the PR strategy?
What PR methods will be used for each individual concert and for the programme as a whole?
What benchmarks will you use for the success of your PR strategy?
- Describe your networking strategy (max. 100 words in each cell)
(for multiple promoters applying for a single project and programme)
Who is in the network?
What does the network seek to achieve?
How do you intend to develop the network?