Aylesbury Vale Clinical Commissioning Group
Bringing clinical leadership to local health needs
Inaugural Meeting of the
Central Locality Patient and Public Patient Participation Group
Tuesday 17th April 2012
7pm -9pm
Mandeville Surgery
Hannon Rd, Aylesbury, HP21 8TR
Chair: Dr Kevin Suddes (Central Locality Lead)
Alison Wakeford Locality Business Manager
- Welcome and IntroductionsPlease see attached the attendance list.
- Kevin opened the meeting by welcoming the participants and thanking them for attending. The participants introduce themselves and gave the name of their GP practice.
- The overall aim and purpose of the meeting was to ensure that the Central Locality Group incorporated comprehensive public and patient involvement in local commissioning;and key objectives of this initial meeting were tounderstand who and what the central locality group is and the AVCCG (Aylesbury Vale Clinical Commissioning Group) are; and more specifically to develop a patient group for the central locality area and to work together to plan how to engage better with the local community.
- Kevin and Alison led a discussion to help understand the NHS Reforms and how this would work locally. More specific and detailed information about the role of AVCCG would also be available on the website and through the early summer there will be local events for the general public. AW will inform the group of these dates.
- Most of the session was devoted to discussing how the patient group could work, the expectations and the practicalities. There was an excellent turn out, and it is important that we maximise that engagement, indeed extend to other groups that were not represented,however in terms of logistics it was decided that we need to have a smaller steering group to help direct the group. It was emphasised that timely and comprehensive feedback was an essential component of patient participation – this must be embedded in the development of this forum and in the terms of reference*.
- An outline plan and initial actions emerged from this discussion.
To form a central locality patient participation group steering group –
There should be named person from each practice in the locality and ideally this person should have a deputy that is able to take part in discussions and attend meetings.
- This group would develop the terms of reference for the group/forum.
This would enable feedback to and from the practice groups and support the practice groups to incorporate locality commissioning in their remit and encourage practice involvement.
There will be a variety of areas to be involved in; some focusing on specific topics and small sub groups can be developed based on individual’s interests and areas of expertise.
- A short questionnaire will be circulated to the group to help to gather this information.
There needs to be a variety of different methods of communication to reach a wider audience and also to make effective use of people’s time. The suggestions included,
- A newsletter that is circulated to practices and the group;
- To connect with the local authority – adding to their newsletter and a link from the website;
- The use of technology including Twitter and Facebook, set up a shared list server for emails and discussion forums.
- An area of the web site will be available for the patient participation group.
Continue with face to face meetings, with the steering group meeting – frequency to be confirmed,
- and also a larger group meeting to include presentations and discussion as appropriate and requested by the group – again frequency to be determined by the steering group.
Other points raised were the use of technology to help with hearing and the set up of the room.
Westongrove is a 3 practice partnership; however the patients from the 3 practices consider themselves as part of the individual practices and not the group.
These notes describe the flow and key points of the discussion, and not all the detail. The next steps are to take forward the actions in the outline plan and aim for a meeting of the agreed steering group in June 2012.
Unfortunately, the full presentation could not be shown due to technical problems.
This is the electronic version – also available are hard copies of the slides and Attendance List.