June 26, 1961
Orem City Council met in regular session Monday, June 26, 1961, at 8:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor M. D. Wallace, Chairman; Councilmen Winston Crawford, Earl Wengreen, Alvin Rowley, Laird Billings, and Harley Gillman. Also in attendance were City Manager O. V. Farnsworth, Engineer O. T. Miller, Attorney H. Vern Wentz, Treasurer Victor Christensen, assistant City Manager Tom Gooch, and Recorder Anne Cooper.
Meeting opened with prayer by Mayor Wallace.
Mayor Wallace reported on the World Conference of Mayors held at Washington D.C. He was particularly impressed by a speaker's presentation of the idea that peaceful co-existence between nations could exist only if the common people were actively friendly, called a "peoples to peoples" program, and asked to present these ideas to the public.
Motion was made by Winston Crawford to set aside July 10 for presenting the peoples to peoples program and to give a special invitation to Civic Clubs and other organizations and all interested persons to attend. The motion was seconded by Laird Billings, and passed.
Here for opening of the bids for the Whiteway Lighting was S. Jack Childress, Erwin Buller, and Lloyd McEwan. Bids on the Whiteway lighting installation were opened and read as follows:
1. Buller Electric $13,500 for labor with one year maintenance.
2. State Electric and Mechanical Corporation $7,800 for labor.
Motion was made by Laird Billings to accept the bid of State Electric in the amount of $7,800 for the installation of the Whiteway system. The motion was seconded by Alvin Rowley, and passed.
Bids were opened for 1,500 feet of fire hose as follows:
1,500 ft. in 1,500 ft. in 1,500 ft. in
100 ft. lengths 50 ft. lengths 50 ft. lengths
2½" single jacket 2½" single jacket Double jacket
L. N. Curtis & Sons $3,015 $3,120 $1,905
American Rubber Co. 2,670 2,730 1,860
American La France 2,850 2,025
Motion was made by Harley Gillman to accept the bid of American Rubber Co. in the amount of $2,670 for 100 foot lengths single jacket, as recommended by Fire Chief Scott Thompson. The motion was seconded by Winston Crawford, and passed.
Mayor Wallace reported that he had heard the County Commissioners would approve the 1/2% sales tax ordinance. It will be necessary for the cities to adopt the ordinance by July 1 in order to participate in the next quarter tax collection.
Winston Crawford suggested that attorney Wentz prepare the 1/2% Sales Tax Ordinance in order to make it effective by July 1, and present it tomorrow (Tuesday) night.
A. W. (Art) Adamson met with the Council to ask for a change in Plat A of Lakewood Village Subdivision by the addition of three lots.
Motion was made by Winston Crawford to authorize the City Manager, Attorney and Engineer to draw up necessary papers to include the three lots with the subdivision, to put into action for final approval. The motion was seconded by Laird Billings and passed.
Attorney Wentz gave the first reading of an Ordinance prohibiting minors from entering where intoxicating liquor is being sold for consumption or consumed on the premises. The Council asked the Attorney to amend Section Four as it was written. Russell Park stated that such an ordinance would put him out of business as he sells beer and has sporting goods for sale under the same roof with no partition between the two.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hawkins were present to represent the Tavern Owners Association. Mr. Hawkins stated he felt the grocery stores were the worst offenders as far as selling to minors is concerned. He was informed that grocery stores received the same letter of warning regarding violations as was sent to the tavern owners, and would be regulated according to law.
The Ordinance was tabled for further discussion July 3.
Marion Hinckley, Utah County Commissioner, and Jesse W. Reeder, Chairman of the Utah County Safety Committee, Mrs. Della B. Clark, Bruce Ashton, and W. Guy Callahan, members of the Utah County Safety Committee, and Keith Sondrup and Aaron Clinger of the Orem Safety Council, were present.
Marion Hinckley complimented the efforts of the Utah County Safety Committee and Orem's Safety Council, and presented Orem with the trophy for the most outstanding safety record in Utah County for the year of 1960. Marion Hinckley stated the good can't be actually measured, that possibly lives have been saved, and stated that he appreciates the cooperative spirit of Orem's Safety Council.
Guy Callahan remarked that the efforts of Orem's Safety Council are reflected in the falling rate of accidents while the population is increasing. Now emphasis is being given to other areas where safety is to be exercised.
Earl Wengreen reported that after he and the City Manager had looked over the Vivian Park bridge six or eight weeks ago that they had decided to obtain bids for dismantling the bridge. A bid had been obtained from Otis Dode Vincent and Son as follows:
For dismantling and transport $800.00
For dismantling only 600.00
After further discussion, motion was made by Earl Wengreen to approve the bid of Otis D. Vincent and Son for dismantling the Vivian Park bridge in the amount of $600.00. The motion was seconded by Alvin Rowley, and passed.
Dick Park met with the Council to ask that his Beer License application be approved for his Driftwood Supper Club. Mr. Park stated he also wants a Cabaret license with dancing privileges. The business will be a night club type, and beer will be served separate from the banquet room.
After further discussion, motion was made by Winston Crawford to grant a Class "A" Beer license to the Driftwood Supper Club. The motion was seconded by Harley Gillman and voted:
"Yea" "Nay"
Winston Crawford Earl Wengreen Laird Billings
Harley Gillman Alvin Rowley
Harley Gillman stated he felt a policy should be established relative to granting beer licenses. Alvin Rowley stated they all should be allowed, or close all of them up.
Motion was made by Laird Billings to rescind the motion granting a beer license to the Driftwood Supper Club. The motion was seconded by Winston Crawford, and voted as follows:
"Yea" "Nay"
Winston Crawford Earl Wengreen
Alvin Rowley
Laird Billings
Harley Gillman
Motion was made by Earl Wengreen to deny a Beer License to the Driftwood Supper Club. Motion was seconded by Alvin Rowley, and voted:
"Yea" "Nay"
Alvin Rowley Winston Crawford
Earl Wengreen Harley Gillman
Mayor Wallace
Laird Billings abstained from voting.
Motion was made by Harley Gillman to approve granting a Class "A" Beer License to the Driftwood Supper Club. The motion was seconded by Winston Crawford and voted as follows:
"Yea" "Nay"
Winston Crawford Earl Wengreen
Harley Gillman Alvin Rowley
Mayor Wallace
Abstaining: Laird Billings
Engineer Orrin Miller reported the old pump that had been installed in the Scera Well No. 2 does not produce enough pressure to operate the sprinkling system for the Scera park grounds. The pump has been checked for defects. The Scera Board reported to him that since City Engineer Beckman had designed the system and stated the old pump would be adequate, the Board felt the City should replace the old pump with the new one stored in the City warehouse. The old pump had been charged in at $2,500.00 plus wiring and transformers. The new pump has cost $6,080.00.
Alvin Rowley and Earl Wengreen stated they felt the Scera should pay 50% of the cost of the new pump.
Harley Gillman stated "we're to blame, but we will get more water with the larger pump."
Winston Crawford stated the contract states cost to be paid on a 50-50 basis. The City keeps weekly records at a cost to the City.
Attorney Wentz stated the Engineer represented the City and Scera too, and we should stay with the contract.
Laird Billings stated the Scera is different from any other organization.
Motion was made by Harley Gillman to remove the old pump and install the new pump at no charge to the Scera. The motion was seconded by Laird Billings. Voting:
"Yea" "Nay"
Winston Crawford Alvin Rowley
Earl Wengreen
Laird Billings
Harley Gillman
Discussion was held regarding permitting the sale of ice cream, etc., at ball games on the City Parks. Attorney Wentz stated that Orem's Ordinance permits the selling of ice cream, soft drinks, etc. After further discussion, motion was made by Harley Gillman to allow any business who has a license to operate in authorized parking areas of the parks for the remainder of this year, provided that no permanent installation is made. The motion was seconded by Winston Crawford, and passed.
Fire Chief Scott Thompson and Darrell Stanley, Utah County, met with the Council to discuss a contract proposal for Orem's participation in the Utah County Fire Fighting Program. Darrell Stanley stated that a study had been made relative to setting up fire districts, etc. It had been found wise to furnish protection to rural areas, and the best means with least amount of expense to use City equipment and man power.
Mr. Stanley further stated that $60,000.00 would be paid by the County to the Cities for protection in 1961. Orem City would receive $1,000.00 base, and additional according to service rendered. If the City accepts the new contract it would be set up detailing methods of payment. The City should receive the same amount of money regardless of the number of fires.
Motion was made by Harley Gillman to approve the proposal made by Utah County for fire protection subject to a written contract. The motion was seconded by Winston Crawford, and passed.
Fire Chief Thompson asked that an emergency fire ordinance be initiated due to the extremely dry, hot weather.
Motion was made by Harley Gillman to authorize Attorney Wentz to draw up an emergency fire ordinance. The motion was seconded by Winston Crawford, and passed.
LeGrand Jarman, Chairman of the Coordinating Council, suggested that a chairman be appointed, and suggested Thorit Hebertson if his health permits. Appointment tabled for further study.
Bruce Black met with the Council asking that 1400 South Street as it goes down the hill into the Carterville area be closed to traffic. Mr. Black stated that his home and family are endangered if a vehicle goes down the hill out of control. Mayor Wallace informed Mr. Black that the problem would receive careful study.
Motion was made by Winston Crawford to authorize the Mayor to sign the Resolution on the Employee Retirement Plan set up by the State. The motion was seconded by Laird Billings. Voting "Yea", Winston Crawford, Alvin Rowley, Laird Billings and Harley Gillman. Voting "No", Earl Wengreen.
City Manager Farnsworth reported that Engineer Miller is working on specifications for West Center Street completion. Jim West of the State Road Commission had told him that "'B and C" money cannot be used for macadam on roads.
Laird Billings inquired as to the status of the request for curb, gutter, and sidewalk to be set up as a Special Improvement on 800 East from 800 South to 1200 South.
City Manager Farnsworth stated that the one area would be too small to warrant the expense. The lighting district requested for Morningside Heights will be set up by a different method.
City Manager Farnsworth reported that he had received a bid of $1.44 per foot for macadam on Main Street from 400 South to 800 South. Hot mix would cost $6.25 per ton if laid 2", $7.50 per ton if less than 2".
Harley Gillman said that macadam makes good serviceable roads for less money.
Engineer Miller stated that macadam makes a better road but the people want hot mix.
Laird Billings suggested to let them try hot mix.
Councilman Gillman was asked to work with the City Manager on the Main Street paving problem.
City Manager Farnsworth reported that Scera is asking for a detailed report of the cost of the Scera Well No. 2 before settlement is made.
City Manager Farnsworth also reported that the School has purchased ground between the School and Scera, and wants the City to purchase an additional three acres in the area, and "they" will develop it to make a park of the school and Scera park grounds.
The Council asked that a drawing be made and a price obtained on this three acres in order to give further consideration.
City Manager Farnsworth was asked to check to see if duration of terms had been set for the Metropolitan Water Board members.
Mayor Wallace reported that Senator Moss had informed him that Federal money is still available that can be used on a National Guard Armory, and suggested that General Rich be contacted again.
Motion to adjourn was made by Winston Crawford.