Colleague E-Update 11/29/04
- Mock Registration
- Extra, extra, read all about it!
- Colleague Teams
- Colleague Open House with demonstration
- Upcoming dates
I. Mock Registration
Over 40 Kirkwood employees participated in mock registration held November 18 and 19 to test the current Colleague settings and functions. This was an opportunity for Colleague team members to identify any problems in the system. Over 800 student registrations were processed (all mock registrations) including credit, continuing education and post secondary. Areas tested include: pre-requisites, registration priorities, billing, refunds, add/drop classes, change of academic program, advisor, address or social security number, and changes to class sections.
Peg Julius reports that participants were able to troubleshoot when problems arose and helped each other on various issues. This trial run will provide teams areas to work on prior to live registration in April, and reinforced the process is on the right track.
II. Extra, extra, read all about it!
You can use the Kirkwood Web site to find more in-depth coverage about Colleague on the Colleague E-Updates page. The bi-weekly Colleague E-Updates are archived at You will also find additional in-depth information that is condensed in these e-mails there. Colleague E-Updates will have links to those stories so information is at the touch of your hand. Add this link to your “Favorites” list!
III. Colleague Teams
If you’re interested in learning more about the various Colleague Teams, visit for a listing of teams, team members and meeting minutes. This page also has a link to Datatel’s Web site for information about the company along with several other presentation and documents detailing the Colleague implementation process on campus.
IV. Next Colleague Open House
The next Colleague Open House will beTuesday, November 30, in 119 Linn Hall over the activity hour, 11 – 11:50 a.m. Please come to see a demonstration of the Colleague user-interface and EagleNet, the web presence of Colleague, or to ask questions.
If you are not able to attend over the activity hour and are interested, please contact Monica Burchett or Arron Wings.
V. Upcoming Dates
- Next Colleague E-Update – to be e-mailed Friday, December 10
- Next Colleague Open House – Tuesday, November 30, 11-11:50 a.m. in 119 Linn Halland Tuesday, December 14, 11-11:50 a.m. in 120 Linn Hall
Colleague E-Update is e-mailed every other Friday and provides a short summary of the latest information surroundingthe Colleague implementation process at Kirkwood.