Study / Year / Intervention Duration / Fluids During Intervention Period / Difference in mean
or median fluids
Crystalloid / Colloid / Blood Products / All Fluids
Treatment / Control / Treatment / Control / Treatment / Control / Treatment / Control
GDT in surgery
Challand / 2012 / Operation / 3479 (1181) / 3593 (1398) / 358 (676)
+ 1360 (446) - protocol / 336 (623)
+ 0 / 81 (334) / 112 (274) / 1232
Cecconi / 2011 / Operation +1h / 6032 (1388) / 2635 (346) / 3397
Mayer / 2010 / Operation / 2489 (805) / 3153 (1264) / 1188 (550) / 817 (467) / Blood 1.3U (1.8)
FFP 0.5U (1.3) / Blood 0.9U (1.0)
FFP 0.2U (1.6) / 4528 (2317) / 4494 (1561) / 34
Jhanji -Dx
Jhanji +Dx / 2010 / 8h / 4057 (1495)
4159 (1393) / 3595 (1354) / 835 (688)
709 (559) / 756(815) / 529
Forget / 2010 / Operation / 1363 (1185–1540) / 1815 (1568–2064) / 890 (709–1072) / 1003 (779–1227) / 141 (53–230) / 99 (20–179) / 2394 (2097–2692) / 2918 (2478–3358) / -524
Benes / 2010 / Operation / 2321 (681) / 2459 (930) / 1425 (1000-1500) / 1000 (540-1250) / 0 (0-566) / 270 (0-578) / 17
Harten / 2008 / Operation / 1750 (1000-3500) / 2000 (0-4000) / 1000 (0-3000)
+ HES 750 (0-1750) / 1000 (0-3500)
+ HES 0 (0-0) / 500
Kapoor / 2008 / Operation + 8h / 330 (160)* / 80 (80)* / 250†
Donati / 2007 / Operation
Post-op 24hr / 1,940 (673)
2,191 (377) / 1,805 (611)
2,209 (381) / 260 (130) / 271 (173) / 106
Lopes / 2007 / Operation / 2176 (1060) / 1563 (602) / 2247 (697) / 0 / 159 (320) / 131 (268) / 4618 (1557) / 1694(705) / 2924
Chytra / 2006 / 8h / 1293 (300) / 1334 (320) / 1,667 (426) / 682 (322) / Blood: 814 (228)
FFP: 742 (566–949) / 833 (340)
750 (562–1,108) / 917
Wakeling / 2006 / Operation / 3000 / 3000 / 2000 / 1500 / 500
Noblett / 2006 / Operation / 2298(863) / 2625(1004) / 1340(838) / 1209(824) / -196
Pearse / 2005 / 8h / 930 (221) / 960 ± 335 / 1,907 (878) / 1,204 (898) / 125 (0–734) / 0 (0–485) / 798
McKendry / 2004 / 4h / 353 (95) / 328 (99) / 1667 (464) / 353 (95) / 1339
Gan / 2002 / Operation / 4405 (2650) / 4375 (2452) / 847 (373) / 282 (470) / 168 (386) / 118 (281) / 645
Bonazzi / 2002 / Operation
Post-op d1
Post-op d2 / 825 (500-1500) / 975 (500-2000) / 4500 (3250-6500)
3480 (3000-4750)
3150 (2750-3600) / 3250 (2500-4750)
2900 (1900-3250)
2980 (2250-3400) / 2000
Venn CVP
Venn Dop / 2002 / Operation / 1156 (998-1315)
1120 (983-1257) / 1286 (1100-1473) / 1123(921-1324)
1207(1077-1336) / 448(319-576) / 429(299-560)
275 (215-336) / 341(263-420) / 580
Lobo / 2000 / 24h / 5000 (2500–10000) / 5000 (3000–9500) / 1000 (300-2200) / 1000 (500–2500) / 600 (300–2400) / 1200
(600–3000) / -600
Pölönen / 2000 / 8h / 2271(1523) / 1970 (1219) / 922(431) / 802(408) / 421†
Wilson / 1999 / Operation +12h / 3025 (2000-4000)
3375 (2200-4500) / 3500 (2500-4000) / -300
Valentine / 1998 / 14h pre-op
Operation / 2620 (150)
6030 (280) / 1010 (50)
5700 (290) / 1940
Bender / 1997 / Operation +16h / 5137 (315) / 3789 (306) / Blood 1.3 U (0.1)
FFP 2.3 U (0.9) / 1.8 U (0.2)
2.5 U (1.5) / 1348
Bishop / 1995 / Pre and intra-op / 21975 (4746)** / 10876 (1572)** / 11099
GDT involving restrictive fluid strategies in surgery
Lobo / 2011 / Operation +8h / 2301 (1064) / 4335 (1546) / 1216 (814) / 915 (559) / -1733
Futuier / 2011 / Operation / 3380 (1114) / 5588 (1463) / -2208
Jammer / 2010 / Operation / 3869 (992) / 6491 (1649) / -2622

Additional Table: Details of fluid administration in studies of goal directed fluid therapy. Study data is presented and standard deviation or median and interquartile range. Any statistically significant differences in any constituent of fluid administration between groups highlighted in bold.

*Extra volume above maintenance fluids 500ml m-2 d-1 documented.

**Cumulative fluid balance in study through to end of surgery.

†Statistically significant difference in fluid administration deemed clinically insignificant, difference <500ml.y