The Power of Community

2018 South Dakota SNA Convention Registration

February 23rd and 24th

McDonald Center, University of Sioux Falls

Registration Fees:

Early registration must be postmarked by January 15th, 2018

Both Days (Friday and Saturday): $50.00

One Day: (Friday or Saturday): $40.00

After January 15th, 2018

Both Days (Friday and Saturday): $60.00

One Day: (Friday or Saturday): $50.00

Registration will be accepted after February 9th, 2018 only by space available

Please contact by email for any registrations after February 9th.

Please fill out the form and return it with a check payable to USF SNA Conference.

Name: . School: .

Cell Phone: . Email: .

Days Attending: Friday: Saturday: . Both Days: .

Payment Amount Enclosed: $ .

Check or Money order only

Dietary restrictions: ______

[ ] Check Box if State South Dakota SNA Officer and/or advisor attending Thursday night dinner meeting

[ ] Check box if Local Chapter Faculty Advisor

Please return form & payment For additional information contact:

(payable to USF SNA Conference) to:Cheri Kovalenko:

April MebiusUSF SNA Faculty Advisor

University of Sioux Falls School of Nursing

1101 W. 22nd Street

Sioux Falls, SD


The Power of Community

The South Dakota SNA respectfully requests one or more donations from each individal campus for silent auction. Please turn these donations into the registration table on February 23rd. Thank you.


Home2 Suites by Hilton (conveniently located at Sanford Medical Center, a few blocks from USF’s campus)

1120 S Grange Ave.

Sioux Falls, SD



Hotel Rooms are available at $119.00 a night

*You will be responsible for making and paying for your own reservation. Please see the booking link below.

*There are a limited number of rooms available. Please call as soon as possible to reserve your room(s). Must be booked by January 22nd, 2018.

The HiltonLink you requested is now ready for use. Simply copy and paste the URL below into your browser to access the exclusive rates available for this group:
Booking Link:
Hotel: Home2 Suites by Hilton Sioux Falls/ Sanford Medical Center
Group Name: State SNA Conference Block

Please feel free to make copies of thisform.

Preliminary Schedule of Events

Thursday, February 22nd, 2018: State Executive Board Meeting, Time TBD

Friday, February 23rd, 2018

7:15-8:00 a.m. Registration and Breakfast

8:00-8:10 a.m. Color Guard Presentation

8:10-8:30 a.m. Welcome and Opening

8:30-10:00 a.m. Group 2 Students: Gregory Santa Maria, Disaster Preparedness

*Group 1 Students Move to Stewart Center for Poverty Simulation (8:45 start)

10:00-10:30 a.m. Vendor/Snack Break (Group 2)

10:30-11:30 a.m. Group 2 Students: Becky Rasmussen, Human Trafficking

11:30-12:15 p.m. Lunch/Vendor Break

*Group 2 Students Move to Stewart Center for Poverty Simulation (12:15 start)

12:15 -1:45 p.m. Group 1 Students: Gregory Santa Maria, Disaster Preparedness

1:45-2:00 p.m. Vendor/Snack Break (Group 1)

2:00-3:00 p.m. Group 1 Students: Becky Rasmussen, Human Trafficking

3:00-3:30 Vendor/Snack Break (All)

3:30-4:30 SouthDakotaSNA State Executive Board Elections

Saturday, February 24th, 2018

7:00-8:00 a.m. Breakfast/Officer Breakout Sessions

8:00-9:00 a.m. Hurst Review

9:00-10:00 a.m. Joel Van Heukelom, The Opioid Epidemic

10:00-11:00 a.m. Mary Hill, The Ethics of Caring for the Mentally Ill

11:00-11:45 a.m. Awards Presentation

12:00 Noon Post Convention Board Meeting