PMLD Topic Web : Purple Class. Feb-Mar 2018 Rainforest

Topic overview: topic focus = sensory exploration of Vikings
Sensory story/ literacy = Multi-sensory story, based on Rainforest Romp by Tony Mitton.
Role play/sensory area= Rainforest: waterfall with multi layers of fabric + lights. Trees (use card from longship last term!) + tissue tree tops. Animals- use blown-up pics of Jays animals. Paper strips for branches. Net + painted large leaves + lights for canopy. Water indoor fountain.
Display: centre of room- papier mache tree + camo suspended above. Fabric streamers and giant pipecleaners for pupils to handle. Soft toy snakes/ frogs/ monkeys/ sloth.
Wall display- Photos of pupils engaged in topic activities.
Window display- lower edge- wallpaper cutouts of monkeys (from Adam’s Mum). Upper- butterfly silhouettes in black paper with cellophane inserts.
Door display (entrance) – ‘camo’ pics of pupils behind leaves ‘Who is hiding in the Rainforest’?
Exploration station = swamp bag with waterbeads; toy stretchy frogs; animal puppets; plants trough; smells of coffee/ cocoa.
Wow experience/ Celebration of learning- Jays animal encounters, meet and greet exotic animals! 19.2.18. Dept show and tell- end of term.
Cultural awareness: Pupil birthdays, AJ; Easter, Mothers Day
TOPIC in Purple Class includes sensory-appropriate aspects of Primary topic, ie sensory art, science, geography, IT, PSHE
Cognition this half term: delivered via topic science, maths, It, music, geography
Communication this half term: delivered via literacy, maths, music, IT, sensology, massage story, MOVE, Rebound
Sensory : Art, topic science, technology, massage story, sensory room, literacy
Physical: rebound, hydro, MOVE, sensory room, positioning, passive exercises
Fine Motor- art, topic science, music, geography, IT

Opportunities for developing skills in the areas of engagement within the topic:

Responsiveness- show awareness: still, turn towards, reduce other movements when the stimulus is presented, eg stilling to show awareness of the smell of coffee powder, pulling hand away from the feel of wet tapioca swamp.
Curiosity- show emerging interest in a stimulus, increase focus, show another physical response at the same time as the first, track using vison, hearing or smell, retain hand on a tracking the sound of scraper for frogs; turn to locate uv light source when flouro painting.
Discovery- enhanced response to a stimulus which may indicate like/dislike; making something happen independently by chance, eg pressing a sound button with the sound of ‘rainforest birds and insects’ and listening to the sound.
Anticipation- beginning to demonstrate an awareness that something may happen again by turning towards the source, making eye contact, vocalising excitement, communicating a wish for ‘more’. Eg enjoying an activity handling squishy toy frogs; looking expectant when an enjoyed massage movement is stopped, and turning towards the adult in anticipation of it happening again.
Persistence- making something happen deliberately that formerly occurred by chance, beginning to persevere to make something happen- eg reaching out to make a sound with the rainstick, then trying to do it again to repeat the result.
Initiation – request something by maintaining interested body posture, turning towards the stimulus or to the adult presenting it, reaching towards. Eg reaching for a monkey puppet during music, to request a turn.
Investigation- early exploratory movements, eg reaching for something, grasp, retain, move hands/feet/ arms on an interesting material. Eg reaching to touch an exotic animal; reach for a trowel used for rainforest planting, and attempt to lift it independently.