August 19, 2014
Dear Parents:
I would like to take the opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Lori Anselmino and I am your son/daughter’s biology teacher this year. This is my 22nd year at Norwin. On the first day of school I will cover my classroom expectations. Students will be given two copies – one for you to keep and one that should be kept in the student’s notebook. Please take a few minutes to read this paper. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the high school at (724)861-3005 ext. 3201. I will return your call as soon as possible. I may also be reached by email at .
Please make use of the Skyward system for updates on your child’s grades. Students are required to keep a record of their grades in their notebooks. If there is ever a discrepancy, please have your child see me first. I encourage students to be responsible for checking their grades. Your child should never be afraid to approach me about a score in the system. I am human and I do make mistakes. This is also the case when graded papers are returned. As soon as I know of upcoming quizzes and tests, I will post them in Skyward. However, your child should also use their agenda books to track assignments. I will also cover the Science Department’s makeup policy on the first day of school. Deadlines must be met in order to receive credit for work missed.
Please pay particular attention to the “Cheating” and “Homework” sections of Classroom Expectations sheet. Students should NEVER work on homework together. Very seldom do students actually “work together” on homework. One student will do the work while the other copies it word for word with the same examples and misspelled words. Homework is individual work, and it helps me determine which students are having difficulty with the material. Your child may email me or see me in the morning if he or she is having difficulty with homework. Copying answers, which may or may not be correct, does not help a student to learn. Students have ample time to see me in the morning for individual attention and assistance.
Please discuss the school’s dress policy with your child. Bare midriffs and backs, cleavage, cut-offs, and pants that hang too low are inappropriate in a school setting. These situations can be embarrassing and distracting in the classroom. No warnings will be given regarding cell phones. School policy dictates that I take the phone to the office.
Copies of the papers I distributed on the first day of school are available at my webpage on the high school website. - select high school - select teachers
I am looking forward to another great year, and I hope to meet you at Open House on August 27th.
Lori A. Anselmino