FIP Recommendation
Proposed Allocation:
Proposed Level of Intervention: Super Light / Light / Intensive
FIP Co-ordinator Signature:
Date of Recommendation: / DL Decision
Allocated to:
Level of Intervention: Super Light / Light / Intensive
DL Signature:
Date of Allocation:
Family Name / Current LST Keyworker
Involvement ID / UPRN
Is the property rented / owned (delete as appropriate) / If rented, state landlord details:
Membership of Household including Date of Birth and Status
Criteria met:
Inv ID / Capita ID / Forename / Surname / Relationship / D.O.B. / Age / Gender / Ethnicity / Benefits / Criteria
First Language
Which agencies are working with the family and why?
What existing assessments are in place?
What do Professionals consider to be? / a)  The family’s needs
b)  The family’s strengths?
c)  The consequences if nothing changes?
What does the Family consider to be: / a)  Their needs?
b)  Their strengths?
c)  The consequences if nothing changes?
What do we want to be different?
What are the priority areas to focus upon?
Who else needs to be involved?
What has been considered in relation to risk and risk management?
Family Plan to be produced by date:

Signature of Key Worker: ……………………………………...... Date: …………………………………………

Signature of Family Members: ……………………………………...... Date: …………………………………………

BRFC Family Profile – Revised September 2016Page 6

Ref / Indicator / Outcome
ASB1 / A child (aged 10-18 years) with a conviction for an offence in the previous 12 months / Reduction of 33% in convictions for a child aged 10-18 within 12 month timescale
ASB2 / An adult who has received an anti-social behaviour intervention (or equivalent) in the last 12 months / Reduction in arrests or out of court disposals within 12 month timescale
ASB3 / A child (aged 10-18 years) who has received an anti-social behaviour intervention (or equivalent) in the last 12 months / Non breach of ASB order within 12 month timescale and;
Reduction in police callouts by household within last 12 months (tally by type) and;
Reduction in arrests or out of court disposals within 12 month timescale
ASB4 / An adult offender who is currently subject to licence or supervision in the community following release from prison / Reduction in convictions or out of court disposals post release from custody
ASB5 / Young people (aged 10-17 years) who are at risk of gang involvement / Reduction in pattern of risk assessment score within 12 month timescale
ASB6 / Young people (aged 0-17 years) making repeat calls to Police by aggrieved or perpetrator / Reduction in number of calls to police from person within 12 month timescale
ASB7 / Young people (aged 10-17 years) at risk of Child Sexual Exploitation / Child not reported missing, not a victim of a sexual offence or a child abduction notice within 12 month timescale
ASB8 / Adults or children nominated by professionals because their potential crime problem or offending behaviour is of equivalent concern to the indicators above / Adult or child no longer identified for potential crime issue by nominating agency
MS1 / A child (aged 15 or under) who is persistently absent from school for an average across the last 3 consecutive terms (who has been identified as a child missing education) / Improved attendance rate to greater than 90% over previous 3 school terms
MS2 / A child (aged 15 or under) who has received at least 3 fixed term exclusions in the last 3 consecutive school terms / Reduction in number of fixed term exclusions and the number of days of fixed term exclusions (to less than 10) over previous 3 school terms
MS3 / A child (aged 15 or under) who has been permanently excluded in the last 3 consecutive school terms / Reduction in number of permanent exclusions over previous 3 school terms and;
Is not a child missing education
MS4 / A child who is in alternative provision for behavioural problems / Integration into mainstream education or suitable education (e.g. if a child is diagnosed with Special Educational Needs (SEN))
MS5 / A child who is neither registered with a school, nor being educated in an alternative setting / Receiving suitable education either in school or education otherwise
MS6 / A child nominated by education professionals as having school attendance problems of equivalent concern to the indicators above because he/she is not receiving a suitable full time education / Child no longer identified as having school attendance problems by nominating agency
CNH1 / A child who has been identified as needing early help – take up of Think2 Early Years Entitlement (For information only. There must be at least one additional indicator) / Take up of Think2 Early Years entitlement (plus outcome from the additional indicator(s))
CNH2 / A child who has been identified as needing early help – non take up of Universal Early Years Entitlement / Take up of Universal Early Years entitlement
CNH3 / A child who has been identified as needing early help – Children identified as having social, emotional & mental health problems / Non identification of SEMH issue in next School Census or provision of appropriate support following diagnosis of SEMH condition
CNH4 / A child who has been identified as needing early help - Children reported missing from home / No further episodes of missing from home within 12 month timescale
CNH5 / Children who are subject to Early Help Assessments – a child who has been assessed as needing early help / Early Help intervention completed and no re-referral via EHA within 6 months (except for those created due to the BRFC involvement).
CNH6 / A child who has been assessed as needing early help – Repeat referrals to Children’s Social Care / Reduction in number of repeat referrals to Children’s Social Care within 6 months of case closure to Safeguarding
CNH7 / A child who has been subject to more than one enquiry under Section 47, Children Act 1989
CNH8 / A child ‘in need’ under Section 17, Children Act 1989 / Reduction in number of repeat referrals to Children’s Social Care within 6 months of case closure to Safeguarding or;
Step down to CIN plan for period of more than 6 months
CNH9 / A child nominated by professionals as having problems of equivalent concern to the indicators above / Child no longer identified as in need of help by nominating agency
FE1 / An adult in receipt of out of work benefits (JSA, ESA, IS, IB, CA, SDA) / Continuous Employment Outcome:
Movement off out of work benefits (or Universal Credit), and sustained continuous employment (for 26 of the last 30 if previously claiming Job Seekers Allowance and 13 weeks for Employment and Support Allowance, Incapacity Benefit, Carer’s Allowance, Income Support, Severe Disablement Allowance)
Positive engagement by the Keyworker / TFEA or other key professional.
Progress to work should include at least 3 activities from the following (not exhaustive):
· Keyworker / TFEA to undertake assessments (to include the Family Star completed by the Keyworker) and develop an action plan for progress to work
· Soft Skills : CV, Attending a confidence building course, Interview Techniques, Attending a Social Activity Club, Opening a Universal Job match Account, Digital Job Search, Digital Skills/Courses
· Basic Skills courses to include English as a Second Language (ESOL) / Maths and English, I.T Courses
· Attending a Work Club
· Attendance at an Employability Course (various available depending upon the district)
· Work Experience: such as DWP arranged work experience, privately arranged work taster session or voluntary work
· Work Related Training, this could include: – PET Training (DWP), Fork Lift Truck Training, CSCS Card, Health and Social Care Training, Manual Handling, First Aid Courses, Retail, Sector Based Work Academy – SBWA (DWP), Health and Hygiene Courses, etc.
· Working towards a recognised qualification
· Permitted Work (for Employment& Support Allowance / Incapacity Benefit)
· Reductions in the amount of benefits received to include part time work
· Participation on an Adult Community Course
FE2 / An adult claiming Universal Credit & subject to work related conditions
FE3 / A young person who is about to leave school with no or few qualifications (i.e. less than 4 GCSE’s grade A*- C) / Young person no longer recorded as NEET or claiming unemployment benefit and engaged in post 16 education, employment or training (including work experience or voluntary work).
FE4 / A child or young person (aged 16-18) not in education, employment or training (NEET)
FE5 / A child (aged 16-18) who is about to leave school with no planned education, employment or training (i.e. at risk of becoming NEET) / Young person with a Sept Offer or training, apprenticeship, employment offer
FE6 / Parents and families nominated by professionals as being at significant risk of financial exclusion / Family no longer identified as being at significant risk of financial exclusion by nominating agency
DVA1 / A young person or adult known to local services as having experienced, currently experiencing or is at risk of experiencing domestic violence or abuse / No further reported incidents of domestic violence / abuse within 12 month timescale AND; appropriate sign off from keyworker that risk has reduced and accessing support and acting appropriately during or after incident
DVA2 / A young person or adult is known to have perpetrated an incident of domestic violence or abuse in the last 12 months / No reoffending behaviour within 12 month timescale
DVA3 / A household or family member has been subject to a police call out for at least two domestic violence incidents in the last 12 months / No further police call outs for domestic violence within 12 month timescale
HEA1 / An adult with mental health problems who has parenting responsibilities or a child with mental health problems / Reduction in non-attendance of health appointments within 12 month timescale
HEA2 / An adult with parenting responsibilities or a child with a drug or alcohol problem / Stopping smoking and;
Reduction in attendance at A&E and;
Reduction in hospital admissions and;
Reduction in non-attendance of health appointments within 12 month timescale
Accessing support for drug/alcohol problems - both family and substance misuser
HEA3 / A new parent with mental health or substance misuse problems and other health factors associated with poor parenting / Receipt of age appropriate immunisations and;
Reduction in hospital admissions and;
Maintenance of a healthy weight and;
Reduction in non-attendance of health appointments within 12 month timescale and;
Accessing support for drug/alcohol problems - both family and substance misuser
HEA4 / Adults with parenting responsibilities or children who are nominated by health professionals as having any mental and physical health problems of equivalent concern to the indicators above / Adult or child no longer identified as having health issue by nominating agency

BRFC Family Profile – Revised September 2016Page 6