Personality Summary – Business Management

24 Points

Now that you have read a few articles about personality tests and taken two separate personality tests, you’re going to summarize your findings.

Please write a short essay (4 – 5 paragraphs) about personality tests. The order of the essay is up to you, but must include the following information:

  • The purpose of personality tests
  • A brief description of each test you took
  • A summary of what each test said about your personality
  • Your thoughts/beliefs about personality tests. Consider: Do you agree with the use of personality tests? Are they accurate? Inaccurate? Useful?
  • Benefits/risks of personality tests.
  • Please include a works cited page

If you want to receive full possible points, also take this a step further and read and summarize some additional information about personality tests. Ideas include: articles about how they are used, additional tests you can take, actually take another test, articles explaining the validity of tests, articles highlighting which tests are most popular in business and why, etc.

Clearly explains Personality tests demonstrating a thorough understanding of the purpose, use, validity and accuracy of personality tests. Insightful explanation of what personality tests said about your personality. Accurately and thoughtfully evaluates benefits and risks of personality tests.Extends beyond these requirements to identify and demonstrate additional aspects of personality tests and their purpose in business.
16 points / Clearly explains Personality tests demonstrating a thorough understanding of the purpose, use, validity and accuracy of personality tests. Solid explanation of what personality tests said about your personality. Accurately and thoughtfully evaluates benefits and risks of personality tests.
12 points / Content is lacking in originality; observations are obvious and/or inaccurate. Explains Personality tests demonstrating a surface understanding of the purpose, use, validity and accuracy of personality tests. Basic explanation of what personality tests said about your personality. Evaluates benefits and risks of personality tests.
8 points / Content is unclear and lacking in originality; observations are obvious and/or inaccurate. One or more of the following components are missing: explains Personality tests demonstrating a surface understanding of the purpose, use, validity and accuracy of personality tests. Basic explanation of what personality tests said about your personality. Evaluates benefits and risks of personality tests.
4 points
Written Material: Attractiveness, Mechanics, Organization
Material is 100% professional and flawless. No misspellings or grammatical errors. Content is extremely well organized using headings or bulleted lists to group related material. Works Cited is completed properly.
8 points / Material is professional. Less than 3 misspellings or grammatical errors. Content is well organized using headings or bulleted lists to group related material. Works Cited is completed properly.
6 points / Less than 5 misspellings or grammatical errors. Content is mostly organized using headings or bulleted lists to group related material. Works Cited is not 100% complete and accurate.
4 points / Written material detracts from content due to errors or disorganization. Works cited is incomplete, inaccurate or missing.
2 points