Daughtry Elementary School Supports the Butts County Board Of Education Dress Code Policy

  • Students should come to school neat and well groomed.
  • Students must wear shoes to school (skate-shoes, flip flops and house slippers are not allowed).
  • Clothing should be neat, clean, and worn properly.
  • Pants, skirts, skorts, and shorts shall be worn at the waist and the length should be below the student’s fingertips.
  • Clothing should not be too tight, too loose, too short, or too long, and should not have inappropriate writing or pictures.
  • Students will not be permitted to wear sleeveless shirts.
  • Extreme hairstyles and unnatural colors that, in the opinion of the principal or the principal’s designee, would interfere with learning or be a health or safety hazard are not permitted.
  • Wearing any clothing, jewelry or other item symbolizing gang affiliation is prohibited.
  • If students wear inappropriate clothes to school, as determined by the principal or the principal’s
  • designee, parents will be called to bring other clothes for their child to wear.
  • Students will be sent to recovery until the situation is resolved.

* Tennis shoes required for PE participation

* No Rolling Bags allowed on campus

*Leggings, Jeggings and Tight fittings pants must be worn with a shirt long enough to cover the buttocks.

* Shirts should not have any rips/tears, jeans should not have rips or tears above the knee.

Building level principals have the responsibility and authority to enforce the student dress code. Dress code will be specified in the student handbook and annually reviewed with staff, students, and parents.

It is not the desire of the school system to exclude students from the educational setting because of dress code violations. However, the school board and administration believes that a reasonable expectation for student dress should be established and followed by all. As a result, students shall be subject to a progressive set of disciplinary actions that include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Verbal warning to the student of dress code violation;
  • Notice to parents of continued violations;
  • Assignment to in-school suspension for repeated violations;
  • Required meeting between student, staff, and parents;
  • Suspension from school for chronic violations

Each teacher will be responsible for checking students with this code and initiating the progressive disciplinary actions for violations, following school disciplinary procedures.