Multi-Use Trails

Bicycle, Pedestrian, & Transit Plan

Project / North side of Umatilla River
Description: / Paved multi-use trail from Westgate to S Main Street for 1.2 miles along the north side of the
Umatilla River.
Benefit: / Trail would provide school connections, recreational opportunities for residences on the north side
of the Umatilla river, and opportunities for loop walks along both sides of the river.
Category: Bicycle; Pedestrian / Time Frame: Long-Term / Priority: High

Potential Funding Sources: Various federal grants, Statewide Transportation Improvement

Cost: $1,950,000

Program (STIP) “Enhance” process, Oregon Parks and Recreation Recreational Trails Grants

Potential Project Partners: N/A

How Does the Project Rank Against Transportation Goals?

Feasibility Connectivity Accessibility Destinations Served Safety Impact Population Served Economic Impact

Project Location/Images:


Multi-Use Trails

Bicycle, Pedestrian, & Transit Plan

Project / River Walk extension to east city limits
Description: / Paved multi-use trail extending from the eastern terminus of the River Walk for 1.4 miles along an
existing levee on the south side of the river to Pendleton city limits.
A River Walk extension would provide a comfortable off-street connection between Pendleton and
Benefit: / the Umatilla Indian Reservation, with the potential for CTUIR to develop a trail on the reservation
creating an off-street connection to Mission and employment at the CTUIR Governance Center.
Category: Bicycle; Pedestrian / Time Frame: Long-Term / Priority: High

Potential Funding Sources: Various federal grants, Statewide Transportation Improvement

Cost: $2,450,000

Program (STIP) “Enhance” process, Oregon Parks and Recreation Recreational Trails Grants

Potential Project Partners: Coordination with CTUIR required to connect with a potential alignment on the Reservation

Project Goals:

Feasibility Connectivity Accessibility Destinations Served Safety Impact Population Served Economic Impact

Project Location/Images:


Multi-Use Trails

Bicycle, Pedestrian, & Transit Plan

Project / Trail along City and District #1 levees
Description: / Multi-use trail (hard surface, soft surface, or both) extending 3.9 miles from the western terminus
of the River Walk along the Flood District #1 levee.
This trail would provide recreational opportunities to walk, horseback ride or mountain bike to
Benefit: / areas west of Pendleton. Completion of the eastern portion of this trail opens up opportunities for
several other potential trails in the western and southern parts of the city.
Category: Bicycle; Pedestrian / Time Frame: Long-Term / Priority: High

Potential Funding Sources: Various federal grants, Statewide Transportation Improvement

Cost: $3,850,000

Program (STIP) “Enhance” process, Oregon Parks and Recreation Recreational Trails Grants

Potential Project Partners: City could take over District #1 levee from Umatilla County Commissioners

Project Goals:

Feasibility Connectivity Accessibility Destinations Served Safety Impact Population Served Economic Impact

Project Location/Images:


Multi-Use Trails

Bicycle, Pedestrian, & Transit Plan

Project / Sewer easement to Grecian Heights Park
Description: / Paved multi-use trail extending 2.0 miles trail along Tutuilla Creek and then along a sewer easement
out to Grecian Heights Park.
Trail would enhance walk and bicycle access to a school and Grecian Heights Park, providing an
Benefit: / alternate route to both Southgate Road and Tutuilla Road. Trail would also create recreational
opportunities and a connection to the beautiful trails in Olney Cemetery which are open to the
public during the day.
Category: Bicycle; Pedestrian / Time Frame: Long-Term / Priority: Medium

Potential Funding Sources: Various federal grants, Statewide Transportation Improvement

Cost: $4,650,000

Program (STIP) “Enhance” process, Oregon Parks and Recreation Recreational Trails Grants

Potential Project Partners: Olney Cemetery

Project Goals:

Feasibility Connectivity Accessibility Destinations Served Safety Impact Population Served Economic Impact

Project Location/Images:


Multi-Use Trails

Bicycle, Pedestrian, & Transit Plan

Project / McKay Creek Drainage
Description: / Paved multi-use trail extending 1.2 miles project from the Umatilla River to SW 37th Street along
the McKay Creek drainage channel.
Benefit: / This trail would provide recreational opportunities and, with the completion of other trails, could
form a comfortable alternative route to Southgate Road.
Category: Bicycle; Pedestrian / Time Frame: Long-Term / Priority: Low

Potential Funding Sources: Various federal grants, Statewide Transportation Improvement

Cost: $5,850,000

Program (STIP) “Enhance” process, Oregon Parks and Recreation Recreational Trails Grants

Potential Project Partners: N/A

Project Goals:

Feasibility Connectivity Accessibility Destinations Served Safety Impact Population Served Economic Impact

Project Location/Images:


Multi-Use Trails

Bicycle, Pedestrian, & Transit Plan

Project / Trail to Adams/Athena
Description: / A soft-surface multi-use trail extending along an old rail right-of-way east of Pendleton out to
Adams and Athena.
Benefit: / This trail would create recreational opportunities walking, mountain biking, and equestrian trips of
various lengths.
Category: Bicycle; Pedestrian / Time Frame: Long-Term / Priority: Low

Potential Funding Sources: Various federal grants, Statewide Transportation Improvement

Cost: $4,250,000

Program (STIP) “Enhance” process, Oregon Parks and Recreation Recreational Trails Grants

Potential Project Partners: Coordination with Umatilla County as project is outside city limits

Project Goals:

Feasibility Connectivity Accessibility Destinations Served Safety Impact Population Served Economic Impact

Project Location/Images:
