2016-17 State Association Board
Installation Ceremony Script- Hero Version
We are all surrounded by heroes – heroes of all shapes and sizes. Police, firefighters,members of the military, school lunch ladies, just to name a few. We grew up reading and watching a different sort of hero. We watched and read about the heroic actions of superheroes such as Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman & Robin, Spiderman and The Flash.
I see before me many heroes. Some super and some everyday ordinary but just as super heroes.
Today we recognize some of these heroes – those who have consented to lead yourstate association for the coming year.
I’m going to ask the members of the newly elected Board to come forward as I call their names:
President-Elect – [NAME, SCHOOL DISTRICT]
Legislative Chair – [NAME, SCHOOL DISTRICT]
Legislative Co-chair – [NAME, SCHOOL DISTRICT]
Industry Representative – [NAME, SCHOOL DISTRICT]
Industry Representative – [FULL NAME]
[FIRST NAME], as Industry Representative you are charged with encouraging participation of other industry members and representing their interests on the Board. Stand ready to assist the President in every way possible. You will use your super powers to harness fellow industry members as you help plan the Chapter fundraiser. Encourage your colleagues to provide quality, nutritious products for [STATE]’s Child Nutrition Programs. I encourage you to be the best you are at what you do.
Do you promise to harness your super powers to do good for your association and its members? [Put on cape]
PP&L chair and Co-chair – [FULL NAME(S)]
[FIRST NAME(S)],the PP&L Chair and Co-Chair work together to keep the Chapter informed about state and federal legislative issues. Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of our state and federal legislators? The Legislative Chair and Co-Chair know…. and will encourage members to Save the Day! by writing letters, calling, or visiting legislators to encourage them tosupport Child Nutrition Programs and act in the best interest of the children of [STATE].
Do you promise to harness your super powers to do good for your Chapter and its members? Please wear your cape proudly! [Put on cape]
Secretary – [FULL NAME]
[FIRST NAME],as secretary will assist in conducting general correspondence of the Chapter and keep accurate minutes of all meetings. With great power comes great responsibility. Be fast, agile, capable of quickly taking notes as the business of the Chapter is recorded.
Do you promise to harness your super powers to do good for your Chapter and its members? Please wear your cape proudly! [Put on cape]
Treasurer – [FULL NAME]
[FIRST NAME],as Treasurer you should be able to work at amazing, super human speed, as you tally figures and keep the Chapter financially steady. You will receive, deposit, and have custody of all Chapter funds and keep an accurate record of receipts and disbursements. In the brightest day, in blackest night, no pennies shall escape your sight!
Do you promise to harness your super powers to do good for your Chapter and its members? Please wear your cape proudly! [Put on cape]
President-Elect – [FULL NAME]
[FIRST NAME],as President-Elect you will use your many talents for the good of the Chapter. You will take on any responsibility set before you. As President-Elect you should be ready to perform the duties of the President whenever the need arises. As you plan the Chapter programs for next year, take notice of the current trends and foes your fellow Chapter members face and work to provide great programs throughout the year to assist members in fighting evil program requirements.
Do you promise to harness your super powers to do good for your Chapter and its members? Please wear your cape proudly! [Put on cape]
President – [FULL NAME]
[FIRST NAME],as president of the Chapter, you are the Chief Executive Officer. You have accepted an office of great responsibility because the success of the Chapter depends to a great deal on the attitudes and skills of the Presiding Officer. You shall preside at meetings of the Executive Board, exercise general administrative control over the Chapter and act as a positive example to others as you encourage them to promote outstanding Child Nutrition Programs in their respective schools and companies. As you perform these duties, you may have to be Faster than a speeding bullet. More powerful than a locomotive. Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. But mostly you will need to listen to the ideas and suggestions from members and challenge them to strengthen the Chapter.
Do you promise to harness your super powers to do good for your Chapter and its members? Please wear your cape proudly! [Put on cape]
Will each newly elected officer raise her right hand and repeat after me:
I solemnly promise that I will, to the best of my ability, faithfully perform all the duties, of the office for which I have been elected.
You have, by the democratic process, elected these officers to voice your wishes in matters relating to the business of your state association. Yours is the task of assisting in every way possible. No matter how small or how large the individual contribution, it is the cooperation of each member that makes for success and causes us to become more professional in the work we strive to do – feeding the kids of [STATE].
All rise –
Do you promise to do all in your power to support these officers you elected? If so please raise your right hand with me and say “let the force be with you!”