Agenda and Minutes
Marketing and Public Works Outreach Committee (MPWO)
February 16, 2017
Attendees: Diana Badowski, Juel Lugo, Bethany Maines
Not in attendance: Amy Cloud, Roger Schoessel, Maryam LynchTate, Mellissa Philpott, Lauren Behm, Kris Purrier, Jon Davies, Dara T’Sas, Cathy McKay
2017 Committee Kickoff
  • Introductions – All
As we work to get this committee more actively engaged, Diana will reach out to individuals to determine level of interest in remaining involved. The only participants were Diana, Juel and Bethany, although we did address a number of issues.
MPWO Committee Goals – Diana/Cathy
  • Meeting with BOD
Scheduled meeting with Debbie Sullivan and Scott Egger to establish Goals for the committee
  • Public Works Magazine (articles, editorial calendar, outreach)
At the committee summit we learned that Patrick Skillings will be taking over the responsibility of the magazine from John Carpita when he retires in June. This committee is being asked to support this effort with Patrick, potentially helping to reach out to people to write articles, align our editorial calendar with Nationals, or create an editorial calendar.
  • New Member Outreach
Discussed the need to help the membership committee to be more proactive in welcoming new members and getting the new member packets to them. Concerns were raised about keeping existing members engaged – current drop-out rate occurs at the 3-5 year mark consistently. Discussed customizing overall eblast marketing to create focused lists, potentially through mail chimp survey tool.
  • Website
The biggest task seems to be with job postings, there are typically between 3-5 emails weekly of new job postings. Juel suggested that this might be where a more administrative support person role might be important for the Chapter, but in the meantime, Lilt is updating this section of the website.
The primary tasks for this committee on the website is to establish a SOP for committee page design, and coordinate updates.
Committee Summit Report – Diana
  • Summary of meeting
Since all attendees were at the summit, this topic was not discussed.
  • PACE Award
  • SOPs
  • Plan and Budgets
Due April 1
Committee Participation in Other Committees – Not discussed
  • List of Committees
  • MPWO roles
Marketing Consultant - Lilt
  • Updates
Discussion centered around how this committee and Lilt can help other committees become more active and promotional. Also some discussion around the Spring conference and what other committees are planning for the event. Also discussed tasks that Lilt is currently doing, and updates to the budget.
Spring Conference Update – Cathy McKay– Not discussed
  • White Paper Ideas
Social Media
Jon Davies has been doing this but typically only happening at conference
Public Works Outreach – National Public Works Week - Not discussed
Other Business
Bethany brought up the concern about contract photography and that the Chapter needs to define the criteria for when contract photography should occur. There was some interest at the committee summit from committees to have Lilt do contract photography at various events. / Diana to re-connect with all committee members individually
Meeting with BOD scheduled for 2/28
Need committee member to volunteer to work this task
Juel to plug into membership committee meetings and be the liaison with this committee
Need committee volunteer to help with this, Diana may lead this effort but needs to get retrained on the website admin
Diana to write committee Plan and Budget. Get input from Lilt
Juel to send Diana budget from last year to plan for this year.
Diana to discuss with the BOD.