Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

Course Title: / Neighborhood and Community
Strand: / II. Geography
Topic: / Regions, Patterns, and Processes
Grade Level Standard: / 2-8 Describe regions, patterns, and processes.
Grade Level Benchmark: / 1. Identify regions in their immediate environment and
describe their characteristics and boundaries. (II.4.EE.1)

Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information

1. Create and label a map of:
a. Classroom
b. Wing
c. Whole School
2. Color map of Michigan showing Great Lakes, Indiana, Wisconsin, and Ohio as borders (map attached)
3. The Regions in Which I Live (activity attached)
4. Five Times Five: Activities for Geography Five Themes (activities attached) /


Blank Map of Michigan and surrounding states library/blank/blxusa.htm
New Vocabulary: Border, boundary, environment

The Regions in Which I Live



Beginning with the idea that a neighborhood is a region, the children investigate the concentric pattern of the regions in which they live. Following the reading of the book, My Place in Space, children compile a small book illustrating their neighborhood, local municipality (community), state, and country as a concentric pattern extending from the local community to the country or nation.

Subject Area: Social Studies

Grade Level and Course Title: Second Grade/The Local Community

Unit of Study: Defining a Local Community


Describe regions they live in including neighborhood, municipality, state, and country


Key Concepts



Instructional Resources


A set of four paper circles 3,5,7, and 9 inches in diameter for each child

An outline of the state map reproduced on the 7-inch circle

A reproduction of the United States on the 9-inch circle

Michigan map

United States map

Student Resource

Guthrie, Woody. “This Land is Your Land.” New York: Ludlow Music Inc., 1956.

Rand McNally. The Big Book Series. Chicago: Rand McNally, 2000.

Smith, S.F. “America.” Music for Everyone No. 7 Gems of the Universe. New York: Remic Music Corporation, 1955. 24.

Teacher Resource

Hirst, Robin, and Sally Hirst. My Place in Space. New York: Orchard Books,1992.

Sequence of Activities

1.  Before beginning this lesson, review information from Lessons 1, 2, and 3 of Unit 1 with the students. Reinforce the concept that communities are places where people live and work because they have common interests. Have the children look again at the web organizer made in Lesson 2, to determine the various groups to which people belong in a common community. Ask the children, “What common interest brings people together to form these groups?” In Lesson 3 the children discovered boundaries and features of their neighborhoods. Ask them the question, “ What do you like about the neighborhood where you live?” Look for common interests in the responses, such as my friends live there, there is a nice playground, my grandmother lives nearby, etc.

2.  Read the book My Place in Space out loud to the students. Ask the children,” Where is your place in space?” Record their responses on the chalkboard. Responses may be similar to the book, but may range from the street on which they live to the planet Earth. Discuss the responses with the class and encourage the children to categorize them as near, farther and farthest away.

3.  Explain to the children that the places where they live are called regions. The neighborhood is a region made up of people’s homes, apartments, parks and the other things that people use near where they live. The community/town is a region made up of several neighborhoods. Refer to the regional map (county map) in the classroom and point out regions of urban, suburban and other land uses in the county.

4.  Next, place a Michigan map on a classroom wall. Show the children that their local community is located within the state. Explain to the children that the state is another region.

5.  Place a map of the United States on a classroom wall. Point out where Michigan is located on this map. Tell the children that the United States of America is another region in which they live.

6.  Using My Place in Space as a model, have the children make a small book with a page for each region. Use the set of four circles as the pages for the book. Have the children draw their own neighborhood on the 3-inch circle. Include an illustration depicting their local town or community on the 5-inch circle. Have the children color the small, outline map of Michigan with their local community labeled and starred on the 7-inch circle. The 9-inch circle has an outline map of the United States of America. Tell the children to locate and to color only Michigan on the 9-inch circle.

7.  Direct the children to title their book. An example for the title could be Regions in Which I Live. Tell the children to write a short text for each of the regions. The teacher may provide a sample text written on the board to help the students begin the narrative. Sample text may be as follows:

I live in a neighborhood.

My neighborhood is in the town of (your local community).

My town is in the State of Michigan.

Michigan is part of the country of the United States of America.

8.  Direct the children to get out their Thinking/Writing journals. Have the children reflect on the concept of regions by writing in their Thinking/Writing Journal. Prompts for those children who need them might include:

a. Where is your place in space b. Describe the regions in which you live.

9.  Add the appropriate vocabulary words to the “community” word wall.





United States of America


10.  As a way of using another intelligence, as a class, sing or choral read, “This Land is Your Land” and/or “America”.


Read the Thinking/Writing Journals of the children to check for knowledge about the spatial relationships among the regions in which they live. Give the class the following activity as a formal assessment. Reproduce for each child.

How are groups, such as family and school, alike?

What is one thing that makes your neighborhood special?

Name something that makes (your locale) a community.

Name three regions you live in.

The questions may be read to the children. Answers may be written, drawn, or verbal.

Application Beyond School

Children may take their region books home to share with family members. Family members who have looked at the book should be asked to sign the back of the cover. Books are then returned to school to go into the class library where they are shared with other children in the school.



Children draw pictures of their neighborhood and community.

English Language Arts

Children’s literature is used as a catalyst for discussion and as a model for the children to write their own books.

The thinking/writing journals and the region books are opportunities for writing.

Five Times Five: Activities for Teaching Geography's FIVE Themes

Looking for activities to teach the five themes of geography? We've got them for you -- 25 of them! Included: Activities for students at every level!

How many of your students could identify the location of their home country on a world map? U.S. education officials were shocked when a nine-nation survey found that one in five young Americans (18- to 24-year-olds) could not locate the United States on an outline map of the world!

That study represents one of the turning points in geography education in the United States. Although most U.S. students still don't take a "geography" course in school -- as students in many other countries do -- increased emphasis on the development of geography skills is more widespread today than it was ten years ago. Organizations such as National Geographic and the National Council for the Social Studies have created materials to aid teachers in teaching geography skills. And about ten years ago, the Joint Committee on Geographic Education of the National Council for Geographic Education and the American Association of Geographers developed five specific themes to help focus teacher and student thinking when it comes to geography. Those five themes follow:

·  Location -- Where are things located? A location can be specific (for example, it can be stated as coordinates of longitude and latitude or as a distance from another place) or general (it's in the Northeast).

·  Place -- What makes a place different from other places? Differences might be defined in terms of climate, physical features, or the people who live there and their traditions.

·  Human-environment interaction -- What are the relationships among people and places? How have people changed the environment to better suit their needs?

·  Movement -- What are the patterns of movement of people, products, and information? A study of movement includes learning about major modes of transportation used by people, an area's major exports and imports, and ways in which people communicate (move ideas).

·  Regions -- How can Earth be divided into regions for study? Regions can be defined by a number of characteristics including area, language, political divisions, religions, and vegetation (for example, grassland, marshland, desert, rain forest).


At the start of the school year. At the start of the school year, invite students to create from memory an outline map of the world. (As an alternative, students might draw a map of the United States or of their state, if those will be the focus of the year's curriculum.) Collect the maps. At the end of the school year, repeat the activity. Then bring out the maps that the students created in the first days of school. How have their maps changed? Are their end-of-year maps a big improvement over those drawn at the start of the year?

Literature around the world. Invite students to identify on a world map the locations of some of their favorite books and book characters. Among the characters that might be included are Paddington Bear (Peru), Heidi (Switzerland), Ferdinand the Bull (Spain), Strega Nona (Italy), Red Riding Hood (Germany), Madeline (France), and Ping (China).

Design a country. Challenge students to dream up their own countries and to create maps of those countries. The maps should show natural (rivers, mountains) and human-made (highways, major cities) features. Students should name their countries, decide which products will provide the economic basis of their countries, etc.

Map puzzles. Collect state and regional maps from around the United States. Cut selected pieces from those maps. (The size of the "piece" might vary depending on the grade you teach. In the middle elementary grades, the pieces might be about 2 inches square.) Students can use place names, natural features (lakes, rivers), and other clues on the map pieces to try to figure out which state each map piece is from. Students might do this activity in small groups. Each group might have copies of the same five map pieces. Which group can un-puzzle the map pieces first?

Create an atlas. Assign each student the name of a state or a country. Provide the student with a large sheet of drawing paper. The student creates a map of the country showing major cities, natural features, and landmarks. A fact box on each map might provide standard information about country size, population, etc. Put together all the students' maps to create a class atlas.


ABC book of your community. Invite students to create an ABC book to describe the place in which they live. The word used for each letter might describe a unique physical feature, the weather, or the people and their traditions. When completed, the book should tell a reader unfamiliar with your community what life is like there.

So many ways to say "Hello"! Challenge student to discover how many different ways they can say "hello." Provide one of the many translators available on the Internet so they can find out! Students will post the different ways on a world map. Each student might select a different word or phrase to create a "world word map." (You can find one translator on iTool's Language Tools Translator.)

Get the dirt! Invite students to write to friends or relatives in other parts of the country (or the world). Students should ask each person to send to them a small sample of the soil that is common in their area. Students can compare the soil samples from around the country and the globe. What can they tell about a place from its soil?

Create a postage stamp or a postcard. Assign each student the name of a country (or a state, if states are the focus of your curriculum). The student must research that country and design a postage stamp to be used by its citizens. The stamp might have on it a physical feature, person, or landmark that the country is noted for. Students present their stamps to the class, explaining why they chose to use the image they used. Older students might design postcards. On one side, they draw an image representative of a place. On the other side, they write a message that provides readers with several clues about the place. Post students' cards on a bulletin board. Number each card. Give students a week to read all the cards on their own and to jot down their best guesses as to the place. At the end of the week, students can turn over the cards to learn the correct answers. Who correctly guessed the most places?