Act III Study Guide

Scene i

1.  In regard to Artemidorus’srequest, how does Caesar’s nobility doom him?

2.  What is Metellus Cimber’s petition to Caesar?(Include quote.)


Caesar. But I am constant as the northern star,
Of whose true-fixed and resting quality
There is no fellow in the firmament. (III,i,60-62) / What literary device does Caesar use in this speech? What does this show about Caesar’s character?

According to Plutarch, Caesar tried vainly to avoid the blows from the conspirators until…


Et tu, Brute? Then fall, Caesar! (III,i,79) / Who says this? Why does he say it? Paraphrase:

Julius Caesar dies on March 15, 44 B.C., hacked to death by 23 stabs. (We will talk about the number of wounds again in Act 5.)

5.  What is ironic about Caesar being stabbed so many times?

6.  What does Brutus instruct the conspirators to do before they go before the public? (Include quote.) What is ironic about this?


Cassius. How many ages hence
Shall this our lofty scene be acted o'er,
In states unborn, and accents yet unknown! (III,i,111-113) / Paraphrase. How is Cassius’s comment true?

8.  Where is Caesar’s body (line 115)? Why is that interesting?

9.  What request does Antony’s servant bring to Brutus? What is Brutus’s response?

Mark Antony pretends to treat Caesar's murderers as friends. He asks to speak at Caesar's funeral.

10.  Why does Cassius object to letting Antony speak at Caesar’s funeral? (Include quote.) What reassurance does Brutus give Cassius?

11.  What promises does Antony give Brutus about his funeral speech?


O pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth,
That I am meek and gentle with these butchers!
Thou art the ruins of the noblest man
That ever lived in the tide of times. (III,i,254-257) / Who said this? To whom? Paraphrase.

Scene ii

Brutus and Cassius meet the Roman citizens and attempt to explain Caesar’s death.

13.  What reason does Brutus give for murdering Caesar? (Include quote.) What is the crowd’s reaction? (Include quote.)

14.  After Brutus speaks, how do the citizens feel about him? (Include quotes.)

15.  What final mistake does Brutus make in letting Antony speak? (Hint: look at line 62.)


Antony’s immortal words:
Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;
I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.
The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interred with their bones.
(III,ii,74-77) / Paraphrase.

17.  Why does Antony say he will not “praise him” (line 75)?

Note how many times Antony says how “honorable” Brutus and the conspirators are.

18.  What affect does this repetition have?

19.  Why does Antony say he will not read Caesar’s will to the people? (Quote.) What is the result?


Antony: This was the most unkindest cut of all;
For when the noble Caesar saw him stab,
Ingratitude, more strong than traitors' arms,
Quite vanquished him: then burst his mighty heart / Paraphrase.

21.  What is Antony showing the citizens here? What is their reaction?

22.  At the end of the scene, what are the fates of Brutus and Cassius? (Include quotes from several different parts of this scene.)

Scene iii

The citizens (plebeians) are eager for revenge.

23.  What happens to Cinna the poet?

24.  What is the significance of this scene?