State Special Plans
Enter review authority agency> /

Plan Authors Report

To: / <Insert Agency SEMC/SEMAG member
Manager Planning, State Emergency Service
Plan Title: / State Special Plan for <enter Hazard/Function> Emergencies Issue 1, <YYYY>
Plan Author: / Name and contact details (position, email and office phone)
Report Date: / Day Date Month YYYY


<Brief overview of project-purpose, timeframes (start-finish), scope and key personnel etc>

2Project Summary

The table below summarises the main activities and their sequence of this work:

Row / Activity / Start / Finish
1 / Initial discussions / Month YYYY / Month YYYY
2 / Plan scoping / Month / Month
3 / Formation of Steering group
4 / Formation of working/reference group
5 / Drafting
6 / General consultation
7 / Final checks and endorsement
8 / Approval
9 / Issue
10 / Distribution
11 / Communications
12 / Validation arranged
13 / Review report finalised
14 / Plan noted by SEMC/SEMAG
15 / Validation

3Consultation Summary

<Briefly describe how and when consultation was managed, and include a list of the main groups/positions invited to comment on the draft.>

4Issue and Distribution Summary

<Briefly describe how the plan was distributed (paper or electronic-format, with accompanying letters etc>

5Communications Summary

<Briefly describe how the arrangements are being communicated/shared and the general timeframes for this>

6Debrief/Points to Consider at Next Review

<Outline important lessons identified through the development process that would be useful for the next Plan Author or more broadly may benefit consideration across all State Special plans (SES to note). Listing these as “Useful” and “Ineffective” process lists can be effective.

7Validation Arrangements

The arrangements are for exercising this plan are outlined next:

Contact Officer: / Name and contact details (position, email and office phone)
Time Frame: / State Special Plan for <enter Hazard/Function> Emergencies Issue 1, <YYYY>

8Costings Summary

The costs below summarise the main expenses incurred during the development of this plan. All costs are GST exclusive.

Item / $ Value / Type
Meeting-catering / $ / In-Kind or Cash
Meetings-travel/accommodation etc
Other ???
Wages (summarise hours/weeks involved and average hourly rate. Consider Plan author, support groups, time spent in consultation etc
Does not include on-costs.
Sub-Total: Cash
Sub-Total: In-Kind
Total Summary Costing


<List the organisations/ individuals who had significant input to the development of the plan>

October 2009 Page 1 of 3