Electrical Safety
OSHA Standard:1926.400 Electrical
Electricity has longbeen recognized as aseriousworkplace hazard, exposing employees to electric shock,electrocution, burns, fires, and explosions. In 1999, for example, 278 workers died from electrocutions atwork,accountingfor almost 5percent ofall on-the-job fatalities that year, according to the Bureau ofLaborStatistics.What makes these statistics more tragic is that most of these fatalities could have been easily avoided.
Operating an electric switch islike turning ona water faucet.
Behind the faucet (or switch) there is a source ofwater (or electricity) witha way to transport it, and pressure tomake it flow.Thefaucet’s water source isa reservoir or pumping station.A pump provides enough pressure for thewater to travel throughthe pipes.For electricity the source is the power generating station.A generator provides the pressure (voltage) for the electrical current to travel through electric conductors (wires).
Volts – theelectrical pressure (measure of electrical force) Amps – thevolume or intensity of the electrical flow Watts– thepower consumed
There are “clues” that electrical hazards exist.For example, if a GFCIkeeps tripping while you are usinga power tool, there isa problem. Don’t keep resetting the GFCI and continue to work. You must evaluate the “clue”and decide what action should be taken to controlthe hazard.
Electric Shocks
The effectsof an electric shock onyour body can range froma faint tickle (1 milliamp) to cardiac arrest and probable death at 10,000 milliamps. The severity of the shock dependson three factors:
1.How muchcurrent flows throughyour body(measured in amperes)
2.What path the electric current takes.
3.How long you are a part of the circuit.
There areanumber of other conditions that indicatea hazard:
•Tripped circuit breakers andblownfusesshow that too much current is flowingina circuit.
This couldbe due to several factors, suchas malfunctioningequipmentor a short between conductors.You need to determine the cause in order to control the hazard.
•An electrical tool, appliance,wire, or connection that feels warm mayindicate too much current in the circuit or equipment. You needtoevaluatethe situation and determine your risk.
•An extension cord thatfeels warmmay indicate too muchcurrent for the wire sizeof the cord.
You must decide when action needs tobe taken.
•A cable, fuse box,orjunction box thatfeelswarm may indicate too much current in the circuits.
•Aburningodor may indicate overheated insulation.
•Worn, frayed, or damaged insulation around any wireor other conductor is an electrical hazard because theconductors could beexposed. Contact with an exposedwire could cause a shock. Damaged insulation could causea short, leading to arcingor a fire. Inspect all insulation for scrapes andbreaks. You need to evaluate theseriousness of anydamage youfind and decide how todealwith the hazard.