Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership - Joint NEP meeting

Minute of meeting held on 9th February 2011, NELO 8 West Pilton Gardens.

Alex Dale (Drylaw Telford Community Council)
Tony Cook (Friends of Inverleith Park)
Eddie Thorn (Craigleith Blackhall Community Council)
Elaine Lennon (CEC Services for Communities)
Mandy Rudden (CEC Services for Communities)
Neil McFarlane (CEC Services for Communities)
Henry Coyle - Chair (CEC Services for Communities)
1. Apologies:
Richard Percival (Fettes Rise Proprietors Association)
Len Havard (Stockbridge Inverleith Community Council)
2. Welcome and Introductions
Henry welcomed the group and introduced himself to members as new Housing & Regeneration Manager for North.
3. Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising
The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as true record.
4. Project updates
Project 3b - Easter Drylaw Park multisports. This equipment has been purchased. Request submitted from DTCC that this is no longer priority for the group and that, if possible, would it be possible for the equipment be sold to another area and funds returned to pot and could be considered for future skatepark. Mandy to look into this and report back.
Project 17 -Stockbridge Library railings and roadways is not yet underway because of further consultation required to ensure that railings meet safety needs of school.
Project 22 – Craigcrook Road traffic lights work. Originally estimated and approved at £15000, but now estimate may be up to £25000 because of need to move the control from central island. Neil to report further at next meeting.
Project 24 – Pavements on Groathill Road North. Estimate was £6000. Work required / now complete cost £10367 (i.e. £4367 over)
Project 27 – East Fettes Rise. Estimate was £1340 from small projects budget. Work required / now complete cost £4484 (i.e. £3144 over)
Project 29 – Pavement work in Bell Place / Glenogle Terrace. Work postponed on advice of Flood Prevention Team.
Project 35 – Neil reported that the existing lighting structures had been assessed and it was felt that these did not have major architectural value as previously thought and advised that resident consultation was not necessary. Neil to report this to Cllrs.
Eddie queried if these contractors must get approval from Neil before they carry out additional work. Neil replied that this is mainly because it is not until work is started that the full extent of work needed is known.
Alex asked if the work being carried out currently in Easter Drylaw Drive might affect work to provide path in park. Neil agreed to check the scope of the work being done by Crummocks to check to see if it is due to continue to this spot but doubted that it would have any negative impact. / MR
5. Projects to be considered for funding
It was reported that the budget had a total balance for allocation of £37190, and any unallocated roads part of this could be rolled over. It was also noted that, although some above projects had been carried out at more than estimated costs, that some may come in at lower costs over the three year period.
Warriston Gardens path (project 30b) – continued from last meeting
Neil outlined cost for the work on path and steps remained (estimate £18600) and explained that the path was currently in poor repair and not fully accessible to cycle path. Project scored 90.
It was agreed to recommend for funding - £18600.
Blackhall Dip (project 37)
This proposal was submitted by CEC Officials in order to carry out work in areas surrounding the completed work in the dip, to bring adjoining areas up to similar quality. It was noted that this had not yet been discussed by Craigleith Blackhall Community Council, and general agreement that this area had already benefited from a large investment of Urban Programmes Funding as well as NEP funding. Estimated cost £40000, which is more than current budget allowed.
It was agreed to continue this application.
Pathway from Telford Shop to Easter Drylaw (project 38)
This proposal was submitted by DTCC to provide a safer and easier access for people from Drylaw to Telford. Currently, access is only via muddy self made path, or by Telford Steps which are not suitable for people with a wheelchair or buggies. This is estimated at £11260. There had been some concerns about land ownership issues and current planning applications including Tramwork. It was agreed that this path would be of a quality that would not be detrimental to any other work. Project scored 90.
It was agreed to recommend for funding - £11260.
Telford Bridge Steps – work to improve railings and fencing (project 39)
This proposal was submitted by DTCC to make the steps safer. Mandy reported that this would be carried out with revenue funding.
It was agreed not to continue this proposal.
Street lighting around Easter Drylaw Park (project 40)
This project was proposed by Cllr McKay to look at lighting around the park to see if standards could be raised to allow possible temporary CCTV camera usage. It was felt that lighting in the park would be part of the feasibility study being proposed by Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre and that this work would be part of bigger skatepark project.
It was agreed to continue this proposal to obtain Police and Community Safety input.
Haugh Street pedestrian crossings (project 41)
Stockbridge Care Home submitted this proposal to improve pedestrian access by their frail, elderly residents from the Home and at the top of the street at traffic lights. Estimate for improvement to two areas by removing setts and resurfacing crossing. This project was supported by SICC. Project scored 90.
It was agreed to recommend for funding - £4791.
Water of Leith walkway draining project (project 42)
This proposal is to improve the drainage at a point on the section of the Water of Leith between Dean Bridge and St George’s Well where water often runs from steep gardens on side over the walkway, resulting in flooding or icy conditions. The project was proposed by Countryside Ranger Service and supported by Cllr McKay in response to an enquiry from a local resident. The project would cost £2700. Project scored 90.
It was agreed to recommend for funding - £2700.
Easter Drylaw Skatepark Project (project 43)
Edinburgh & Lothian Greenspace Trust notified us that a proposal would be submitted for a skatepark in Easter Drylaw Park once the proposed feasibility study had been carried out.
It was agreed to continue this application.
Summary –
Four projects listed above totalling £37351 are recommended for funding.
Four projects remain in project bank
Ø  Craigcrook Road Traffic Islands
Ø  Blackhall Dip additional work
Ø  Lighting around Easter Drylaw Park
Ø  Easter Drylaw Skatepark
6. Any other business
Tony asked where he should report potholes. Neil gave the contact as
Clarence on 0800 23 23 23.
7. Date of next meeting
To be agreed.