Medical Sciences 2/EMSChapter 7Medical Terminology

PathophysiologyAnatomy, Physiology, & Medical TerminologyWord Parts Schedule

COMBINING FORMS – “Word Roots” Schedule for September through October 2015


Week 1: Combining Forms “A & B”
September 1-8 / Week 2: Combining Forms “C”
September 8-15 / Week 3: Combining Forms “D-H”
September 15-22
Combining Form / Meaning / Combining Form / Meaning / Combining Form / Meaning
abdomin/o- / abdomen / calcane/o- / heel / dent/i- / tooth
acous/o- / hearing, sound / carcin/o- / cancer / derm/a- / skin
acr/o- / extremity, highest part / cardi/o- / heart / digit/o- / finger or toe
aden/o- / gland / carp/o- / wrist / edem/o- / swelling
adip/o- / fat / caus/o- / burn / embryon/o- / fetus
albin/o- / white / cephal/o- / head / enter/o- / intestines
alg/o- / pain / cervic/o- / neck, cervix / erythr/o- / red
all/o- / other, strange / chol/e- / bile / esthes/o- / sensation
andr/o- / male / chondr/o- / cartilage / eti/o- / cause
angi/o- / blood vessel / chrom/o- / color / febr/o- / fever
aort/o- / aorta / cili/o- / hair-like structure / fibr/o- / fiber
arter/o- / artery / cis/o- / cut / flex/o- / bend
arthr/o- / joint / cleid/o- / collarbone (clavicle) / fract/o- / break up
articul/o- / joint / cochle/o- / cochlea of the inner ear / gastr/o- / stomach
audi/o- / hearing / cor/o- / pupil / gnos/o- / knowledge
aur/i- / ear / coron/o- / encircling structure / gynec/o- / female
auscult/o- / listen / corpor/o- / body / hem/o- / blood
bi/o- / life / cost/o- / rib / hepat/o- / liver
blephar/o- / eyelid / cry/o- / cold / heter/o- / other, different
brachi/o- / arm / cubit/o- / elbow / home/o- / same
bronch/o- / bronchus / cyan/o- / blue / humer/o- / upper arm
bucc/o- / cheek / cyst/o- / bladder, cyst / hydr/o- / water
burs/o- / pouch or sac, bursa / hyster/o- / womb, uterus
Week 4: Combining Forms “I-N”
September 22-29 / Week 5: Combining Forms “O & P”
September 29-October 6 / Week 6: Combining Forms “R & S”
October 6-13
Combining Form / Meaning / Combining Form / Meaning / Combining Form / Meaning
idi/o- / unknown, individual / ocul/o- / eye / ren/o- / kidney
inguin/o- / groin / odont/o- / tooth / reticul/o- / network
lact/i- / milk / o/o-, ov/i- / egg / retin/o- / retina of the eye
later/o- / side / ophthalm/o- / eye / rhin/o- / nose
leuk/o- / white / orch/o- / testis / rub/o- / red
ligat/o- / tie, bind / osse/o-, oste/o- / bone / salping/o- / fallopian tube
lith/o- / stone / ot/o- / ear / sang/o- / blood
medi/o- / middle / palpat/o- / touch, feel / scler/o- / hard
meg/a- / large / par/o- / birth / seb/o- / sebum (oil)
melan/o-, melen/o- / black / pariet/o- / wall of a cavity / sect/o- / cut
men/o- / monthly / path/o- / disease / sept/o- / wall
morb/o- / disease / ped/o- / child / ser/o- / serum
mort/o- / death / percuss/o- / strike, tap / sinus/o- / cavity or hollow, sinus
myel/o- / bone marrow, spinal cord / phag/o- / eat, swallow / somat/o- / body
my/o- / muscle / phot/o- / light / sphincter/o- / sphincter muscle
nephr/o- / kidney / placent/o- / placenta / spir/o- / coil, breathe
neur/o- / nerve / pleur/o- / pleura (lung membrane) / stern/o- / sternum
noct/o- / night / pne/o- / breathe / steth/o- / chest
pneum/o- / lung, air / sthen/o- / strength
pod/o- / foot / stom/o- / opening, mouth
psych/o- / mind
purul/o-, pyl/o- / pus
pyel/o- / Pelvis (including the pelvis of the kidney)
pyret/o- / fever
Week 7 Combining Forms “T-X”
(1) Create flash cards for weekly medical word parts as per schedule:
Combining forms (September 1-October 27)
Prefixes (October 27-November 10)
Suffixes (November 10-December 1)
*Medical word part written on one side of the card and meaning of medical word part on the opposite side
a) Review medical word part flash cards for five minutes every day for the week that they are assigned
b) Practice correct spelling for assigned weekly medical word parts
c) Review flash cards created for previously assigned medical word parts since quizzes and tests will be accumulative. Periodic quizzes will include a review of previously assigned word parts. Medical terminology tests will assess ALL medical term word parts assigned up to the test date.
(2) Participate in weekly practice and review activities (Tuesday Warm-Up):
a) Bingo
b) Matching games (match medical term word part with meaning)
c) “Who Wants to be a Millionaire” (PowerPoint review game)
d) “Jeopardy” (PowerPoint review game)
e) Kahoot! – internet-based competitive game
f) Break-It-Down (break down medical terms into prefixes, combining forms, and suffixes to interpret their meaning)
(3) Complete weekly medical terminology practice worksheets (Friday Warm-Ups)
(4) Study for upcoming medical terminology tests:
Test #1: Combining Forms “A-N”, Tuesday, September 29
Test #2: Combining Forms “A-X”, Tuesday, October 27
Test #3: Medical Terminology Final Exam (ALL word parts), Tuesday, December 8
Combining Form / Meaning
tact/o- / touch
tars/o- / ankle
tele/o- / distance
tempor/o- / time, temple of the head
tendon/o- / tendon
tetr/a- / four
tom/o- / cut
toxic/o- / poison
trache/o- / trachea
trich/o- / hair
urin/o- / urine
vagin/o- / female genital canal
vertebr/o- / vertebra
viscer/o- / viscera (internal organs)
vol/o- / volume
viscos/o- / thick
xen/o- / foreign
xer/o- / dry

PREFIXES Schedule for October through November 2015

Week 8: Prefixes “A-E”
October 27-November 3 / Week 9: Prefixes “H-U”
(1) Create flash cards for weekly medical word parts as per schedule
*Medical word part written on one side of the card and meaning of medical word part on the opposite side
a) Review medical word part flash cards for five minutes every day for the week that they are assigned
b) Practice correct spelling for assigned weekly medical word parts
c) Review flash cards created for previously assigned medical word parts since quizzes and tests will be accumulative. Periodic quizzes will include a review of previously assigned word parts.
Prefix / Meaning / Prefix / Meaning
a-, an- / without, lack of / hemi- / half
ab- / away from / hyper- / excessive, above normal
acr- / pertaining to extremity / hypo- / deficient, below normal
ad- / to, toward / in- / not
ante- / before, forward / infra- / below
anti- / against, opposite to / inter- / between
auto- / self / iso- / equal
bi- / two / para- / by the side of
brady- / slow / per- / through
circum- / around. about / peri- / around
contra- / against, opposite / poly- / many
di- / twice, double / post- / after, behind
dia- / through, completely / pro- / before
dys- / with pain or difficulty / quadri- / four
e-, ex- / from, out of / retro- / backward
ecto- / out from / semi- / half
em- / in / sub- / below, less than
endo- / within / supra- / above
epi- / upon, on / sym- / with, together
eu- / normal, good / tachy- / fast
exo- / outside / trans- / across
extra- / outside, in addition / tri- / three
uni- / one

SUFFIXES Schedule for November through December 2015

Week 10: Suffixes “A-I”
November 10-18 / Week 11: Suffixes “L-T”
(2) Participate in weekly practice and review activities (Tuesday Warm-Ups):
a) Bingo
b) Matching games (match medical term word part with meaning)
c) “Who Wants to be a Millionaire”
d) “Jeopardy”
e) Kahoot!
f) Break-It-Down worksheets
(3) Complete weekly medical terminology practice worksheets (Friday Warm-Up Activity)
(4) Prepare for upcoming medical terminology final exam:
Test #3: Medical Terminology Final (Prefixes, Combining Forms & Suffixes),
Tuesday, December 8
Suffix / Meaning / Suffix / Meaning
-a / condition of / -logy / study of
-ac / pertaining to / -lysis / destruction or loosening
-al / pertaining to / -meter / measuring instrument
-algia / pertaining to pain / -ostomy / creation of an opening
-ary / pertaining to / -oma / tumor, swelling
-blast / germ of immature cell / -osis / condition of
-cele / tumor, hernia / -ous / pertaining to
-centesis / puncturing / -pathy / disease
-cyte / cell / -plasty / surgical repair of, tying of
-eal / pertaining to / -ptosis / falling, drooping
-ectomy / a cutting out / -rrhagia / excessive flow, bursting forth
-emia / condition of the blood / -rrhea / flowing or discharge
-emic / pertaining to the blood / -scope / instrument for examination
-gram / record or picture / -scopy / examination with an instrument
-ic / pertaining to / -stasis / standing still
-itis / inflammation / -taxia / order, coordination