Proposed liaison statement to the ATMCP and any other telecommunication-customer Panels

To face the increasing demand of mobile communication resulting from the aeronautical traffic growth;

And to enable the implementation of new concepts and new services for ATM and Airline needs which promote increasing automation and increasing safety of flight;

The Panels (such as the AMCP) in charge of specifying systems able to support information exchanges between mobile users and other users have defined additional systems providing more capacity (such as VDL Mode 3, 8.33 kHz channel radios) and additional functionality (such as VDLs, Mode S extended Squitter).


  • It has to be highlighted that physical limits exist. Adding new communication capacity within the VHF spectrum, 117.975-137 MHz, allocated to the aeronautical mobile (route) service for aviation use will be more and more difficult (as an example VDL Mode 3 and 8.33 kHz DSB-AM are at the limit of the technology considering the allotment of the VHF band, and considering that in some regions, it is extremely difficult to find free channels).
  • The spectrum is a valuable and limited resource, which is increasingly being sought by telecommunications service providers to enhance and increase services to the public and, thus, to increase revenues. Therefore, getting additional spectrum for increasing civil aviation requirements will be a challenge.

Therefore, the AMCP would like inform the ATMCP and other Panels which are mobile telecommunication customers, that when identifying new ATM concepts, careful consideration be given to less communication-demanding architectures. By not demanding a continually increasing communication capacity, international civil aviation will be in a better position to implement realistic and achievable future aeronautical systems


From: Donald Willis [

Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2000 4:13 PM


Subject: Re:RE: WG-C STATUS


Yes, I think you hit the nail on the head and articulated the problem I had with

the communique. I think what we really meant to say is that:

(1) spectrum is a valuable resource

(2) VHF band is reaching the limits of capacity and there doesn't seem to

be new technology which will significantly increase the capacity.

(3) new technologies (in, perhaps, new radio frequency bands) need to be

developed to keep pace with increasing communications needs of civil aviation


(4) the user panels need to work with AMCP to establish future requirements

so we can be working on ways to satisfy user needs

I guess the implication is that AMCP needs the user panels to look forward into

the future for their new systems because new systems will likely require

wholesale new ways of doing things. In the past, all we had to do was split

channels to increase capacity. This required a few years to develop standards

and implement new equipment. It's not this simple anymore, and AMCP needs input

from the user panels on what they see coming in the future so we will have

enough time to work the technical and spectrum issues to satisfy these needs.

Hope this helps some...

Take Care and Have a Joyous Holiday Season


______Reply Separator______

Subject: RE: WG-C STATUS

Author: VAN DEN BOOGAARD Kors <>

Date: 12/19/2000 5:58 PM


Hope to finish this before the end of the week. Reading the communiqué

literally it seems as if it says stop communicating. I believe based on the

Eurocontrol input ( saturation of voice channels) the sentiment would be

more in the direction of voice channels. As we are all aware the need to

communicate will increase with traffic growth, reduced separation and new

application. Am I right?

Best Regards


-----Original Message-----

From: Donald Willis [mailto:

Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 2:37 PM

To: ; ; ;

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; ; ;

; ; ;

; ; ;

Subject: Re:WG-C STATUS


I have attached some edits for the communique to the operational panels.


not completely happy with my re-work of the last paragraph, but perhaps you


some comments from some of the other folks which might make this objective

paragraph a little clearer.


______Reply Separator______

Subject: WG-C STATUS

Author: VAN DEN BOOGAARD Kors <>

Date: 11/27/2000 1:47 PM

Hello everyone:

Herewith the first update on the status of the activities of WG-C:

a) Thanks to the hospitality of ESA the WG-C will be held in Noordwijk,

Netherlands from 7 to 11 May 2001.

b) Attached is the updated action item list.

c) Resulting from action item WGC/1-4, the liaison statement to WG-M on VDL

Mode 4. As WG-M will meet from 12-19 December this year in Malmo, please

provide your comments not later than 4 December.

d) Not having received any comments on the communiqués to WG-F and the

operational panels, I enclose them again. In particular I ask your

attention for the urgency of the communiqué to WG-F as National and Regional

preparations for coming ITU WRC-2003 have already started.

Best Regards



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