hey people

Accenture conducted its placement session at JIIT noida on d 7th of april frm jiit nd here to give u my entire experience.i ws selected out of d 600 ppl who gave it nd 137 wr recruited overall round

1:non technical written(55 ques 60 mins) thr is no point tellin u d questions bcz it ws conducted by sm private placement consultancy bt basically dis is hw it ws..

a)Aptitude:damn easy .. hd abt 20 ques .. very easy is d word .. keep d speed .. leave d ques d moment u feel u wnt b able to do it .. jst attempt wt u knw nd b confident

b)English:Again very simple .. 2 passages .. 1 ws on US shrimp imports .. dis ws a bit tough to comprehend .. d 2nd one ws on ATM's .. very easy

c)reasoning:simple ques of + replaced wid /, - wid * then compute d value of say 2+3-7=2/3*7 .. bt remember dt thr were these 3 ques whr u were suppose to find d correct option out of 4 2+5*6 etc .. dnt attempt it .. it will b a waste of tym .. jst choose 1 option nd tick it blankly

d)4 probability ques .. easy ones as i ws told .. i cdnt solve thm

make sure u hv speed+accuracy .. d cutoff ws abt 45 correct attempts .. dnt go haywire ticking d same option in a line .. it wnt help



my topic ws "is forign education necessary fr success" .. thr were 10 ppl nd i ws d only 1 agaisnt d topic .. if u do so mk sure u hv d capability to defend urself ..

3 out of 10 wr selected bcz thr ws too mch of pandemonium .. in 1 grp all 10 were selected bcz dey all spoke 1 by one

round 3:HR interview

well .. 1 .. plz do d talkin nd do it properly .. a lady interviewd me .. b at ur comfort .. i ws askd abt myself .. i did nt answer lyk d uasul dt these r my strenghts nd weaknesses etc .. she ws impressed .. again go unconventional only if u hv a power to defend lasted abt 15 mins.almost 80% of d ppl who appeared wr thru wid d HR

round 4:technical interview

dis ws d elimination round so i will tell u my ques nd answer as intervies started at 2 in d night nd continued fr 30 mins approx.thr were 2 interviewers (int = interviewer &me =me obviously)

int:so r u exhausted

me:absoultely sir .. any hu8man wd be at 2 in d morning wn u hv been all awake since 8 in d morning .. im suire same goes fr u(plz dn lie dt ur all fresh wn its 2 in dmorning .. dn lie actually .. dey will c thru u if u do)

int:oh yes evn im exhausted .. bt evn if its 2 in d morning i expect reasonable answers frm u

me:i will give it my best shot sir

int:so wts ur favourite subject?

me:sir tho i lyk microprocessors bt these days im all gaga ovr artificial intelligence(dis ws a gamble bcz nobody says AI .. ppl say c/c++/microprocessor .. bt d gamble worked bcz he ws impressed ..nd plz say only d subject ur very thorough wid .. lyk im very comfi wd AI/micro/c/c++)

int:so wts AI all abt

me:i explained all abt reasoning nd knowledge representation .. hard nd soft AI .. dempster sheffer theory nd bayes theorm

int:so cn we shift to c nd c++

me:sure sir

int:wt r global nd local variables

me:local variables r only valid within d delimiters within which they r variables r accessbile to all function below which the above which d global varible hs been decleared

int:wts a macro

me:i explained

int:wts a router

me:i explained

int:hw does a router select d shortest path of communication

me:its an intelligent device nd hs a router algorithm in it which selectes d shortest path

int:wts d difference b/w circuit switching nd packet switching

me:i cdnt recollect so i told him dt i cdnt .. he moved on wid a smile

int:askd me to write a program in assembly langaugue to find d factorial of a number

me:dts tough .. bt i did it never the less ...he ws impressed.

int:write a program in c to accept names nd roll numbers of students as long as d user wnts

me:d catch here is "as long as d user wnts" .. initially i did it fr 50 loops ... thn he askd me d mistake nd i told him its nt indefinite .. thn he askd me to correct it .. i did it using malloc ..

int:is thr anything else u wnt to ask us

me:is thr anything i need to do since im frm ece so dt im at par wid cs guys

int:im impressed.nice ques.u stdy dbms/rdbms/java nd gt accquainted wid oracle 10g

me:thanks sir gdnyt

the result ws decleared d nxt day nd i gt thru ... wow all d bst to everybdy .. its easy .. u wll gt thru

All d bst

Saurabh moitra


Hi i am Shwetha studying in sir mvit,Bangalore. Accenture visited our campus on 22nd april.before first round there was 11/2 long duration ppt which was given by one of H.R.please do attend ppt it will be useful in HR round . the whole test was conducted by meritrack and there were many sets of question paper so remember you cant copy answers each will get diff set

There was 3 sections. test was very easy. just be cool.

1st section was verbal(20q) i am just sending sme questions wich i remember.

5 questions based on prepositions it was easy

4 questions based on synonyms sme were like sagacity, fictitious (options were like imaginary, imaginative,unreal),obstreous etc.

sme questions based on articles

2 big paragraphs n questions based on this one passage it was sql servers n all and one more all about sme new tech.

Aptitude questions 20q

1.thr r 60 mem in a team x people shot A bird, y people shot B bird , z people shot C bird. x1 people shot both A & B bird, y1 people shot B & C bird. how many shot all the 3 birds.

a)0 b)1 c)2 d)3 one more qutn based on this.

2.if $ is 1 and * is 0 thn avg(16,18,32)(5-q based on this it was vry vry easy...)

3.thr was 1 problm frm time n distance

4. profit n loss(1-q)


5Q on data sufficiency

4Q on decisition making

6Q like "if + means /, /means -,* means +, - means * and problems based on tht is was very easy.

the cut off was very high so only 107 got thrugh frm 400

Thr was short essay on " my colloge life" for 10min(it is nt evaluated in written only in hr thy ll ask u Qts on tht.).


our topic was "is Indian population is boon or a bane". try to grab the opurtunity n speak smethng evnthough its wrong. sme more topics were like Ipl, blue or pink, fee hike in iim, love marriage vs arranged marriage. its a major elimination round.


It was like a stress interview...

1.Family background

2 Why accenture

3.R u ready for service agreement

4.Being a EC student why shld i hire u

5.Wht outsourcing n business n management

6.Name the person who cmes in the accenture add (ans:tigerwoods)

7.She gave sme suituations n asked wht would u do in tht suituation. thr was elimination in HR also.


It was 10:30 in nyt whn i attend my technical. initially thr was sme hr Qts

HR: u r passionate abt which sub?

ME: Analog Communication( as i'am EC student)

HR: can u tell me sme thng abt AC?

ME: explaind...

HR: can u tell me hw the mobile works?

ME: answerd well......

HR: logic design basic Qts n 8085 arch.

Just be prepared for basics....

Hope we meet in accenture..... all the best.



Accenture came to ur college on April 5,2008.About 800 students appeared out of which 400 cleared written,276 cleared GD and finally 176 were selected after tech and HR interviews

First round was written paper. There were 2 sets,each having three parts.

1.Verbal-20 questions

2.Quantative-20 questions

3.Analytical-15 questions

It was a 1 hr paper with sectional cutoffs and no negative marking.So,devote ur time properly on each section.

Analytical section was very easy.Try to attend it first.In verbal,there were two comprehensions.They were little bit difficult.First read questions and then comprehension. Correct use of prepositions and articles were there.I would advice u to go through verbal ability book of any MBA coaching.Quantative section was a little bit difficult. Mostly questions were from venn diagram applications,trains,distance and time,time and work,etc.

Next round was Group Discussion. Some of GD topics were as follows:

1.Impact of American elections on India

2.Single-party multiple party system

3.Media crossing limits

4.Alcohol or cigarette-which would u prefer?

5.Domestic companies and multi-national companies



9.Sex education

10.Education system of India

11. Impact of IT on India

12.Casteless society-possibility or myth?

13.Status of women in India

Other topics can be on inflation,economy of India and comparison it with China,and recent events. Results re announced hand to hand on ur face. There is no limit ,they can take any no. of students from a group.

Then students were divided, some had their technical first,while others had their HR first. My first interview was technical.Since my CGPA is good,he was impressed. Prepare well Project details and viva because their main emphasis is on Projects.Since I had Grade A in Financial Management and Digital Electronics, he asked some questions from these subjects.Then he asked me to wait outside.A man came and he told me that I was selected

They declare the result of first interview hand to hand,Then my interview was HR.HR asked simple questions like describe urself,ur ideal,

sth abt accenture which is not there in website.Finally after one hour,results were announced. My name was there, I was happy.

Their process is quite fast. Just remain calm, remember, God is with u.

Test Location : Noida
Posted By : Shibu


Accenture came to ur college on April 5,2008.About 800 students appeared out of which 400 cleared written,276 cleared GD and finally 176 were selected after tech and HR interviews
First round was written paper. There were 2 sets,each having three parts.
1.Verbal-20 questions
2.Quantative-20 questions
3.Analytical-15 questions

It was a 1 hr paper with sectional cutoffs and no negative marking.So,devote ur time properly on each section.
Analytical section was very easy.Try to attend it first.In verbal,there were two comprehensions.They were little bit difficult.First read questions and then comprehension. Correct use of prepositions and articles were there.I would advice u to go through verbal ability book of any MBA coaching.Quantative section was a little bit difficult. Mostly questions were from venn diagram applications,trains,distance and time,time and work,etc.
Next round was Group Discussion. Some of GD topics were as follows:
1.Impact of American elections on India
2.Single-party multiple party system
3.Media crossing limits
4.Alcohol or cigarette-which would u prefer?
5.Domestic companies and multi-national companies
9.Sex education
10.Education system of India
11. Impact of IT on India
12.Casteless society-possibility or myth?
13.Status of women in India

Other topics can be on inflation,economy of India and comparison it with China,and recent events. Results re announced hand to hand on ur face. There is no limit ,they can take any no. of students from a group.

Then students were divided, some had their technical first,while others had their HR first. My first interview was technical.Since my CGPA is good,he was impressed. Prepare well Project details and viva because their main emphasis is on Projects.Since I had Grade A in Financial Management and Digital Electronics, he asked some questions from these subjects.Then he asked me to wait outside.A man came and he told me that I was selected

They declare the result of first interview hand to hand,Then my interview was HR.HR asked simple questions like describe urself,ur ideal,
sth abt accenture which is not there in website.Finally after one hour,results were announced. My name was there, I was happy.

Their process is quite fast. Just remain calm, remember, God is with u.

Test Location : Pune
Posted By : Ajay Kumar


Hello, friends m Ajay Kumar Poswal pursuing BE(IT), 3rd yr from Army institute of Technology, Pune. First of all i'd like 2 tell u all dat don't go by accenture selection figures... u may think out of 2000 it has juss selected 50 .... but wat m saying accentur test is really very very easy... u may b thinking dat evry selected candidate think so... but m telling u d figure frm my college... from my college total 91 students appeared out of dat 69 cleared Apti & in final only 65 sat 4 interwiew & GD , at last 40 from my college got selected finally... so now u can conclude how simple it is.. now d actual figure is dat
total appeared(from all colleges) 1150.. apti---> 209 , finally ---> 55.
my col status: total appeared : 91 .. apti--> 69 .. 65 appeared 4 interview .. finally.. 40 (so go by my coll statics)
i've read in all earlier papers dat accenture mainly focus on comm. skills & it doesn't take students having year gap... m telling u out of 40 selected frm my coll 25 people were having a year gap... so people havin gap cheers... 2nd thing comm. skills r also not dat much important dey juss c whether u keep mum or u try 2 do somthing.. or speak somthing.. tuti-futi english will do...
1ST SECTION : (english)
Q1-Q3--> preposions:- type:
He was charged ...... murder of mr. ram. (with,for,of,none)
Q4-Q6---> articles:- type:
.....erred light gives me.... creeps. (an,no article), (the,a) ,(an,the)
Q7-Q10 ---> synonym: type:
He has VIVID memories of his college life. bright ,clear, dull
A paragraph on HUMAN COMPUTER interface was given. Qs were asked frm dat only.. 1st read the Qs then paragraph.
Q16-Q20 Another paragraph was given & Qs were asked frm dat only but dere were no direct Ans.. instead u've 2 find dem.
SECTION 2:(maths) (Q21-Q30)
Q.21 If 3 chocolates, 2 cake & 1 icecream costs $24. and 7 chocolates 4 cakes & 2 ice cream costs $64. wat is d cost of 1 chocolate
a.16 b.14 c.8 d.24
soln: 2nd data is juss double except 1 choclate extra.. so result is 64 - (24*2) = 16
Q22. ratio of girls is to boys in a class 4:5 . dere r total 4100 books each girl gets 100 books extra, now find how many books each girl gets.
a.300 b.700 c. 400 d. none
Q23 present population of a town is 60000 it grows at a rate of 6% evry year. at d end of 2nd yr 4500 leaves d town . find the population after 3rd yr.
SECTION 3: (reasoning): Q31-40
i've left dese 10 qs for last.. dese included reasoning...
Q40-Q50:(very simple)
1 if 1st $ 3rd r similar
2 if 2nd & 3rd r similar
3 if 1st & 4th r similar
4 in all othr options
Q1. kkkjjhydd 2. kkkjhhydd 3. kkkjjhydd
Q1. 5.023375 2. 5.032275 3. 5.023335
Q if * means -. + means * , - means / , / means + find the value of 7+8*3/5-3
Q51-Q55: a person can be left by police if he has
1. driving licence
2.age is more than 21 yrs on 1st july 2007
3. he owns a car

he is reffered 2 RTO if he satisfies only 1st condition
he is fined 100 if he satisfies 2nd condition.
in all other cases he is been prosecuted.
Q Mohan has a driving licence, he has a black safari...
1.he is left 2.he is reffered t RTO 3.he is fined 100 4.Data inadequate.
ans 4
there r 2 sets of papers....
so friends Aptitute is not a big task u shd have just rite approach of attempting... dese r d question 4 which u don't have 2 waste ur time Reading barron's or R S aggarwal nd ol dat.... u juss go thru basic concepts from som previous test papers if available otherwise do search 4 dis type of Qs in ny book.. R S aggarawal is gud bt read only relevant topics.
many of my friends told dat its the most difficult level of whole selection procedure.. but i'm saying dis is d most simplest of ol.. wen v asked him dat sir is dat comm skills which u c... he said "i think u've seen .com" he said i'm juss checking whether u can say somthing or not on any topic... our group was of 11... he said "i'm havin very bad exp wid last batch" so v feared dat v r out today.... but he was really a nice guy... he said chose a topic so i suggested RESERVATION nd ol of us accepted d topic (don't argue much)... he said our discussion vill b like debate so he divided us into 2.. half wd speak in favr nd others .. against d topic... i was d person 2 start (for) i said ya! reservation shd b dere bt not on caste nd religion basis but it shd b on economic basis... dere was no hustle bustle in our batch... som were very poor at english but still he was giving chance 2 evry1... nd last he pointed at 4 people nd asked dem 2 speak nd rest shd b silent... frnds belive it or not 2-3 ppl were dere who can't even speak 1 line correctly.... but 2 d surprise of ol he selected all of us ... i.e. 11 out of 11.. he said i'm giving chance to 3 of u.. perform better in interview... so conclusion is dat our batch was quite decent ndaccepted each other's thought so v all were selected... NOT ON D BASIS OF COMM. SKILLS i've seen 2-3 of our college's girls who were very good at english nd knowledge .. everything got rejected b'coz moderator tht dey were too aggressive...
other topics: BRAIN-DRAIN, WOMEN EMPOWERMENT, IMPORTANCE OF END, ROLE OF need of preparing much 4 GD .. its very simple u juss remain quite.. bt not totally.. speak juss twice or thrice in betwn .. d u r selected...
after GD people were divided.. som were having Technical som were having HR... they gave prefernce 2 girls first ol girls were finished wid Technical & HR by 5 pm in d evng.. our GD finished at 10 nd Interview started at 5pm
so b prepared to get bored, frustrated,tired,hungry..evrything...
he was a man of abt 45....
tech: mr. ajay tell me abt ur self
me: told my present status , frm were did i passed 10th & 12th . my hobbies... my strengths... etc.. (never stop juss by telling abt u nd ur family .. abt ur self does nt include much abt ur family...)
tech: give som instant of ur strength.
me: gave (even if its not happened 2 u.. give som ...)
tech: so wat is networking?
me: told
tech: how it is implemented..?
me: i told OSI model nd al dat..
tech: wat will happen if dere is no application layer..
me: i tried 2 convince him by saying dere will nt b user interface... bt he was not satisfied den i said sir watevr i know i've told u.. i don't know much
tech: watevr u find most difficult in programming..?
me: i was nt prepared wid answer so i juss said sir LINUX tech: LINUX is an OS.. i'm asking abt programming.. me: (sweating) sir v had a subject OS .. those programs i found difficult tech: ok wats diff. betwn DOS nd LINUX.. then he asked abt multithreading, multitasking , how is kernel imp, how it works he asks the only thing which u prompt him 2 ask... as he hears a new word frm u he asks dat ony.
tech: how u rate urself in C..?
me: 2.5
tech: y 0.5
me: sir its like variable pay...
tech: wat r dif types of sortings.. which is best..
me: insertion, selection,bubble, quick, merge... quick is best..
tech: y quick..
me: (actually i was having no idea.. i juss said quick) sir its time complexity is least...
tech : ok ny Qs..?
me: sir wat type of project shd i take(i have read dis thing in fresherworld itself)..
tech: ny type.. it doesn't matter...
me: thanx sir..
bandi.... hum sainik school vale to vaise hi..kya boloon...... she was of abt 25.
HR: (shook hand) mr. ajay how r u..??
me: f9 ma'm
HR: tell me abt ur self..?
me: same as i've told 2 technical... she also asked instants of my strengths...
HR: who is IT compititor of India..?
me: china
HR: china..??
me: ya ma'm its a future threat india..
HR: who is current threat..?
me: (i was having no idea) Singpore...
HR: may b malaysia, may b UK
me: may b ma'm m not sure..
HR: ok wat is ur stand on Indo-china relationship...?
Me: told
HR: u've done mini project.. how u managed.. ur teammates.. nd wat was ur role..
me: told her.. (tell dat u were the main performer...)
HR: somthing abt ur family backgrnd...
me: told..
HR: ny offers do u have..
me: no. ma'm
HR: ok , thanx..(shook hand again..)
me: thnx ma'm , gud day... and results were announced at 9.15 pm..... and i was dere in d list of successfull candidates.... nd at dat time i was on 7th sky...... i called at home nd informed.... earlier i had never informed dat m goin 2 sit in som company.....