Contract to Close Checklist

Buyer’s Side


□ Have both parties execute contract

□ Date contract and provide copies to the title

company along with earnest money.

□ Deliver option period check to listing agent

or seller

□ Schedule Inspection (if desired by Buyer):

Notify Buyer, Seller and Listing Agent of

date and time

□ Obtain Energy Audit Information

□ Insurance: Have buyer apply and check

previous claim status

□ Negotiate Repairs

□ Write up Amendment or Addenda, if


□ Submit Commission Form and Copy of

contract to Christine Choate by one of the


Fax 1-888-239-0370


Inbox at office


□ Get lender info from Buyer

□ Call lender to introduce yourself and give

them your contact information

□ Obtain prequalification letter/approval letter,

if needed

□ Offer to fax contract

□ Check in weekly with lender

□Obtain approval according to Third Party

Financing Addendum

□Approval letter should state full approval or

approval contingent upon lender’s review of

title policy, survey and appraisal

□ Appraisal ordered?

□ Is either party a mail out?

□ Will a Power Of Attorney be used?


□ Additional Earnest Money

□ Survey – Are you using a past survey? Are

there any changes to Survey? If not, ask

Listing Agent for T-47 Affidavit signed by



□ HOA documents

□ Resale Certificate

□ Seller’s Disclosure Notice

□ Environmental Assessment

□ Septic Approval

□ Seller Financing

□ Contingencies

□ Sale of other Property by Buyer

□ Leaseback – Seller’s/Buyer’s Temporary

Residential Lease

□ Title Commitment - Title Company has 20

days to deliver and may extend 15 more


- All requirements on Schedule C must

be fulfilled

- Surveyor needs Schedule B

- First Right of Refusal needs Schedule A

□ Objections to Title and/or survey must be in

writing and submitted according to

paragraph 6A of contract


□ Confirm Title Company has Disbursement


□ Make sure both parties connect or

disconnect services

□ Invoices, repairs and reimbursements

□ Follow up on status of Lender docs

□ Notify Title Company of Home Warranty

Company Buyer has selected.

□ Follow up on septic approval

□ Set closing date and time and notify all

parties, including lender

□ Review HUD statement

□ Remind buyer to bring driver’s license and

cashier’s check/wiring instructions

□ Purchase closing gift