- £535,389annualised benefit income realised for residents
- 1,102people received benefits advice
- 74% of respondentsreported improved mental wellbeing
- £405,706 total debt managed for 54 debt clients
- 1,906household members benefitted from benefits and debt advice
Helpline - 0333 344 0681
- 748 people contacted the helplines
- 1,353 different benefit enquiries dealt with
- PIP and ESA most common benefit enquiries
- 53% of callers lived in the most deprived wards
- 65% of callers had long term health conditions
- Depression and mobility issues most common long term health conditions
Casework: Helping people with complex benefit issues
- 230 people received face to face casework support
- 64% of casework clients lived in the most deprived wards
- 57% of casework clients had long term health conditions
Outreach Services: Advice delivered from a health or community setting
- 12 outreach sessions
- 12 outreach sessions delivered from a GP Practice or NHS location
- 17 people received advice at Outreach sessions
- 11 people identified as requiring Casework support
- 100% of people lived in the most deprived wards
- 89% of people had long term health conditions
Target Groups
- 351 older people received adviceto supporttheir independence
- 128 people at risk from homelessness received benefits advice
- 743 people with long term health conditions received benefits and debt advice
- 185 families with children received benefits and debt advice
Expert Debt Service: For people with physical/mental health conditions
- 54 people supported with debt advice
- 6 debts per client
- £405,706 of debt managed for all clients
- £162,651 of debt written off
- 77% of people lived in most deprived wards
Briefings, Presentations and Events
- Meeting with East Sussex Better Together Proactive Care Practitioners
- 3 briefings delivered to other organisations including Eastbourne Borough Council and Action in Rural Sussex
- 9 staff, volunteers and residents
Benefits Awareness & Training
- 13 sessions delivered to organisations including British Lung Foundation, Involvement Matters Team and the Stroke Association
- 197 staff, volunteers and residents received free awareness and training sessions
ESBT Project Data – Staff & patient engagement and value for money
- 295 direct engagements with ESBT staff and patients including training sessions, health and social care professional referrals/enquiries, and number of people attending outreach sessions delivered from health locations
- Cost of Expert Services between April – June was £25,715
- Financial gains generated for Expert Service clients between April – June were £582,905
- For every £1 invested in our Expert Services we generated £23 in financial gains for each of our clients
- Helpline engagement costs are £11 per client
Development Work
- Updatedall project documentation for 2017/18 Benefits and Debt Advice Project Services
- Designed new quarterly reports and metrics ensuring alignment with CCG project measurement and reporting criteria
- Secured funding for EHS Debt Service until March 2018
Case Study 1