Prince of Peace Pastoral Council Meeting minutes
June 21, 2016
Attendees: Fr. Gerald Walsh, Vickie Eiden (Chairperson), Anmarie Andresen, Chris Angelo, Thomas Even, Robert Fitzpatrick, Norb Pozen, AnnaMarie Seminary, Marge Waldschmidt, Lisa Weideman, Jeanne Gundrum (secretary)
Absent: Rich Elmore, Elsy Madappally, Tim Popp (Co-chair), Ellen Wing
- Meeting opened by Vickie Eiden at 7:00 PM—opening prayer by Anmarie Andresen
- Minutes of last meeting reviewed-amended to indicate Marge Waldschmidt and AnnaMarie Seminary absent at previous meeting. Minutes approved as amended and to be sent to parish web master.
- Ministry updates
- Pastoral Concerns-Jeanne and Norb- Information on upcoming events and outline on Ministry on the Week sent to commission members. Norb has talked to all leaders. Jim Minor indicated will be looking for new leaders for several ministries. Journey of Hope will be discussed at next staff meeting. Jim Minor is the contact Elder Care. Norb checked with Cedar Village and they are interested in having masses at the facility. Norb indicated other areas to be considered for this commission would be domestic violence and veterans issues.
- Adoration and Rosary-Lisa-Father will be discussing this at the next staff meeting.
- Community Life-Anmarie- Will contact her commission leaders.
- Natural Family Planning is on the parish calendar for Ministry of the Week in July.
- Transformation-Father Gerald
- About 50 parishioners worked on this in the spring. The results were presented to Bishop Rassas and approved.
- A copy of the mission narrative and action plan for the parish and school was given to the PPC members. This information will be on the parish web site. A summary will be in the bulletin.
- The next Deanery meeting will be June 22, 2016 at Prince of Peace
- Work will be done on the upcoming Deanery picnic.
- Parish by-laws-Vickie
- Anmarie will review section on Potential Candidates Information and present at next PPC meeting.
- Upon completion Vickie will update the by-laws and will send to PPC members to review and make corrections. Then will be sent to Fr. and staff.
- Table comments—none
- Open Forum
- Fr. Walsh indicated meeting will be held in the fall for all Eucharistic ministers, lectors and ushers. This will be an education session on procedures and activities related to their ministries.
- Thomas showed a prototype of the new web site
- A discussion on which Gloria is in use in the mass.
- To have more Kleenex available at the funerals
- This is AnnaMarie’s last meeting. She will be going away in the fall for school.
- Pastor’s report-Fr. Gerald
- Church is to be a place of reverence and quiet. All ministers, greeters and ushers are to meet in the gathering space. Ushers are to keep the doors closed before mass—this is to allow all to spend quiet time with God. The lights will be turned on 5 minutes before mass.
- The staff will be on retreat at the Mundelein Seminary. They will be planning for the upcoming year during this time.
- The parish offices will be closed at 5:00 PM during the month of July.
- Holy Hours will continue during this time with the Deacons in attendance.
- A Prince of Peace statue has been purchased—it is a statue of the Risen Christ with wounds. At this time it is being restored. Once restored it will be installed in the niche above the votive candles. The Knights of Columbus and Savvy Seniors have contributed to fund this project.
- The parish will be getting a new HAVC to coordinate with the system in the parish life center. This will allow for more efficiency in use.
- Mark Weiss has been hired as the new coordinator of the Religious Ed program. He and his wife Joan have completed the Aspirancy program and been approved to start the diaconate program.
- The rummage sale was a success. The final numbers are not in at this time.
- Two teachers have left the school to pursue other venues. Mrs. Brown is interviewing candidates at this time.
- Meeting closed at 8:45 PM by Vickie Eiden. Closing prayer by Anmarie Andresen
Next meeting August 16, 2016 at 7:00 PM
Tim Popp to be prayer leader