APPLICATION FORM NO: …………… (for office use only)
Age UK Birmingham is committed to equal opportunities in employment. To ensure that individuals are selected, promoted and treated on the basis of their individual merits and abilities, it would assist Age UK Birmingham if you would provide the information requested in Part One and Part Two as well as Part Three.
Part One must be completed to allow the processing of the application. The information will only be referred to for contact purposes. The form will not be shown to the selection panel and will be destroyed after six months if you are unsuccessful.
Please complete in typescript or black ink. If completing in black ink, please write clearly.
Name: ______
Title (if used): Mr Mrs Miss Ms Dr
Address:Tel No:
E-mail address:
Daytime: / Other Contact No:
The facts contained in this application form and the supporting information are, to the best of my knowledge, true and complete. I understand that if it is subsequently found that any statement is false or misleading, or that I have withheld information, my application may be disqualified or if I have already been appointed, I may be dismissed.Signed: Date:
APPLICATION FORM NO: …………… (for office use only)
The information provided in PART TWO will be kept separately from the application form, will only be used for statistical monitoring and will be kept in confidence. The form will not be shown to the selection panel and will be destroyed after six months if you are unsuccessful.
Post applied for:
Where did you see it advertised:
Gender: / Male Female Date of Birth:
Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Kashmiri
Any other Asian background (please state) /
Caribbean African Any other Black background (please state)
Chinese Vietnamese Any other (please state)
White and Black Caribbean White and Black African
White and Asian
Any other Mixed background (please state) /
British Irish Any other White background (please state)
Please note: A disability or health problem does not preclude full consideration for the job, and applications from people with disabilities are welcome.
Disability is defined as “any physical or mental impairment, which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day to day activities”.
Do you consider that you have a medical condition or a disability?
Yes No
If yes, please describe:
Any reasonable adjustments that you feel should be made to the recruitment process to assist you in your application for the job:Any reasonable adjustments that you feel should be made to the job itself which would enable you to carry out the job:
APPLICATION FORM NO: …………… (for office use only)
The information in Part Three is the only information we will use in deciding whether or not you will be offered an interview. We will not be able to take into account any previous applications or prior knowledge of you. We ask you not to put your name on any of the sections in Part Three.
Post applied for:Educational Qualifications
What Academic qualifications do you hold?Date / Name of school, college and/or university / Major subjects studied, examinations taken and test results
From / To
What training have you undertaken?Date / Organising Body / Subject/Course taken and results
From / To
Current/Most Recent Job Summary
Employer (name and address):Job Title (and grade, if applicable):
Date of appointment: / Current base salary:
Other benefits:
Period of notice: / Date unavailable for interview:
Current Job Details
Please describe your present or most recent job. What do you consider to have been your major contributions in this job and why? What are your main responsibilities? Attach copies of job description if helpful.Previous Posts
Please give details of your previous employment history up to your present job:Date Started (M/Y) / Date Left (M/Y) / Name, Location and Business of employer / Job / Final Salary / Reason for leaving
Please supply the name and address of two referees. Preferably, one should be related to your current or recent employment and one should have known you for a minimum of five years (family members and people that live with you are not accepted). If you are shortlisted references will be obtained prior to the interview.
Name: / Name:
Company: / Company:
Address: / Address:
Telephone No: / Telephone No:
Job: / Job:
May we contact this referee prior to interview? / May we contact this referee prior to interview?
Information in support of your application
Before completing this section, please read the job description and person specification carefully. The criteria in the person specification form a checklist, which will be used to shortlist applicants for interview. Use each criterion as a heading and demonstrate how you meet the requirement by giving relevant details of your skills, experience, and knowledge gained in employment, voluntary work or elsewhere.
It is important that you are able to demonstrate and give examples of your commitment to Equal Opportunities and anti-discriminatory practice. It is not enough to say that you agree with it! How would your commitment to Equal Opportunities and anti-discriminatory practice be translated into the work that you would have to do in the post? Or how did you demonstrate your commitment to Equal Opportunities and anti-discriminatory practice in your previous experience?
Please do not send us a CV, as this will not be accepted.
Please do not write more than 2000 words.
Data Protection Act 1998
If you submit an application for employment with Age UK Birmingham, Age UK Birmingham will record and use the information, which you provide for the purpose of dealing with your application, and the information will not be kept any longer than is necessary for that purpose. Personal data provided on the “Equal Opportunities Monitoring” form will be recorded and used for the purpose of monitoring Age UK Birmingham’sEqual Opportunities Policy and for statistical purposes. By submitting an application for employment, you are consenting to the recording and use of the information that you supply. Age UK Birmingham does not keep information from applicants on file for the purpose of sending details of future job opportunities.
Do you require a permit to work in the UK? Yes No If yes, what sort of permit do you require?
Have you been convicted of a criminal offence (other than “spent” convictions under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (amended).Yes No
If yes, please give details.
If your application is in respect of a position, which involves the supervision of, or is otherwise connected with occupations that are exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (amended) you are required to declare any convictions for criminal offences. You may provide details here or submit them on a separate sheet in a sealed envelope, marked “Confidential”.
Disclosure of convictions may not necessarily be a bar to a successful application.
Please return this form by email to:
If returning by post:
55 Alcester Road, Kings Heath, Birmingham, B14 7JG