Middlefield Park and Recreation
October 12, 2017
Special Meeting
1. Call to Order
Chris Hurlbert called the meeting to order at 6:37 p.m.
2. Members Present
Chris Hurlbert, Brian McDermott, Frank Wolak, Cindy Sanchez and Hannah Malcolm.
3. Public Comment
4. Approval of Agenda
A motion was made by Frank Wolak to approve the agenda as presented. This motion was seconded by Chris Hurlbert and approved by all voting members.
5. Approval of Minutes from previous meeting
A motion was made to approve the minutes. This motion was seconded and approved by all members.
6. Financial Report
Hannah Malcolm reported that there is $31,000.00 in the Peckham account and $22,000.00 in the activity fund.
7. Old Business
a. Budget Update
Hannah Malcolm organized the budget items to get a better idea of where the money is going. The capital is $30,000.00. The roof at Peckham Park will be paid for this year and $5,000.00 will be set aside for the fertilizer and seed treatment. The beach barrier will be installed this fall at a cost of approximately $5,000.00 and the entry gate cost $2,100.00. Hannah stated that she would like to start putting money into the walking path.
b. Programs
Hannah Malcolm explained that Jazz Band and Chorus are no longer Park and Recreation clubs.
Flyers are still not allowed to be sent home with students.
Hannah Malcolm reached out to Lyman’s music teacher and he would like to start an Elementary A Cappella Group, Orffestra, Bucket Drumming, and a Recorder Ensemble. Chris Hurlbert suggested offering them the opportunity to have a concert at the Community Center. Hannah Malcolm suggested inviting them to preform at the Tree Lighting Event as well.
c. Online Registration
Hannah Malcolm explained that she advertised through flyers and on Facebook. Payment options will be made available online within the next week.
d. Upcoming Events
Hannah Malcolm discussed the details of the Halloween itinerary. Board members agreed to present a plaque to the most creative vehicle and a trophy for the costume contest. Haunted hayrides will begin at 5:30 p.m. Members agreed on a $300.00 budget for props and decorations. Hannah estimated a cost of approximately $1,500.00 total for the event. The board members agreed to meet at the park at 1:00 p.m. to begin setting up.
e. Tree Lighting
The board members briefly discussed the tree lighting event and agreed to discuss the topic in more detail next month. Hannah stated that they would like to do a “bake your own” gingerbread house event.
f. Skating Rink/soil
Hannah explained that she received permission from Inland/Wetlands to bulldoze all the muck from the rink into the back area of the field. Members discussed different options for moving the pile. Hannah mentioned that a Garden Club member suggested a community garden in the open field. The board members agreed that a community garden probably would not work very well in the area.
g. Recycling Project
Hannah Malcolm stated that she will be placing one recycling bin at the park and will find someone to empty it when needed.
h. Lake Beseck
Hannah Malcolm explained that Amy Poturnicki has been working hard on the landscape changes for erosion and geese control at the beach. The ropes for the swim area have been expanded and a new gate and fence has been put in. A buffer garden is being installed, a tulip tree has been planted and the parking lot barriers are being replaced.
i. Pavilion
Hannah Malcolm explained that she sent out the project request for the pavilion at the beach to five people and received two bids. Ken Jay’s bid came in at $2,485.00 and Torrison came in at $5,000.00.
A motion was made by Cindy Sanchez to accept Kenneth R. Jay Landscaping’s bid @ $2,485.00 for the retaining wall at the beach pavilion. This motion was seconded by Brian McDermott and approved by all voting members.
j. Wish List
Hannah Malcolm stated that she would like to start investing in a cellphone for the Park and Recreation Director. Chris Hurlbert explained that he thinks the Side Line at $10.00 per month would be a better idea. Hannah Malcolm explained that other town employees have smartphones and she would like to be able to access email s and online registration without receiving work related calls and messages at all hours on her personal phone. Brian presented the idea to Ed Bailey and he agreed that a smartphone would be a good idea for the Park and Recreation Director’s position. The board members and Ed Bailey approved the purchase.
8. New Business
a. Programs/New Trips
Hannah stated that there will be a ski trip coming up in the beginning of February.
b. Old Homes Day
Chris Hurlbert stated that the board needs to begin discussion on this topic the first of the year.
9. Budget
Hannah discussed the projects that need to be priced out and organized for the capital budget.
Members discussed sending out a bid request for the metal roof on the pavilion.
10. Adjourn
A motion was made to adjourn at 8:10 p.m. This motion was seconded and approved by all voting members.
Respectfully Submitted by,
Leanne M. Henry