Invitation for Tenders (OTM)

TENDER NOTICE NO.: 07/2012-13

Memo no. EE/Noa/O&M/1T-5/2661 Date: 20/12/2012

1 / Ministry/Division / Ministry of Water Resources
2 / Agency / Bangladesh Water Development Board.
3 / Procuring Entity Name / Executive Engineer Noakhali O & M Division, BWDB, Noakhali
4 / Procuring Entity District / Noakhali
5 / Invitation for / Construction of retired embankment, re-sectioning/repairing of embankment and construction & repair of sluice.
6 / Invitation Ref No. / Memo No. EE/Noa/O&M/1T-5/2661
7 / Date / 20.12.2012
8 / Procurement Method / National Competitive Tender (NCT) / Open Tendering Method (OTM)
9 / Budget and Source of Funds / Non-Development Revenue Head/budget (GOB)
10 / Development Partners (if applicable) / N/A
11 / Project/programme Name (if applicable) / Operation & Maintenance Budget of GOB (NDR)
13 / Tender Package Name / As per Package List (Sl. No. 20 below)
14 / Tender Last Selling Date / Date: / 14.01.2013 / Time : / Up to Banking/Office hour.
15 / Tender Closing Date and Time / Date: / 15.01.2013 / Time : / Up to 12.30 Hrs.
16 / Tender Opening Date and Time / Date: / 15.01.2013 / Time : / at 15.00 Hrs.
17 / Name & Address of the office(s) / Address
- Selling Tender Document (principal) / Sonali Bank, Sonapur Old Town Branch, Noakhali.
- Selling Tender Document (other) / a) Sonali Bank Ltd. Mohipal Branch, Feni.
b) Janata Bank Ltd Dilkusha Corporate Branch, 29, Dilkusha,C/A. Dhaka.
- Receiving Tender Document (Principal) / Office of the Executive Engineer, Noakhali O&M Division, BWDB, Noakhali
- Receiving Tender Document / - Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Noakhali
(Secondary) / - Office of the Superintendent of Police, Noakhali.
- Opening Tender Document / Office of the Executive Engineer, Noakhali O&M Division, BWDB, Noakhali
18 / Place / Date / Time of Pre-Tender Meeting / N/A
19 / Eligibility of Tenderer / All eligible Persons/Contractors/ Firms (Potential Tenderer) who fulfill the qualifications criteria stipulated in the Tender Data Sheet (TDS) & other conditions of the tender documents.
20 / Brief Description of Works: / Construction of sluice/embankment & repair of sluice/embankment
Package No / Identification of Package / Location / Price of Tender Document (Tk) / Tender Security
Amount (Tk) / Completion
Time in days
NDR/OTM/W1 / Construction of Drainage Sluice (DS-48A, 2-vent, size 1.80mx1.50m) over Koralia khal in Hatiya upazila under Non-Development Revenue Head under Noakhali O&M Division, BWDB, Noakhali during the year 2012-13 & 2013-14. / Hatiya, Noakhali / Tk. 3000/-
(Tk. three thousand) only / Tk. 5,20,000/-
(Tk. Five lakh twenty thousand) only / 12 (twelve) months
NDR/OTM/W2 / Construction of Pipe Sluice (2-vent, Dia.-1.20m) over Lockchua Balidhar Eitpukuria khal in Chatkhil upazila under Non-Development Revenue Head under Noakhali O&M Division, BWDB, Noakhali during the year 2012-13. / Chatkhil, Noakhali / Tk. 750/-
(Tk. seven hundred fifty) only / Tk. 1,10,000/-
(Tk. One lakh ten thousand) only / 90 (ninety) days
NDR/ OTM/W3 / Construction of pipe pluice (SS-7A, 1-vent, Dia.-1.20m) over Changa khal in Hatiya upazila under Non-Development Revenue Head under Noakhali O&M Division, BWDB, Noakhali during the year 2012-13. / Hatiya, Noakhali / Tk. 750/-
(Tk. seven hundred fifty) only / Tk. 1,00,000/-
(Tk. One lakh) only / 90 (ninety) days
NDR/ OTM/W4 / Repair of damaged pipe sluice (SS) over Moishkhali khal in Polder No. 73/2 at north Rehania in Hatiya upazila under Non-Development Revenue Head under Noakhali O&M Division, BWDB, Noakhali during the year 2012-13. / Hatiya, Noakhali / Tk. 500/-
(Tk. Five hundred) only / Tk. 15,000/-
(Tk. Fifteen thousand) only / 30 (thirty) days
NDR/ OTM/W5 / Construction of Marginal Dyke (Retired Embankment) from km 0.000 (59.900) to km 1.600 (63.500)=1.600 km in polder no. 73/1(A+B) at Koralia in Hatiya upazila under Non-Development Revenue Head under Noakhali O&M Division, BWDB, Noakhali during the year 2012-13. / Hatiya, Noakhali / Tk. 1500/-
(Tk. One thousand five hundred) only / Tk. 1,50,000/-
(Tk. One lakh fifty thousand) only / 90 (ninety) days
NDR/ OTM/W6 / Construction of Marginal Dyke (Retired Embankment) from km 0.000 (27.000) to km 1.690 (28.690)=1.690 km in polder no. 73/1(A+B) at Char-iswar in Hatiya upazila under Non-Development Revenue Head under Noakhali O&M Division, BWDB, Noakhali during the year 2012-13. / Hatiya, Noakhali / Tk. 1500/-
(Tk. One thousand five hundred) only / Tk. 1,35,000/-
(Tk. One lakh thirty five thousand) only / 90 (ninety) days
NDR/ OTM/W7 / Construction of Marginal Dyke (Retired Embankment) in Polder No. 73/1(A+B) at Sukhchar from km. 0.000 (19.500) to km 1.000 (20.500)=1.000 km at Sukhchar in Hatiya upazila under Non-Development Revenue Head under Noakhali O&M Division, BWDB, Noakhali during the year 2012-13. / Hatiya, Noakhali / Tk. 750/-
(Tk. seven hundred fifty) only / Tk. 1,00,000/-
(Tk. One lakh) only / 90 (ninety) days
NDR/ OTM/W8 / Re-sectioning/Repairing of embankment from km 42.900 to km 43.450=0.550km in Polder No. 73/2 at north Rehania in Hatiya upazila under Non-Development Revenue Head under Noakhali O&M Division, BWDB, Noakhali during the year 2012-13. / Hatiya, Noakhali / Tk. 750/-
(Tk. seven hundred fifty) only / Tk. 80,000/-
(Tk. Eighty thousand) only / 90 (ninety) days
NDR/ OTM/W9 / Repair of closure (length 500m) over Noakhali khal at Nabagram of polder Vatirtec in Kabihat upazila under Non-Development Revenue Head under Noakhali O&M Division, BWDB, Noakhali during the year 2012-13. / Kabirhat, Noakhali / Tk. 500/-
(Tk. Five hundred) only / Tk. 15,000/-
(Tk. Fifteen thousand) only / 60
(sixty) days
NDR/ OTM/W10 / Construction of tie embankment (length 200m) in between CBD-1 embankment and Guide dyke of CBD-1 khal in Subornachar upazila under Non-Development Revenue Head under Noakhali O&M Division, BWDB, Noakhali during the year 2012-13. / Subornachar, Noakhali / Tk. 500/-
(Tk. Five hundred) only / Tk. 20,000/-
(Tk. Twenty thousand) only / 60
(sixty) days
21 / Name of Official Inviting Tender / I. M. Reazul Hasan
22 / Designation of Official Inviting Tender / Executive Engineer, Noakhali O&M Division, BWDB, Noakhali
23 / Address of Official Inviting Tender / Noakhali O & M Division, BWDB, Noakhali.
24 / Contact details of Official Inviting Tender / Tel.No.0321-61143
25 / a)The procuring entity reserves the right to accept any Tender or to reject any or all tenders at any time prior to contract award.
b)The works may be totally dropped, decreased or increased. No claim or extra rate will be entertained for cancellation of the tender or issuance of work order with decreased/ increased quantity of works.
c)Work order will be issued subject to approval of the competent authority and budget provision. No claim or extra payment will be entertained for non-issuance or delay issuance of work order.
d)Work order will be issued on the basis of allocation of fund.
e)Payment will be made subject to the availability of fund. No claim or extra payment will be entertained for delay payment.
f)The tender security will be submitted in the form of a bank draft from any schedule bank of Bangladesh or pay order only from any schedule bank in Noakhali district town in favour of Accounts Officer, RAC, BWDB, Mohiipal, Feni or in the form of irrevocable bank guarrantee (format as specified in document) issued by a schedule bank of Bangladesh in favour of Executive Engineer, Noakhali O&M Division, BWDB, Noakhali.
g)The Provisions laid down in the “Public Procurement Rule, 2008” & its amended Procurement Procedures shall be in strict compliance.
h)Any information about the tenders will be available in the office of the undersigned during the office hours.

N.B.: The tender notice is available in the web site of BWDB( and CPTU website.

(I. M. Reazul Hasan)

Executive Engineer

Noakhali O & M Division

BWDB, Noakhali.

Memo no. EE/Noa/O&M/1T-5/2661/1(30)Date: 20/12/2012

Copy forwarded for kind information and necessary action and wide circulation to: -

  1. The Director General, CPTU, IMED, Planning Commission, Block # 12 (2nd floor), Sher-E Bangla Nagar, Dhaka.
  2. The Chief Engineer, South Eastern Zone, BWDB, Chittagong.
  3. The Superintending Engineer, Feni O & M Circle, BWDB, Feni.
  4. The Director, Contract & Procurement Cell, BWDB, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka.
  5. The Director, Publicity Cell, BWDB, Motijheel C/A, BWDB, Dhaka.
  6. The Deputy Commissioner, Noakhali. He is requested to make arrangement for dropping/ receiving the tenders and unopen tenders send as per Note-01.
  7. The Superintendent of Police, Noakhali. He is requested to make arrangement for dropping/ receiving the tenders and unopen tenders send as per Note-01.
  8. The Executive Engineer, Feni/ Laxmipur O&M Division, BWDB, Feni / Laxmipur.
  9. System Analyst, Computer Section, Chief Monitoring Office, BWDB,WAPDA Building,Motijheel Commercial area, Dhaka.The hard and soft copy of the tender notice is enclosed herewith for information and further necessary arrangement for publiction of tender notice in the web site of BWDB & CPTU.
  10. The Sub-Divisional Engineer, Noakhali/Hatiya/Begumgong O&M Sub-Division, BWDB, Noakhali/ Hatiya/ Begumgong.
  11. The Account Officer, Regional Accounting Center, BWDB, Feni.
  12. The Manager, Janata Bank, 29, Dilkusha Corporate Branch, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka. Each package 3 (three) copies of tender documents are sent herewith for selling as per Note-02(Note-A).
  13. The Manager, Sonali Bank, Sonapur Old Town Branch, Noakhali. Each package 6(six) copies of tender documents are sent herewith for selling as per Note-02(Note-B}.
  14. The Manager, Sonali Bank, Mohipal Branch, Fenii. Each package 3 (three) copies of tender documents are sent herewith for selling as per Note-02 (Note-B).
  15. Div. Estimator /Cashier/ Head Clerk, Noakhali O&M Division, BWDB, Noakhali.
  16. Mr. /M/s. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  17. Notice Board
  18. File.

Executive Engineer,

Noakhali O & M Division

BWDB, Noakhali

Note-1:Tenders shall be received in his office on the day and time stated in this notice inviting tenders and shall be sent to the office inviting the tenders on the same day and time as mentioned in the notice as quickly as possible. The opening of the tender should be in accordance with the public procurement rule-2008 and procurement procedures and ammendement thereof.

Note-2: The above-indicate number of sets of Tender Documents are sent herewith for selling to the intending Tenderers up to 14.01.2013 during office/ banking hour at the rate (Which is shown in the tender notice)per set (Non refundable).

The sale proceeds shall be credited to the Janata Bank, 29,Dilkusha Corporate Branch, Motijheel C/A,Dhaka STD Accounts No.36001008 (Note–A) and Accounts Officer, Regional Accounting Center, BWDB, Feni Sub-collection Account No. (06)-4111, Sonali bank, Mohipal Branch, Mohipal, Feni (Note–B). Unsold Tender Document along with the copy of the credit advice shall be sent to the undersigned at the earliest.