Learning Libraries 3.0

May, 2008

Team Action Plan Worksheet: Team Dynamics

1.  Given the following descriptions of team development, which one would you say best fits your team right now? (Remember, all the stages are normal!)

Forming / Storming / Norming / Performing
·  Eager to get started
·  Anxious about team roles and acceptance—who will be in charge, and what will be expected of me?
·  Lack of clarity about the team’s purpose and goals—what are we doing here?
·  Dependent on direction and guidance
·  Need to develop a structure for the team and its work / ·  Frustrated
·  Dissatisfied with the team’s work or the way we’re going about it
·  Haven’t had time to build trust with each other, might feel you could do this project better alone
·  Members are starting to figure out who on the team has the most power to get things done
·  Structures for the team and its work are being developed—but there may be competing ideas about what they should look like! / ·  Increasing commitment to the team and its purpose
·  Growing trust and harmony
·  Sharing leadership and responsibility
·  Thinking of ourselves as a team more often than as a group of individuals
·  Avoiding conflict—sometimes to a fault / ·  Clear about our roles and goals
·  Trust each other
·  Share leadership—it may not be obvious to others just who is in charge
·  We recognize and appreciate each other’s work
·  Morale is high and we are producing the product
·  We are ready for a new challenge, even if we’re not finished our original task

2.  What are three things your team could do to work better together?

3.  Which one of those things would be the most powerful thing for you to do next? (Be ready to report that to the large group when we reconvene.)

Team Action Plan Worksheet: Creating Connections

1.  How are you sharing information:

·  About your team’s progress?

·  About how the customer will benefit?

Who else needs to know? How and when will you share the information?

2.  How are you sharing the Learning Libraries principles with others? What else could you do to make sure others know about (or remember) them?

·  Is it new information, or a refresher?

·  How will you connect the principles to customer benefits?

Who else needs to know? How and when will you share the information?