November 2017

Sandwood Primary School 0141-883-8367


Dear Parent / Carer

Our Christmas celebrations will commence on 3rd November with our pantomime ‘The Wizard of Oz’, as ever with Hopscotch theatre we anticipate a wonderful show….oh no we don’t …….….oh yes we do!!

Congratulations to Rebecca Wright, Keris Richards, Saul Loveman, Aiden Scott, Khaya Taylor, Taylor Wright and Taylor Clark who represented Rosshall LC at the South Cross Country Finals on Wed 1st Nov at Nether Pollok. Excellent sportsmanship and effort was displayed by our pupils. Well done!

Enrolment for Primary 1 is now completed online via Glasgow City Council website.

Our Twitter Page has a link that parents / carers can click to access the page directly. Please note, Parents / Carers do not come into school to complete enrolment paperwork. For those families who do not have access to the internet, paper copies of the enrolment paperwork are available from Olympia Hub 0141-287-8000. You can phone Olympia Hub for paperwork to be issued to you.

We will be holding 2 open days should any new P1 parent / carer wish to visit:-

·  Thursday 2nd November 3.15pm – 4pm

·  Monday 6th November 3.15pm – 4pm

Please telephone school on 0141-883-8367 to confirm attendance.

Our Race for Life was a huge success! So far the total raised for Cancer Research is just over £2000. Money is still being collected so we will inform you of the final total once complete. This was our main fundraiser for this year. We will keep you updated on other fundraising in the New Year.

With only just over 7 weeks left until Christmas we are busy preparing for our events and activities. Details of all these activities are outlined overleaf. I would like to thank everyone for the donations and support given. I realise that this is a busy and expensive time of year and I really do appreciate the generosity of our parents, family and friends.

As always, if you require any further information please don’t hesitate to contact me. Keep up to date with school events on Sandwood Twitter page and Sandwood Parents Facebook page.

Kind Regards

Fiona Donnelly

Head Teacher


Health Spot!

Fuel Zone

On Wednesday 13 December our Fuel Zone will be holding its Christmas Lunch for all staff and pupils.Pupils will be asked to order their lunch in advance to ensure everyone gets their choice.

healthy eating

A reminder that pupils are not allowed to bring fizzy drinks / sweets to school.

The amount of sugar that children consume does affect pupil’s behaviour and their ability to learn. We encourage healthy snacks and drinks.

LOLLIPOPS are banned from school as these are extremely dangerous when pupils are eating these and running about in the playground.

At times of celebration within school we do allow pupils to enjoy sweets / cakes etc. This is in line with Glasgow City Council’s Policy ‘Better Eating, Better Learning’

after school Sports Clubs

·  Badminton – Primary 7

·  Multi-Sport P4

·  Fun and Fitness P1

·  Indoor Games P3

Head Lice

Following a few outbreaks of Head Lice in school we recommend that you check your child’s hair regularly and treat accordingly. See link for further information.


Gym shoes

With the winter weather already upon us we would appreciate pupils having a pair of gym shoes to change into. This help keeps carpets and floors dry and clean. Thank you for your help with this.

Winter weather

We aim to have our pupils outdoors as often as possible, please assist us with this by ensuring your child has appropriate clothing for our lovely Scottish weather. We hold a small stock of clothes for when pupils require a change. Please return any clothes lent to pupils in order for us to maintain this stock.

Eco Spot!


Our JRSOs are taking part in the Elderly Pedestrian Campaign on November 9th. The JRSOs

Will give out bags containing road safety info to older pedestrians on Paisley Road West.

Book club

This is on every Monday morning, pupils can save up each week to buy a book on the last Monday in each month.

Parent Council 2017-18

Parent Name
Sandra Wilson - Chairperson
Wendy Logue – Vice Chairperson
Jackie Naismith - Secretary
Suzanne Trainer - Treasurer
Charles Ellis - IT
Charlene Morton
Carolanne Hutison
Diane Brodie
Donna Russell
Kirsty Naismith
Mikki Shea
Liz Murray
Sam Murray
Miss Young
Mrs Donnelly

It’s not too late if you wish to join our Parent Council just let us know.

The Parent Council are currently helping in organising the Christmas Fayre. Contact either the school or the Parent Council email address if you wish further information or to offer your help.


May I kindly request that parents please leave a space for our children from the LCR to access a path from the car park to their entrance door. There are faint yellow footprints to assist our children with their route.


As you know, we are continually striving to improve the service we provide here at Sandwood Primary School.

Please note any comments or suggestions which you feel could help us to improve, or help us to help you.

We would also welcome any positive comments as it is always encouraging to hear when we ‘have got it right’!


My suggestion is:



Christmas Fayre

Friday 24th November

We welcome any donations for our Christmas Fayre.

Tickets can be purchased from the school office or at the door on the day of the Fayre from Monday 20th November – further information to follow. Tickets cost £1.

New arrangements will be in place for this event regarding access and layout to accommodate growing numbers.

Xmas Organisation

We are collecting £5 contribution per child for our Christmas Celebrations at the moment. This is due by Friday 10th November. Letters were issued regarding this on 1/11/17.

Dates for your diary

Date / Event
3.11.17 / Panto – The Wizard of Oz (Pupils and Staff)
8.11.17 / Active Play graduation 1-3pm, P3 and selected P6 children’s families invited to attend.
10.11.17 / P5/6 baking workshop 1:15-3pm. All P5/6 children’s families invited to attend.
22.11.17 / P6 Japanese Workshop – family learning event All P6 Families welcome
24.11.17 / Xmas Fayre All Families welcome
WB 27.11.17 / Nativity Rehearsals (Pupils and Staff)
WB 4.12.17 / Nativity Rehearsals (Pupils and Staff)
P6&7 dance practice (Pupils and Staff)
Nativity Shows
11.12.17 / Nativity Dress Rehearsal - whole school to watch 1pm – 3pm (Pupils and Staff)
12.12.17 / P1Nativity Performance 1.30pm – 2.30pm – P2a, P2b, P4, P4/5 & P7/6
Families performance - Scots Pine / Rowan families welcome
13.12.17 / P1Nativity Performance 1.30pm – 2.30pm – P3, P3/4, P5/6 & P6, P7
Families performance - Willow / Lime families welcome
P6 and P7 Xmas dance 6.30pm – 8pm (Pupils and Staff)
Christmas Lunch (Pupils and Staff)
15.12.17 / P4/5 & P5/6 Christmas Party 1pm – 3pm (Pupils and Staff)
LCR Nativity Performance – LCR Families welcome
18.12.17 / P1 & P2 Christmas Party 1pm – 3pm (Pupils and Staff)
LCR Christmas Party (Pupils and Staff)
19.12.17 / P3 & P3/4 & P4 Christmas Party 1pm – 3pm (Pupils and Staff)
20.12.17 / Sing-a-long-a Sandwood 9.30 – 10.30 (Pupils and Staff)

Finish at 2.30pm

Congratulations to:


Ava Gibson – has perfected her ‘bridge’ in gymnastics.


Violet Begg – learned to ride her bike without stabiliisers.


Georgia Cassidy- won 3 medals and a trophy in a dancing competition.

Luca Law – won a prize for the best Hallowe’en costume

Orla Wilson– started Rainbows

Callum Dallas- won a certificate and medal for having the best technique at Tae Kwon Do

Sophie Curran – started gymnastics


Grace Wright – won Razzmattaz star of the week at drama and passed level 6 & 7 Scottish gymnastic Association.

Bailey McMillan – completed a Hop, Skip and Jump ballet dance.

Brooke Gaffney – was star of the week at dancing.

Ace Brown – was selected to play a match on Sunday to win a ‘treble’.

Carson Hosie – was selected to participate in a 7 a side tournament at Kilmarnock Stadium.

Dalton Jenkinson– joined Razzmattaz Theatre Group

Lewis O’Brien – won a trophy for his football skills.

Alicia Bryce – moved up to Brownies.

Ava Thomson- Won a talent competition in Liverpool with her Glee Club.

Amy-Lee Shea – is participating in a dance show

Baylee Jackson- has learned to push and glide in swimming and is becoming more confident with her head under water.

Sophia Shankland - joined a Hip Hop Crew


Alfie Hutchison – won the most certificates for challenges on holiday

Isla Wallace- moved up a level in gymnastics

Bailey Bryce - won a medal in gymnastics

Saif Shamarri - moved up a level in swimming

Ayla Hawley - moved up a level in dancing

Alana - moved up a level in swimming


Matthew Bennett –received 2 tags for his brown belt.

Daisy henderson – came 3rd in a dance competition

Brooke Neeson – came 4th in a freestyle dance competition


Adam Parker– moved up to brown belt with 2 yellow tags in Tae Kwon Do


Max Fraser – received a silver medal in judo

Kyle Howie – won a Crab King certificate in a local club

Jay Wilson – earned a new tag on his karate belt

John Swan – won his first match in his new football club.

Amy Millen – can now swim lengths in swimming

Scott Little – learned how to swim when he was on holiday.

Sam Riach – learned how to swim


Rebecca Wright – came 2nd at Rosshall Cross Country heats

Abbie Brown – received 2 dancer of the day awards at her dance club

Ross Ellis - passed his grading at Tae Kwon Do and received a green tag for his yellow belt.

Felicia Dawkins – passed her grading at Tae Kwon Do and received a blue tag for her green belt.


Khaya Taylor– Got through to the semi-finals of Cross Country and won a silver medal for coming 2nd place. She also cycled around Millport.

Taylor Clark– Got through to the semi-finals of Cross Country and is now captain of his football team

Saul Loveman– Got through to the semi-finals of Cross Country and won a bronze medla

Sophie Adamson– was awarded the Friendship Badge


Mirrin Walker – came 2nd in a dance competition

Robyn McIntosh – earned a green tag on her Tae Kwon Do belt