The 501st Legion History Project
Questionnaire for long-time members: an oral history
Hey there and thanks for helping tell the history of the Legion. You’re getting this because your experience with the club is of immense importance in telling fans worldwide about the collective experience we’ve had. I know it may not seem like a big deal, but what the members of the Legion have done over the last almost-two-decades is unheard of. And that’s because of YOU.
I am currently writing a history of the 501st Legion, some of it being dispensed in my blog on, and ultimately the goal is to collect it all into a book that will be published. For that, I need your help – because my role in the Legion is tiny compared to what everyone accomplished. I can’t tell the story alone, there are too many cool episodes to tell, too many priceless moments that I never witnessed, too many achievements I had nothing to do with. So I need you to tell YOUR story.
It sometimes helps to have a structure laid out to help people express themselves. So this questionnaire is a simple Q&A to you, like you’re being interviewed for a documentary. Please take the time and write AS MUCH as you want, tell us how you REALLY feel (it can’t ALL be good, that’s why the story is interesting), and speak from the heart. There are no wrong answers, people want to know “What was it like? How did you feel? What did you see?” No one needs to be a professional writer to tell their story. When it comes time to use your part, I will work with you to help fit it into the narrative, and make sure you approve of what we use.
Believe it or not, this is YOUR story. Thank you for helping us out.
Albin Johnson, Trooper TK210
Founder, 501st Legion
Answer any of the questions below you feel like talking about. Write AS MUCH as you want, because what you write is priceless in telling the story. Seriously!
1 What’s your full name, a list of 501st units you served in (and years you were in them), and an email address where we can contact you?
2 How did you first learn about the 501st ? Why did you join?
3 What was your first trooping experience?
4 Which costume(s) do you troop in? Why do you enjoy costuming as that/those character(s)?
5 Who were some of the first people you met in the Legion?
6 Who are some of the best people you’ve met in the Legion and why?
7 Who are some of the worst people you’ve met in the Legion and why? (don’t worry, we won’t publish anything negative with any names attached and this won’t be used to hurt anyone – we just know there have been some bad spells in our history and we need to know the whole picture – and yes, you can even talk bad about that jerk AL, it makes him more of a human character and he needs to be taken down a notch or two anyways J
8 What are three (or more) of the best experiences you’ve had in the Legion?
9 What are three (or more) of the worst experiences or things you’ve dealt with in the Legion?
10 What are some of the things you’ve seen the Legion do right? When did that happen and where did it start? Who do you give credit to for doing that (and it’s cool to name yourself!!).
11 What are some of the things you’ve disagreed with in how the Legion was run? What period of time did that take place?
12 What are three (or more) things you think YOU brought to the Legion? And you DID bring something or else we wouldn’t be asking you!
13 Do you have one or more cool accounts of any celebrities who dealt with the Legion that would make a good story?
14 Who made your armor/costume? Can you give any names of prominent ‘makes’ of armor/costumes that were influential and what period (in years) their designs were prevalent? What were the advantages of their designs? What materials did they use? Please include yourself if you ever molded armor or made a modification that was worth mentioning in the history of armor/costumes.
15 What are the craziest things you ever did in your armor? When and where was this?
16 What mods did you make to your armor/costume that made it more functional? Anything, no matter how trivial or embarrassing.
17 What are some of the most memorable events you trooped? Tell us about what happened! Leave out no small details, it all counts!
18 Were you responsible for any ‘firsts’ in the Legion? Were you the first in your area? Did you start a unit? Did you break any records or start any new trends in armor? Do you know anyone who fits any of these categories? We need to know where some units first popped up and who made that happen!
19 What made you want to stick with the Legion? How long have you been in the Legion or were in the Legion?
20 If you’re no longer with the Legion, tell us why you checked out? No worries, being a lifer isn’t for everyone – we want to know what makes some people hang up their helmets.
21 If you could name ten historical moments of the Legion history, what would they be? Even if you weren’t there, tell us some key moments in Legion history you think should make the list. If you were there, tell us about them and what role you played in them.
22 Can you send us at least ten of your favorite pictures from your time in the Legion? Please give names of all troopers pictured, and when and where the pictures took place.
23 Did a Legion event, in or out of armor, change your life or have a profound effect on your perspective on something? How?
24 What is the most precious keepsake(s) you kept from your time in the Legion? Do you still have it?
25 Were there any traditions or rituals that you kept (or knew of) in the Legion? Something as simple as hitting a regular restaurant after a troop, or putting a sticker on your armor box, or wearing a lucky charm under your armor?
26 If you ever trooped a charity event, what was it, when did it happen, and which charity did it benefit? Even local charities count!
27 Who are some of the first troopers you know who were in the Legion? When did they troop and for how long? Where were they from? Can you still reach any of them so we can ask them these same questions?
28 How can we use your name when referencing any of these recollections? Is there any material where you prefer we leave your name out or use just your first name?
29 Are there any questions you think would be important to include in this questionnaire for you and other legacy members of the Legion?
30 Is there anything else you feel needs to be in the history of the Legion that you want to talk about? Nothing is irrelevant. Everything is important. Thank you for helping us tell your story.
Again, this is a very important thing we’re doing capturing these memories - thank you for letting us tell YOUR story!