March 22, 2011

April Meeting

You are invited to attend our April luncheon meeting and seminar, which will be held Wednesday, April 20, 2011 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Smartronix in Hollywood, Maryland. Registration begins at 11:00 a.m. The agenda is as follows:

General Business

President’s Report – Karen O’Connor

Approval of Minutes– Robin Cullers

Treasurer’s Report – Deana Kilgore, PHR

Membership – Deborah Terry, PHR

Topic: Benefits Survey

Facilitator: Laurell Aiton, SPHR is the Vice President of Human Resources and Corporate Relations for Smartronix, Inc. She serves on the company’s senior management team and leads all aspects of corporate relations, employee services, recruiting, industrial security, safety, and employee communications. Laurell has 18 years experience in the Human Resources field and is a member of the Society for Human Resources Management, a board member for the Human Resources Association of Southern Maryland, a member of the Southern Maryland Workforce Investment Board, and is currently a member of the 2011 class of Leadership Southern Maryland.

Our next meeting will be a roundtable meeting on April 20, 2011 on Benefit Surveys presented by representatives from Mercer and facilitated by Laurell Aiton and the Survey Committee.

About the Program: Attendees will receive detailed results and analysis of the HRASM sponsored benefits survey – the first of its kind in the Southern Maryland Tri-County area. The HRASM Benefits Survey focuses on HRASM member organizations and includes areas such as health & wellness programs, retirement plans, paid time off, flexible scheduling, work-life benefits, volunteer service, and employee appreciation. You will also receive key findings from two other surveys (Human Resources Association of the National Capital Area and Mercer’s National Survey of Employer-Sponsored Health Plans) in order to teach you how to benchmark your specific organization’s benefits to the National Capital Area (105 participating employers) and the Nation (2,833 participating employers).

This meeting has been approved for 1 (Strategic) recertification credit hour toward PHR, SPHR and GPHR recertification through the HR Certification Institute.

The Officers and Board of Directors have decided to use some of our funds to enhance our memberships’ HR knowledge. Therefore, HRASM will provide attendees with electronic results of the survey on a new HRASM 2GB USB drive. In June 2011, HRASM will additionally purchase the regional 2011 HRA-NCA Benefits Survey for all members.

Food: Lunch will consist of an assortment of your choice of Gourmet Sandwiches, Mixed green salad, Kettle chips, Gourmet cookies, and soda and bottled water. The cost is $14.00 for members and $19.00 for non-members. Payment may be made on the day of the meeting, and preferred payment method is check. NOTE: Survey participants will receive a 50% discount on their lunch cost.

Registration: If you are planning to attend, please contact Anne Mary Cullins no later thannoon on Wednesday, April 13th, at or 301-373-4733 ext. 223. If you register, you are responsible for payment even if you do not attend the meeting, do not stay for lunch, or do not cancel prior to the deadline date above.

Please Note: You will receive a response! If you do not, please call Anne Mary as your e-mail was probably not received!



44150 Smartronix Way

Hollywood, MD20636

We are told that many GPS and Mapping Programs do not pick up Smartronix Way, so the easiest way to describe it is to say it is directly across from the intersection of Route 235 and Clarkes Landing Road. (or as most like to think of it: near Brusters Ice Cream; 23825 Mervell Dean Road; Hollywood, MD20636)

Click for Map and Directions—This link takes you to Bruster’s. Smartronix Waywill be across the street.

HRASM ♦P.O. Box 913♦ Prince Frederick, MD 20678