11 October 17
There will be no newsletter next week.
2017 Camp
The 5/6 Students will be leaving for camp at Lake Ainsworth next Wednesday 18 October leaving the school at 6.30am sharp. Please be at school by 6.15am. and bring along food for the morning tea break. We will be leaving on Friday at approximately 12.30pm and return to school approximately 3.30pm. A text will be sent to parents informing them of our ETA back at the school as soon as we have a more accurate time. If you have any questions please contact the school ASAP. The students will be given their camp hats on the Wednesday.
NRL clinic
Yesterday the students had a visit from Jim Stevens from the NRL who showed the students some rugby league skill based games. All students from Prep to 6 were involved and certainly had a good run around with the instructors.
Darling Downs Athletics Team
Good luck to Caitlyn Springborg who is in Brisbane today at the State Athletics Titles representing the Darling Downs in the discus completion. We wish her well.
There is P&C meeting tomorrow the 12 October at 3.15pm. Please come along and support the P&C. As with the tuckshop there are not enough parents that come along. We would really love some more new faces. The end of year is fast approaching and the P&C will be organising a school disco as well as contributing to end of year functions. All welcome.
Tuckshop continues to be the major source of income for the P&C. This term our volunteers numbers have dwindled to three and one of these is not even a parent of the school. This means only 2 parents have volunteered to assist in the tuckshop. This is very disappointing and more help is needed. It is only 2 hours every few weeks on a Thursday from 9am-11am. If you can assist please contact Leone or the school. It would be unfortunate if the tuckshop had to close because of lack of help.
Assistance is required in the tuckshop tomorrow from 9-11am. If you can help please contact the school.
Head Lice
There is another outbreak of head lice at school. Please check your child’s hair and treat if necessary. Children may return to school after treatment.
Prep Orientation
Orientation for 2018 preps students is on each Friday for the next 6 weeks. If you have a pre prep child and are interesting in attending please contact the school.
Extended learning- Year 6 – Thursday 9th November and Friday 10 November
Thank you to all the families that have returned the Extended Learning form. The cost will be just $20 per student which has been subsidised by the school. Please send this along ASAP. There are 7 students to be transported to Storm King Dam on both days both morning and afternoon. If as a parent of a Year 6 student you can assist please contact the school.
Tenterfield Swimming Club
Tenterfield Swimming Club will have sign on day on Thursday from 4.30pm to 6pm NSW time. Please contact Debbie on 0447 362 211 or 6736 1211 for further information.
Broadwater School are having a Bike Fest on Saturday 25 November at the Broadwater School. Any juniors that would like to show their bikes in the Show & Shine at 11.30am are welcome to attend. If you would like more information please contact Broadwater School on 4683 6281.