BIFC Board Meeting Minutes
June 8, 2015
Marge Williams Center
Board Members present:
Brenda Berry-Green (President)
Craig Heisinger (VP of Select )
Ron Piland (VP of Competition)
JP Werlin (Treasurer)
Bill Lesko (Director of Fund Raising)
Jeff Bryant (VP of Rec)
Pam Conyers (Director of Volunteers)
Liming McMillan (Registrar/Administrator)
Ian McCallum (Director of Coaches
Board Members absent:
Clancy Jacobsen (Secretary)
Director of Referees (open)
Others present: None.
Quorum met. Brenda called meeting to order at 1930. Motion made to approve minutes from last month’s meeting: May 11, 2015. Motion carried.
Officer’s Reports (addendums attached where available)
President Brenda Berry-
· Discussed open and soon to be open board positions. Our gratitude goes to Jeff Bryant (VP of Rec) and Clancy Jacobsen (secretary) as they depart to pursue professional goals. Brenda to craft a letter to be sent league wide (by Liming) that will recruit for these positions. JP suggested using job descriptions as outlined in our by-laws.
· A change in shorts for this year’s girls select program in response to parent input. We will revert back to the Hertha style short. June 19th is uniform sizing day. Anyone who needs to return their shorts can bring them to sizing day. We will ask NIKE and/or to pay for return shipping.
· Brenda reports Ian is ok with referring soccer club members to Caring Bridge site for updates.
· Plans to set up round table meetings with women of soccer to get ideas and plans for how to recruit local girls to the sport.
VP of Competition, Ron Pilland:
· Reviewed working with BIPRD and the potential for concessions during the soccer seasons. What level of return (funds raised) would make it worth pursuing?
Bill Lesko suggested $500 would be a good threshold. Currently BIPRD gets a percentage of sales of regular vendors, does being a non-profit vendor make a difference? Craig shared how Hockey runs theirs @ BPP. Ron to ask BIPRD about their vendor agreements.
· Julie Miller requests a more formal field plan for the long term, eventual replacement of the turf. Most recently BIFC contributed $2,500 for patching and repair. (confirmed by Liming). Ian asked that on-going maintenance costs be included in the plan. Discussion ensued about budgeting in regards to this and the potential future of a clubhouse, field and lights of our own. Island and BIFC growth could most likely benefit from both of these field plans. Per Ian: the current turf is supposed to last 10 years at full use, but we do not use it to its “full use” potential, so it should last longer (if kept in good repair). JP suggests we are within 6 years of budget goal for new turf, but need to know if potential exists for building of another field with club house and lights. Suggested coming up with a process for accurate tracking of information ie tracking pick-up games as well as soccer program participation in order to support this.
· Craig, Ballan and JP to work up a plan for potential BIFC owned soccer field(s) with lights.
Director of Coaches, Ian McCallum: (see attached report)
· Survey is out and initial feedback is positive with exception of fields being too small. Discussed limited field access and conflicts with Track season. Next year to try to get Sakai field as well.
· Coach classes cancelled due to low turnout. Some took class in Woodinville and Mercer Island. Peninsula Coaches have reached out and want to consider teaming up.
· Developmental Academy staff met. Solid group/staff. Goal is to have 30 girls and 40 boys for best player experience.
· Skills training to be held Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:15-6:30pm starting July 7th thru to end of Fall Rec Soccer. Time will be adjusted as days get shorter. Johannes/Ian to update calendar and website.
· Discussion of World Cup and viewing on island. Many families up to Vancouver this weekend, including Ian. Want to find restaurant locally. Bill to check with West Side about USA match on Tuesday, June 16th, 7pm with 8pm start. Will also see if they will show the match on Friday, June 12. Ron to check with Pint and Plate.
· Ron recruited input from Ian regarding the challenge to Spring Rec Soccer Coaches by the wide range of skills level in any one team in the younger age groups. Finding it difficult to address every players needs. Ian suggested skills camps, breaking the team up into smaller groups at practice. Ron asked about putting a check box on the registration form to indicate if this is a child’s first exposure to soccer. Liming says registration for this year is set up, not this year. We can add that for next year, but only for youngest age groups. Not 11 years old and up. The priority for the older groups is that they be able to return to their same team. Pam cautions that if we put all of the players of like skill level together, it might give some teams an advantage over others. . . . to decide which value is more important. Teams built by like-skill level or teams of equitable variety of skill? Suggests assessing participant surveys and also sending out a coaches survey.
· Decision made to stay with same signs.
· Ian laid out plan for support of programs while he addresses his health plan. Maurya will be picking up program support and his team is on board with coach modification. Brenda confirms plan successfully made by Exec committee to budget for Maurya’s support.
· BHS boys season re-cap. Went to Regionals.
· 20 teams, including BI teams, signed up for Island Cup.
· See also DOC report for June 2015
Treasurer, JP Werlin:
· Income up 26k over budget related to select teams signing up. Expenses include: Seattle Sounders tickets, team tourney fees, field maintenance. Net income above plan for this time of year. Bank balance 225k. See attached report.
· Renewing efforts to find second accountant bid.
· 8 scholarship applications received for review and distribution. Some include requests for uniforms.
· Aetna renewal coming up July 1st.
Director of Fund Raising, Bill Lesko:
· Sounders tickets have arrived. Decision made to sell Wednesday 6/10 at Spring Soccer table, WWMS 1615-1915 for $21 each.
· New Sponsors: Dr. Thompson, DDS confirmed. In discussions with others.
· Also recruiting for sponsors for Island Cup.
Registrar/Administrator, Liming McMillan:
· Announced she will be out of town for the next couple of weeks for daughter’s graduation. Please contact appropriate board member for questions/assistance.
· See also Administrator report for May 2015.
Director of Volunteers, Pam Conyers
· Harrison Bainbridge has taken on the First Aid Tent for Island Cup.
· Contacted Sound Repro graphics and got a quote for cost of sign to be hung on fence at BPP 4/5. ($30-90 depending on size of banner) and sandwich board with same message ($125-175, depending on colors). Next to contact BIPRD.
· Need Board members to “own” volunteer groups for Island Cup.
Registration table – Liming
Field Prep – Ballan
Referees – Steve Bucy
Garbage and Recycle –
First Aid with Harrison – Brenda
Parking and Runners –
Field Marshals –
Tournament and daily set-up –
Daily take down-
Will address again at next board meeting.
Have begun seeing people sign-up on website, please spread the word.