This term our topic isThe Anglo-Saxons Summer Term 2017
Fledgling / Out & about
/ Windows on the world
We will be continuing to develop self-motivation and discipline and see the effect that has on our ability to undertake tests in May. The summer production will give opportunities for many to push themselves further out of their comfort zone as they learn parts and perform on stage. We will continue to lead Wake and Shake sessions and host intra-school sports competitions such as badminton and table tennis. / We will be enjoying learning outside the classroom as part of National Outdoor Learning Day. Year 6 will be visiting our capital city, London, and experiencing a big city as well as travelling to Salisbury for a diocese leavers’ service.
As part of our PE we will be sailing in Portland, travelling to take part in cricket and athletics tournaments. / We will continue to explore how other cultures lived as part of our history work and developing a growing awareness of city cultures and how that differs from our own. Our visit to HMS Belfast will help us understand further the effect historical situations had on people. There will be a sense of occasion as Year 6 gather will other Year 6s from the Salisbury Diocese and share a momentous occasion in their lives as they prepare to leave primary school.
As Historians we will be developing our understanding of timelines and the order of some historical events and explore the Anglo-Saxon era. We will use fiction and non-fiction to explore this period of time. We will consider decision making, for example how the Britons responded to Anglo-Saxon invasion and settling and how the Anglo-Saxons responded to Britain and Britons. / As Geographers we will be studying maps and understanding how the physical relief of the land affected the invasion and settling of Anglo-Saxons. We will look at where the countries of Germany and Denmark are located / As Writers we will be attempting some persuasive writing as we explore the different reactions to invasion and settling. We will use our understanding of Anglo-Saxon life to create our own narratives.We will complete our spelling units and continue to focus on Y5 and 6 ‘jumping’ words and personalized learning around tricky words. In grammar we will develop our sentence structures looking at clause order and different types of clauses. / As Mathematicians we will be looking at angles in shapes, qualities of circles and how to plot and translate shapes. We will use protractors and pairs of compasses. The four number processes will continue to be developed and we will look at how these are applied in problem solving situations. We will explore the mean, median, mode and range of numbers and consider algebra.
As scientists we will be looking at how materials can be changed either reversibly or irreversibly and what makes some changes irreversible. We will explore many properties of light too. / As artists and designers we will be exploring how to make clay amulets and why these were important in the Anglo-Saxon culture. We will design a class ‘showstopper’ cake for the Great Powerstock Bake Off competition / As sportspeople we will be enjoying interschool competitions such as Kwik Cricket and Quadkids tournaments. We will enjoy athletic events of our own including high jump, shot put and participate in our annual sports day. / As Linguists we will be
As rights respecting people we will be exploring healthy lifestyles including smoking and internet safety. We will also explore changes as part of the Year 6 cycle of moving on as well as part of our Sex education programme. / As musicians we will be learning how to play the recorder, read music and perform pieces as a whole ensemble and as soloists. We will enjoy learning songs for our summer production and writing our own lyrics as part of the leaving serice. / In RE we will be learning about the Hindu beliefs of Karma, Samsara and Moksha and investigating how these impact on the way Hindus live their lives. Also, we shall learn how Christians show their commitment to God and evaluate if there is a best way of doing this. / As computer scientists we will be using animations to create ‘goodbye’ stories from or to Year 6s. We will also develop our understanding of Internet safety and link some of this to our Sex Education learning.