Southern Regional Station
ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute
Adugodi, Bangalore-560 030 (Karnataka)
F.No.18-2/Estt./SRS/NDRI/2016-17/Dated: 23-8-2016
Applicants are invited for one position of Senior Research Fellow in the ICAR-Extramural research project at Southern Regional Station, ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Adugodi, Bangalore-560 030 (Karnataka). The positionis completely temporary and co-terminus with the project.
No.& Name of the post / 01 (one) - Senior Research FellowName of the Project / Dynamics of major acute phase proteins in relation to energy status during peri-partum period to predict productive and reproductive performance in cows
Duration of the project / up to 31st March 2017
Essential qualifications / Master’s degree in Veterinary or Animal Science disciplines with 4 or 5 years bachelor degree or post graduate degree (2 or 3 years) in life sciences (Biochemistry/Biotechnology/ Microbiology) are eligible to apply for this post.
However, candidates having two years post graduate degree with three years bachelor's degree in above mentioned subjects should have NET qualification. Ph. D and integrated degree holders like B.Tech and M.Tech (5 years) in above said disciplines are also eligible for above said post.
Additional qualification / Those who have minimum one year experience in Animal Science area with above qualification
Emoluments / Rs. 25,000/- per month + 30% HRA for 1st and 2nd year (if applicable) as per ICAR rules
Age Limit / 35 years for Men and 40 years for Women on the date of interview (Relaxation for SC/STOBC and PHC as per GOI/ICAR Rules.
Applications with complete bio-data (indicating name, date of birth / age, address, category, e-mail address, essential / technical / professional qualifications, experiences, research work, list of published books /articles)along with attested photocopies of supporting documents, self declaration regarding truthfulness in the applications, signature with date and place, as soft or hard copy should reachDr A Manimaran,
Scientist & Principal Investigator, Southern Regional Station,ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Adugodi, Bangalore-560 030 (Karnataka), Email: , Mobile: 9538465064, on or before 01-09-2016.
The eligible candidates may further be shortlisted based on the qualification/experience and short listed candidates will be informed for interview via email/website of NDRI.
No TA/DA will be given for attending the interview. Terms and conditions of the appointment will be guided by the rules and regulations of the ICAR-NDRI/funding agency.
All eligible candidate are advised to be present at least 30 minutes before scheduled time on the date of interview for completing necessary formalities. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidates.
Asst. Admn Officer